posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
It just kills me seeing how easily we sent our troops into Iraq but refused to save 800,000 people from death through machete. Did they just not care
as not many westerners were involved.
Great subject. I think this is one of the darkest moments of our modern age.
People can talk about race relations all they want, but the line from Nick Nolte in Hotel Rwanda (the movie) sums it all up. He tells the hero of the
movie, "You aren't even an [n-word]. You're just
Truthfully, there is a powerful current of racism and bigotry that runs through men's hearts. All races can tap into it, and of course, whichever
race is dominant, will probably act on it at some point. I am saying that if blacks were globally dominant, there would certainly be massacres of
whites. Racism and bigotry are not exclusively traits of whitey.
How does one act on racism? Well, this is a great example. The racists acted by
not acting. Simple really. All the world powers argued,
"Our hands are tied and we cannot interfere!" but in fact, the
people of the world wanted them to stand up and be leaders. The people wanted
them to LEAD and solve this horrible problem, not to shrink like cowards as Clinton did.
May the blood of Rwandans forever rest on the head of Bill Clinton and his cronies. May they be haunted by those ghosts for the rest of eternity.
I remember this event well, and the horror of it will never leave my mind. It is one thing to abandon a technological country like kosovo or what
have you, but to abandon people who are really not able to handle the modern world? To incite racism and stand by while it all explodes? In truth, I
think Rwanda was some kind of giant, Satanic orgy. I think there were people laughing and rolling around in blood somewhere down there. They loved
every minute of it, sick bastards.