posted on Oct, 13 2003 @ 08:43 PM
You go to work,you are cleared to enter the facility with you verichip(or card),you go to the store,you pay securely with your verichip(or card),you
go to the doctor,your medical info is brought up by a computer with the reference data on your verichip (or card).
At least that is how those promoting it are advertising it for more widespread use....
Now if you use a credit card or celphone,you can be tracked pretty much anywhere anyway,but those in power want you to have something implanted in
your body that cannot be stolen or lost.
This technology is a direct offshoot of the red light cameras we have around the US,you go through a light and you get mailed a ticket.
Just recently they announced that it was possible to track celphones via GPS,some states passed legislation making it legal to do so for the reason
of finding phones which had 911 (emergency) dialed up,for the reason that the person may have dialed 911 intentionally and maybe fell unconscious
OK,so now we have celphones being tracked,and you can even judge to a degree how fast they are going from the intervals between switching from tower
to tower as it travels along,plus the location info.
And then this push for gun control.
Looks to me like they are just trying to save labor by not having to hire as many cops,and still mail you a ticket for speeding if your celphone is
going too fast.
But a chip is in your body,so less mistakes will be made while trying to steal your money.
It'll be awhile before they really get into the real usefulness of the technology,the greedy bastards.
But they will.