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Does the YF-24 really exist?

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posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 02:50 PM
this one looks good

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 11:31 PM
Has any more information on the YF-24 ever been released or leaked? Since there seems to be no speculation aon any NEW projects I'm forced to revive old topics that i'm interested in.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:20 AM
Well I found online a post from another forum that states that the YF-24 was an F-15C with a forward swept wing and canards that was made as an alternative in case the YF-23 YF-22 competition was scrapped due to costs. There is a picture but it looks a bit suspicious. Regardless of the pic I think that the explanations seems very plausible and matches the pilots website regarding that he had flown the YF-24.

Here is the link:
YF-24 pic

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 01:15 PM
That's a pretty cheesy Photoshop job. Also, that configuration wouldn't make any sense from the perspective of modern U.S. aircraft design philosophy. It would be a giant leap backward to the early 1980s (HiMAT, X-29, etc.).

The real YF-24 was reportedly first flown in the spring of 1997 by Lt. Col. Joseph A. Lanni. He made the first flight as well as a number of others to evaluate flying qualities, performance, and avionics. One source has suggested it was a technology demonstrator and that there was a subsequent follow-on program.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 06:48 AM
Check this out:

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 09:18 PM
Given the similar timelines to both the X-36 and Bird of Prey testings, I'm curious if the YF-24 is similar to the both of them as far as being a tailless fighter, designed and built by one of the other big hitters in the black world (Lockheed/Northrop?). I'd take a flyer on it being Lockheed given their extensive success with black projects and with stealth technology in general.

I seem to recall rumblings on Dreamland Resort that there's something new brewing down Holloman way- perhaps a connection?

But as with these sort of these things, the above is just another round of mental gymnastics.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 10:05 PM
Go to and have a look see some real nice pic's this is the YF24 BTW just got the F35 by TPTB, DoD, and ready status, long story as how it is done.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Shadowhawk

I've followed this thread with keen interest but have held off contributing as I've not really felt knowledgable enough to do so. That said, I've decided to throw out a few ideas/questions anyway, and apologies in advance if these are way out of left field

Whatever the YF-24 was/is, it seems the concensus is that the designation was not a typo and it at least refers to some sort of aircraft program past or present. Using that as a starting point, is there any credibility for it being any of the following:

a). A Navy project that came about after the A-12 fiasco and before the JSF competition?

b). A company funded technology demonstrator (like BoP) that ended up getting some funding - hence the YF designation and the rumours of a follow-on project? (Of course, such a follow-on project does not mean it is still flying around today or ever led to an operational aircraft.)

c). The DoD loves its competitions (YF-22/YF-23, X-32/X-35 etc), so could the idea that the YF-24 was a brief company funded project also explain why: a). there was no obvious competition that we know about (unless I'm missing something or blanking on a big part of the debate), and b). very little information has subsequently come to light?

Obviously I fully realise that the lack of information means we can only speculate, and that's what these ideas are, but would be interested to hear your thoughts.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:50 AM
I should pull out my copies of the 'Ace Combat' games. They always seem to feature aircraft that are not yet known to the public...
I'm kidding, but there's some uncanny looking stuff on there.

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