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Al Qaeda Link Dismissed

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posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 06:47 AM

The official inquiry into the July 7 London bombings will reportedly reveal the attack was not linked to al Qaeda.

The suicide attacks were planned on a shoestring budget by four bombers bent on martyrdom, according to The Observer.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

interesting news, that i thought i would share with you all

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 08:05 AM
I am not surprised.

I think we have some idea who to point the finger to. There are new "terrorist" groups popping out everywhere- I think they are gong to give "Al Qaeda" a little rest.

If it ever existed at all.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 09:14 AM
THe most laughable thing about 7/7 is the one of the pictures that was released by Mi5 and flashed through the media.

The reason why it's funny is that one of the terrorists has guardrails superimposed over the face even though the rails were supposed to behind the terrorist by at least about 4 feet.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 09:50 AM
LOL, that's the funniest thing I've heard in months Crowley, we went over this in some detail when it happened - those images are digitally compressed which is what caused that effect. There were some less compressed high resolution images going round as well which did not have the anomaly. It was only the highly compressed ones which did


Here, I've dug up a whole thread about it where we all conducted a detailed analysis - just so you can get up to speed

Here's a little taster:

Crappy pic:

Better pic

No wait, don't tell me, the one where it looks like a bar is going through his head is the 'real' pic and the one where it clearly isn't is a new 'fake' pic? Am I right?

[edit on 9-4-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 05:04 PM
I would still like to see CCTV of them getting on to the tubes and bus.

The should be possible considering the thousands of CCTV cameras in London.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 05:13 PM
I remember when they first pinned this on al Qaeda, they were going on some anonymous postings on some website claiming al Qaeda did it. Ridiculous that this would even be reported as credible, but I guess all that really matters is getting in the association of the bombings with al Qaeda early on.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 05:13 PM
No link.

I guess that means that even if al qaeda had never done their deeds.
These guys would have Bombed the tubes anyway, right?

No financial link, maybe..
A psychological link. yes. An Extremeist Islamic Bortherhood, if you will.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by uknumpty
I would still like to see CCTV of them getting on to the tubes and bus.

The should be possible considering the thousands of CCTV cameras in London.

Here are some more pics, I tihnk some might be from their practise run beforehand though.

THis was a dummy run:

Here's one of them making the video that was broadcast after, I guess he thought he was 'just part of an exercise'

I can understand why some of you might be scared and still rather believe that the Government did it of course, I guess accepting the simple fact that there are people out there that have psychological problems and a chip on their shoulder is too much to bare and far to scary. But I can assure you there are..
Why the hell some people are so bent on pinning everything on the Government though is beyond me...

[edit on 10-4-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 04:42 AM
I asked for apples and was given pears. Then you throw some custard on it and call it pudding.

So again I'll state that I'd like to see CCTV of them boarding the tubes and bus as obviously this is what they would have viewed to trace the journey all the way back to Luton.

It's a simple request but one no doubt that will fudged and dodged until the cows come home.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 04:58 AM
Interesting tactics AgentSmith:

i) Mock people who are questioning a photograph. So it was a compression anomaly? Why not just point that out instead of trying to belittle a poster who would appear to disagree with your point of view, Though that does seem to be the last refuge for people desperate for 'Al-Qaeda' to really exist.

ii) Suggest people are drawing conclusions that they are not.

Originally posted by AgentSmith
Why the hell some people are so bent on pinning everything on the Government though is beyond me...

Where does this statement say that the 'government' did it.

The official inquiry into the July 7 London bombings will reportedly reveal the attack was not linked to al Qaeda.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 05:38 AM
No tactics are involved I can assure you, I simply get impatient and tired of people swanning around stating things as fact when it's incorrect and they frankly don't know what they are talking about.
If I had a pound for every time it happens I'd be very rich.
The problem is this irresponsible action doesn't serve to simply show the individual as being misinformed, it potentially leads a whole group of people to believe what is incorrect information.
Sorry if I sound a bit upset, but it gets frankly annoying. I feel obliged to comment when I see such an inaccurate statement being made otherwise you'll have countless people walking around believing something false. But the way the remark was made was pretty provocative in nature, but i guess that's OK?

As for images of them getting on the bus/trains, I'm sure there are countless images of the whole thing, but only a very small number are usually released. If anyone doesn't like it instead of complaining that it's being withheld why not get up and do something about it?
Write a letter, get your solicitor to write a letter if it's that much of a concern. If you don't ask you don't get, I always hear people say that stuff is being withheld but 90% of the time it's because they expect it to be handed to them on a platter instead of having to do anything for it.

As for the 'Government did it' comments, the whole thing dredges up memories of discussions which basically go down this route - maybe an unfair generalisation to make in this case but when it's all you ever hear you kind of start expecting it.

I also get sick of people implying that to believe any aspect of an official story means you automatically subscribe to the whole thing and are a flag waving gullible moron.

There are two types of sheep, the ones that follow the Government and the ones who tend to be completely anti-Government and follow mainstream conspiracy theories.

Then there are people in the middle who actually have an opinIon of their own

I.E. rather than repeat what Alex Jones/or pals has told me to think regarding the image for instance, I actually bothered to look into it myself as did a few others.

[edit on 10-4-2006 by AgentSmith]


posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
I remember when they first pinned this on al Qaeda, they were going on some anonymous postings on some website claiming al Qaeda did it. Ridiculous that this would even be reported as credible, but I guess all that really matters is getting in the association of the bombings with al Qaeda early on.

YES!! Gads I talked about this the other day with my fella. If we, you or me, in ATS quoted some anonymous poster on some website, we would be shot down for giving pathetic sources! I wish we could hold our press and inteligence gatherers to this standard.

It actually ticks me off no end.


posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by AgentSmith

No wait, don't tell me, the one where it looks like a bar is going through his head is the 'real' pic and the one where it clearly isn't is a new 'fake' pic? Am I right?

Agent Smith, Im a tad confused. That picture still shows the bottom bar going through his body! A bit odd, still compression? Ive not seen these pictures before, so dont worry, I dont believe a single thing about them

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 06:33 AM
If you follow the line of the building down you can see what people commonly perceive as being his body is actually the building behind, his arm bends in front of him at the elbow before it gets to the railing.
As I err... said. If you click on the link to the other ATS thread you can see all this, it's all been well covered already


Here's a copy of one of my posts in the other thread

1. The bar going through the man's head - well if you look the artifact carries on along into the other mans head, it looks like the lines you get when you play a video back, just a normal viedo artifact. If it's digital it may be due to the compression, I know there are a at least some members on the board that know a lot more about these things than me so maybe one of them could comment.

2) If he is holding his hands like the man in front of him then it makes sense. At first it looks like it is going infront of the man's coat, until you follow the line up and see it is actually the line of the building. Which the rail IS in front of.
As the picture quality is a bit grey and low res and his coat looks similar in colour to the building it creates this illusion.

Anyway I'm not sure how this thread degraded into a repetition of the 7/7 bomber picture discussion thread, oh wait a minute - yes I do.
Someone chimed in with an irrelevant and false comment.. I remember now..

Speaking as a member (this forum is not my responsiblility) perhaps we can get back onto the topic? Any discussion of the validity of the image perhaps could continue in the appropiate thread, though I'm not sure there is anything else to discuss?

The fact that people are willing to do this sort of thing off their own back without any help from an outside organisation is to be expected, but seriously worrying. All the information required is easily available on the Internet and in libraries to anyone without even having to go on a terrorist site.
No amount of monitoring can be reasonably expected to guard us against this kind of thing, the best solution is to try and understand why some people feel they have to resort to such measures and rather than try and scare or threaten them into complying, we have to do something about making people not want to do things like this because they don't have any issues.

[edit on 10-4-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 07:23 AM
Amazes me to this day that people are still having significant difficulties in analyzing those photo images, whether compressed or not.

Great job in explaining, AgentSmith.


[edit on 10-4-2006 by Seekerof]

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 07:30 AM
Thanks seeker, apologies to those I insulted - I'm sure you can understand my frustration at seeing people barking up the wrong tree so much later when their attention could be better spent on valid issues. The fact so many sites still have up these images as some sort of 'evidence' when they have been clearly explained is irresponsible and almost suspicious. I find it hard to believe that after all this time the supposedly intelligent owners of said sites actually still believe it, assuming they ever did.
I guess some people are more desperate of finding a conspiracy than finding the truth.


posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 09:36 AM

Anyway I'm not sure how this thread degraded into a repetition of the 7/7 bomber picture discussion thread, oh wait a minute - yes I do.
Someone chimed in with an irrelevant and false comment.. I remember now..

Really sorry about that, its the reason Ive been a lurker for two years and not a poster. Usually I check links and do some reading before I ask any questions. Today I didnt... got a bit carried away with my transition from luker to poster!

Again, sorry for being part of the derailing

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 09:57 AM
Don't worry about it, sorry I was being such an ass....
I should be annoyed with the people that peddle the ideas not the people that trust them in good faith.
If you look around you'll see some excellent examples of where I trip myself up and kick myself back down, so I can't really talk.
For God's sake though, don't let an arrogant moron like me put you off posting!


[edit on 10-4-2006 by AgentSmith]


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