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Autism Created by the CDC?

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posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 07:41 AM
I found an article about the possibility of the CDC and a mercury additive that possibly causes autism. Based on no facts at all, im going with my guy and saying that I believe there is a strong possibility of this. Like come on... we all know AIDS was created in some lab, why couldnt this be.

CDC and Autism

Any thoughts?

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 09:16 AM
Anyone that has any real knowledge or has spent any real time investigating specific cases of autism will inevitably come to the conclusion that the cascading disaster that is autism is triggered by the thermisol included in vaccines, no not because it's an essential or active part of the innoculation, but simply for the manufacturers convenience to increase the shelf life.

THAT last statement tells the whole story.

If you are trained in the art of disinformation, you will immediately see everything that comes out of the CDC on this and related subjects is politicalspeak.

Let's get some facts straight...

But before we go on, what's the quickest way to clear a room full of pediatricians? Tell them you want to have a child tested for mercury poisoning.

Or even better... Tell them you want to report an adverse reaction to an innoculation!

Just watch their eyes. World class sprinters.

Only an idiot would let ANYONE be innoculated... Much less a developing child. The round of shots scheduled for 18 months of age are particularly devastating. To understand why, one simply needs to understand the concept that the organic mercury is drawn by the metabolic intake of the fastest growing nerve cells.

This is why some children are hit much harder than others. If your child is speaking early, if you listen to anything this nutjob is telling you, do NOT let your child be inoculated.

The facts? Quickly cuz I've got a 1031 exchange class this morning...

It's not thousands of brain damaged children... It's MILLIONS.

You want a good laugh, ask any doctor how autism is diagnosed... It's a symptoms checklist. No, I'm really not making this up.

I really understand if you don't believe me. And that is totally cool with me...

Just remember that autism (read BRAIN DAMAGE) is brought to you by the same folks that have brought you botox (read botulism), stomach staples (fat people are such easy prey), and high cholesterol medications (they're safe right?).

What you aspiring doctors need to do is create your very own syndrome that you can of course only treat with some really expensive drug, or alternatively a cheap drug that will then become expensive...

Here's one...

PLOMFA. A very serious disease. I'm pretty sure there's a hereditary component of this devastating disorder.

Call your doctor now and schedule a consultation. Don't be a victim of Panty Lines on My Fat Ass syndrome. Call now before it's too late! And remember, we the people at GSQ really care about you!

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 10:06 AM
I think u hit it right on the spot Golemina.
De-commercialising healthcare would be a great step forward for the world...

The way medicin is going on today is not much different than the medicin man of the local village of bush-men in Timbuktu, only more advanced in thinking up all kinds of new diseases and new (expensive) cures.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by phiniks
I think u hit it right on the spot Golemina.
De-commercialising healthcare would be a great step forward for the world...

I agree. With BOTH of you.

Keep up the good work - and if you can, PLEASE find a few links to support your statements. Goes a long way.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 10:44 AM
Phamacudial companies are kind of like big oil. Prices for oil goes up when they need to switch to teh summer grade fuel.. like that even exists. The only thing about pham companies is that they auctually create medication to control symptoms. I havent seem any that auctually cures anything. Maybe this is why the herbalists are discredited because their stuff auctually works.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by prophetfxb

Maybe this is why the herbalists are discredited because their stuff auctually works.

Herbalists are being discredited mainly on quality and control, likely so Big Pharma can take over the herb industry. And probably patent most of the plants too.

...A lot of these issues have been investigated thoroughly here at ATS. Again, having links and sources works wonders towards buidling a case.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 12:41 PM
Shorter thread, some info on p2, the rest is mostly side-tracking:

Long thread with lots of repetition, but more info:

I've heard thiomersal is being phased out and autism is no longer on the rise? Let's see how they weasle their way out of this one, perhaps by terror , a new war, or just plain deafening silence?

Imho, the most disturbing aspect of this catastrophy is motivation, thimerosal was introduced agressively a bit more than decade ago, using massive repeated vaccination against diseases which were not that common in infants, like hepatitis B (administered on day#1!). for no apparent reason and in 2002/3 thiomersal got axed, pretty smoothly it seems. if this wasn't intentional, i don't know what it was.

My guess? let the autists grow older, condition people into accepting euthanasia for the 'worthless retards'... or so they believe. What they failed to grasp was that the entire population now suffers from a wide spectrum of neural damage (AD/HD anyone), if TM is realy the cause, this is a crime of genocidal proportions.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by soficrow

Maybe this is why the herbalists are discredited because their stuff auctually works.

Herbalists are being discredited mainly on quality and control, likely so Big Pharma can take over the herb industry. And probably patent most of the plants too.

...A lot of these issues have been investigated thoroughly here at ATS. Again, having links and sources works wonders towards buidling a case.

Im especially interested in this subject because my daughter is slowly approaching 1 year old. Big Pham has everyone scared about innoculating your children because of the possible outcome of sickness. I want to know if this is really necessary. I know I had my shots when i was a child but somehow i feel its a different world now.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 10:30 AM
My parents neighbors have a child who developed autism after she had her shots. I definitely think there is a connection.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 12:10 PM
I have a colleague whose granddaughter developed autism (seemed to have been born normal and normal development but then became autistic). I wonder, also, could this have been caused by mercury the mother may have gotten because of eating mercury tainted fish? (I tried to search ATS for prior thread of mercury fish but came up empty, probably my not being able to search well).

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 03:07 PM
Do all vaccines contain these dangerous preservatives, or is it only a few?

I don't have children, but if I did I would be extremely wary about what I let strangers (with medical degrees or otherwise) inject into them.

The rising incidence of autism in the U.S. is frightening, as well, and I've really been wondering what the culprit is... this may prove the lead that I've been looking for.

Thanks for posting this thread.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 04:57 PM
I have got to tell you SofiCrow, your asking for links comes off as doubly amusing to me.

Being one serious nutjob and I like to get my hands dirty. Read I've worked with autistic kids (and their parents)... Bottom line is the info I'm sharing with you is ALL first hand stuff. It's not stuff I got off of some crank website.

Here's the second part I find kind of amusing... The presupposition that if something is not found on some website that it somehow doesn't have any substance.
You dig what I'm saying to your brother...

I've been playing in this field for going on close to 15 years and I have got to tell you that contrary to what you might think, the internet doesn't really provide any relief to the insanity the medical industry heaps on just regular folks.

In fact, I would say just the opposite is true. In regards to trying to put together true medical relief and true medical knowledge to help people in need, the internet basically only serves to muddle the big picture.

The real action happens elsewhere...

The disinformation is absolutely staggering.

Here's a couple of info snippets so you can get a hint of my perspective.

SIDS. Ever heard of it? No such disease. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Sounds serious. The kids... they're are definitely dead. Bottom line is those fatalities are typically from adverse reactions to innoculations.

You would think it would cause someone think about or tabulate these deaths and the correlations to innoculations... That will NEVER happen cause doctors KNOW that innoculations are safe!

The really insane part of SIDS is the far reaching ripples that result from the MIs absolute refusal to deal with the reality that innoculations kill. It has resulted in a cascade effect on nursing, where someone in their omniscience determined children were suffocating on beddings or spontaneous constrictions of the throat due to sleeping on their stomachs. There's a hereditary component you know...

Do you have any idea how many children a year choke on their own vomit because parents & nurses adamantly refuse to let children sleep on their stomachs... You know where the vomit would naturally clear their breathing passages... and run out of their mouths. No! They have to sleep on their backs, often to the point of being bundled/restrained, so that they can avoid dying from a myth.

I'm sorry that is macabre!

Gulf War Syndrome. Same thing... doesn't exist. It's a nasty immune response to the HUGE number of combo shots given to our boys going overseas. If you know someone that suffers from these adverse reactions to innoculations... trust me, THAT is real. You want to know exactly HOW debilitating it is... Just ask them, they are immune system TMI experts.

Kind of like 'friendly fire' when you think about it?

I could go on for weeks in this vein. It's beyond disturbing. I'm pretty sure when Einstein was talking about infinite human stupidity, he had to have the MDs in mind.

Their stupidity is only exceeded by their arrorgance. Their arrogance is only exceeded by their refusal to even look at ANYTHING that might burst their little medical cult.

Almost all vaccines have preservatives. Supposedly thimersol is being phased out, but you want to keep in mind, that the 'phase out' is strictly voluntary.

I am NOT making that up!

Keep in mind that ALL preservatives, by the fact that they ARE preservatives are bad! Injecting them past that fancy blood-brain barrier.

It's OK I tell you... I'm a doctor! It says so on that piece of paper on the wall!

A friend of mine when I was in school was an undertaker (family business
). He actually liked preservatives! He said they were great! Nowdays, we ingest so many preservatives in things like processed foods, cereals, etc... he said it really increased the shelf lives of corpses!

Enough babbling!

- Bottom line innoculations don't work.
- Newborn infants inherit and are protected by their mother's immune system for the FIRST TWO years of their lives.
- I've run ad hoc samplings of kids in elementary schools and easily half... 50%!!! have autistic symptoms. The only ones that really get officially tabulated are those poor guys who fall in the PDD/not able to speak buckets. Those sweet kids are hidden somewhere else besides the classroom.
- Contrary to what those lying school district bureaucrats tell you, you don't HAVE to have innoculations! (there's ALWAYS an out)

In a true monument to Einsteins theory of human stupidity... If innoculations work... how could kids NOT innoculated POSSIBLY cause your innoculated kids to get sick? Think about it...

It's like a gorram insane Monty Python skit!

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 01:29 AM
1. Just use some common sense people, HIV was not created in a lab. The first proven case of infection with the HIV virus was in 1959, well before the technology was available to create a virus. And that was just the first documented case, it was probably already infecting humans in Africa since at least the 1930's.
2. Yes, there might be a link between Thimerosal(a substance used to preserve vaccines) and cases of autism. However, autism has also occured in children who were never vaccinated, so Thimerosal exposure is not the only factor.
3. Herbalists are being discredited because they are ineffective in curing or treating disease, not because of the pharmaceutical giants. Homeopathic remedies were all the rage in the middle ages, but they didnt stop the Black Death or increase average life expectancy. Nope, that is what pharmaceuticals did. After all, why would people bother creating pharmaceuticals if herbal remedies were effective?

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by The Parallelogram
Do all vaccines contain these dangerous preservatives, or is it only a few?


should list most vaccines currently in use


Originally posted by golemina

There's a hereditary component you know...


Everything is genetic nowadays, including your salary and preferred brands.


Originally posted by apw100
However, autism has also occured in children who were never vaccinated, so Thimerosal exposure is not the only factor.

Are you sure? take a look at the amish, no autism and no vaccinations.. coincidence?

[edit on 10-4-2006 by Long Lance]

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by apw100
1. Just use some common sense people, HIV was not created in a lab. The first proven case of infection with the HIV virus was in 1959, well before the technology was available to create a virus. And that was just the first documented case, it was probably already infecting humans in Africa since at least the 1930's.

Hmmm. Same time as H5N1 bird flu appeared. After we started using live vaccines and introduced Simian Virus 40 into the human population?

You may have something there.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 09:48 AM
My money would be on Edward Hooper. And if he was right, then in FACT yes, HIV (Both types I & II) was created in a lab by MDs/' pharmaceutical giants' in their pell-mell pursuit of riches via the first effective polio vaccine... No. No... because they wanted to safeguard mankind from the ravages of polio. Remember, we the people at Merxe & Company really do care about you!

Take the time to read Edward Hoopers 'The River'. He is absolutely brilliant... AND the very poster child of the MDs 'their arrogance is only exceeded by their refusal to even look at ANYTHING that might burst their little medical cult' allegation some nutjob has made in this very thread.

It's only fair to tell you that reading 'The River' should only be undertaken by those with at least slightly above average attention to detail...

Ah... It's good that someone from the MDs camp has FINALLY shown up to set us straight that pharmaceuticals work and 'herbel'/homeopathic remedies don't.

Please do share with us YOUR 'phamaceuticals' remedy for autism...

While we are waiting...

I have to send out a personal thanks to Edward Hooper, a journalist! by trade... I have to confess I worship at the altar of this mans intellect... and his painstaking descriptions of the symptoms of those afflicted with advanced HIV (read AIDS) which lead to that Eureka! moment when I realized...

Many children with autism suffer from the same symptoms as terminal AIDS patients.

I can't actually tell you how we repaired these little autistics because some VERY serious men with badges and guns would put me in PRISON for practicing medicine without a license...

I am NOT making this up!

But with a whole lot of help from the alternative medical community we were able to remedy SO MANY problems with these little kids using only the things that alternative people do...

Look MA... No drugs!

Unfortunately, idiots like me can only take pot shots from the shadows... We seem shackled to only help those who could be helped with only the tiniest of nudges in the right direction... We who can only speak in code and in vague generalities...

Some of us apologize for not being able to rescue you from the clutches of 'medical science' (
). Whatever your malady is... There IS help. Seek and ye shall find.

Here's to hoping you too feeling the pure joy of returning a child to school that someone felt was a throw away.

It's all good.


posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by golemina
My money would be on Edward Hooper. And if he was right, then in FACT yes, HIV (Both types I & II) was created in a lab by MDs/' pharmaceutical giants' in their pell-mell pursuit of riches via the first effective polio vaccine...

Its quiet possible that HIV has been with us a very long time and is like other hosts of virsuses we have, dormant and docile, doing us no harm.

AIDS is another thing. In my opinion AIDS is a result of a few things; vaccinations/antibotic over use, life style, anal sex, heavy drug use (especially amyl nitrite).

AIDS in Africa is another thing, usually poverty is still killing these people, malnutrition, diarrhoea, TB etc.

The whole HIV=AIDS hypothesis needs looking at... yeah right, a billion $$$ industry is really going to do that.

The HIV/AIDS meme is a powerful tool. Tip of the iceburg indeed

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by soficrow
Hmmm. Same time as H5N1 bird flu appeared. After we started using live vaccines and introduced Simian Virus 40 into the human population?

You may have something there.

That strain was H2N2, not H5N1.

Originally posted by Dae
Its quiet possible that HIV has been with us a very long time and is like other hosts of virsuses we have, dormant and docile, doing us no harm.

AIDS is another thing. In my opinion AIDS is a result of a few things; vaccinations/antibotic over use, life style, anal sex, heavy drug use (especially amyl nitrite).

AIDS in Africa is another thing, usually poverty is still killing these people, malnutrition, diarrhoea, TB etc.

The whole HIV=AIDS hypothesis needs looking at... yeah right, a billion $$$ industry is really going to do that.

The HIV/AIDS meme is a powerful tool. Tip of the iceburg indeed

This is another rediculous idea. It just blows my mind that some people buy that argument. If HIV doesnt cause AIDS, then why do 100% of people with AIDS test positive for it? Isnt it coincidental that millions of people, who have no lifestyle similarities, are dying of the same disease? Sure, if PCP(pneumocycstis carinii pneumonia) showed up only in amyl nitrate users, then you could conclude that amyl nitrate was a contributing factor. The problem is, it doesnt, it also infects all other AIDS demographics! And it doesnt affect anyone who is HIV negative(except for a handful number of cancer patients who are also immune suppressed). The list goes on... Toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus(symptomatic), candidiasis, Kaposi's Sarcoma, etc.


posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 11:04 AM

This is another rediculous idea. It just blows my mind that some people buy that argument. If HIV doesnt cause AIDS, then why do 100% of people with AIDS test positive for it?

Thanks. So, everybody who has candidiasis is HIV positive? No. So if you do test positive you have AIDS but if you test negative have candidiasis. Im sorry but that logic seems rediculous. Oh and another logic twist. Do 100% people who test HIV have AIDS?

Anyway, I dont want to derail another thread today, so I wont comment on anymore of yer comments here.

Maybe we should start our own thread?

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by golemina

Let's get some facts straight...

You want a good laugh, ask any doctor how autism is diagnosed...
It's a symptoms checklist.
No, I'm really not making this up.


thanks golemina, your message touched on a few areas of concern.

As far as the thread starter that asserts Autism spawned from CDC??
or something to that effect, there may be one grain of truth in that idea

but~ i'm pretty sure Autism was diagnosed much earlier in the last century.

What the CDC and the medical community has done is to expand the
"Definition" of what Autism includes and has even permitted elementary school counsulers and run-of-the-mill social workers having positions in these public schools to input their own laymans' diagnosis of these

Pretty much what golemina stated in her post (which is quoted above)...
the whole screwy HHS, AMA, CDC, et al...evidently wants the whole population of public school students on medications, ProZac or Lithium or other meds or psycho-tropics...
very few of the kids excape/elude the dragnet of Hyper-Active or ADD or various other snares that seems to want control over the citizenry...

'They' tried the Autism trap on my son some years ago, but i yanked him immediately from public school- before he was labeled & stereotyped for the rest of his required schooling years-
& he finished his required 12 years in Private Schools, went on to Community College as prep work, then went on to College...

I, having a greater insight & knowledge of my son than the teachers or other personnel at the public schools, tried at first to let them reconsider that their diagnosis & the subsequent red-flag/pigeon-hole of 'Autism' would be more properly seen as mild-dyslexia...but 'they' wanted his soul & spirit & the Fed windfalls that would perpetuate their positions at the public money trough.


golemina, you might want to add (sp?)Thaylidmide to that list,
many of those disformed babies of the late '50s are still with us,
even as a kindergardener that episode of medical-science affected
me, and was (i think) my first exposure to conspiracy-theory or at least
to be wary of big-peoples beyond the sanctuary of family & home.

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