posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Leonardo01
i posted some suggestions for you, already!
i haven't been to this lovely place in oh, so long, but imma thinkin' itsa where i might need to be.
right now.
thanks Leonardo!
i'm a poet, by nature, and i'm more into the flow of words and the impression they weave while telling the story.
to me, it is a two-fold process that creates any good can't-put-it-down story or book: it has to have a magnetic storyline, no doubt about that, but
also it has to flow and somehow seduce the reader into a captivating mental dance that just never quite gives enough lull to allow withdrawal, yet
doesn't overtire the mind to the point of having to withdraw (or put the book down, as it were).
i'm not sure, but that might be the underlying beauty of prose.
i'm not good at plots. i just don't think of them, although the handful of ideas with which i've inspired myself enough to put pen to paper have
been satisfying, at least on a personal level. it is kind of like they are still poem ideas, but with just little more room to breathe in.
anyway, i'll help and be helped quite willingly!