posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 03:46 PM
What is the most effective method of getting your point across here on ATS? When you find yourself debating with another poster and they don't seem
to be listening to anything you say, how do you get your message through? They don't address the points you make and continue to ignore anything
contrary to their view. You can persist with pushing your points, but often they continue to fall on deaf ears. These posters come in many
varieties. There are the last word freaks (I'm probably one of these), the common agenda pushers and the posters who cannot distinguish opinions
from facts, just to name a few. Often these posters all require one common element to survive...A reply. As difficult as it may be at times, by
remaining silent and resisting the temptation to post a reply, you can silence your opposition.
How do I know? Well this method has been used to silence me a number of times, and to date, I have no answer to it.