posted on Oct, 14 2003 @ 08:32 PM
How to seperate from this prison according to my gurus,
The goal of human life is to break the cycle of birth's and deaths and merge with God. This can be accomplished by following the teachings of the
Guru, meditation on the Holy Name and performance of acts of service and charity.
Without devotion to the Name Divine is birth in the world gone waste. Such consume poison, poisonous their utterance; Without devotion to the Name,
without gain they die, and after death in transmigration wander." (Guru Nanak, Raga Bhairon)
"True life is life in God, contemplation on the Name and the society of the saints" (Guru Arjan Dev, Dhanasari)
"I shall merge in the Lord like the water in the sea and the wave in the stream. The soul will merge in God and like air I shall look upon all alike.
Then why shall I come again? The coming and going is under the Will of the Lord and Realising This Will, I shall merge in the Lord" (Bhagat Kabir,
"The disciple of the True Guru (God) dwells upon the Lord through the teaching of the Guru and all his sins are washed away" (Guru Ram Das, Var
"Our service in the world gets us a seat in the Court of the Lord" (Guru Nanak, Sri Rag)
"One known as disciple of the holy Perceptor must, rising at dawn, on the Name Divine meditate" (Guru Ram Das, Raga Gauri)
The five cardinal vices are; Kam (lust), Krodh (anger), Lobh (greed), Moh (worldly attachment) and Ahankar (pride). If one can overcome these, they
will achieve salvation.
"Five thieves who live within this body are lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego. They rob us of ambrosia, but the egocentrics do not understand it
and no one listens to their cries" (Guru Amar Das, Sorath)
"I am in the Refuge of the Lord; Bless me, O Lord with your Grace, so that the lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego may be destroyed" (Guru Arjan
Dev, Gauri Sukhmani)
I believe this body to simply be a case where within lies our true selves, souls.
Calling it a prison sounds something on the terms of Bhuddist philosophy, who try to break free if thier physical realm of hell to reach utter nirvana
heaven( correct me if im wrong, im going of the top of my head)
I dont believe this physical realm is a prison but more of a nursery where we learn and understand life, and sort of a test of wills.
With all of societys whims it takes a pure soul to push all of them aside and live life without the five cardinal vices are; Kam (lust), Krodh
(anger), Lobh (greed), Moh (worldly attachment) and Ahankar (pride). If one can overcome these, they will achieve salvation
Honest labour and work (Kirat Karna) are the approved way of living ones life. It is considered honourable to earn ones daily bread through honest
work and not by begging or dishonest means.
"He who eats what he earns through his earnest labour and from his hand gives something in charity; he alone, O Nanak, knows the true way of life"
(Guru Nanak Dev, Rag Sarang, pg. 1245)
Vand Chhakna, sharing with others is also a social responsibility. The individual is expected to help others in need through charity
These are the morals taught by are gurus and these are the morals I live by.
Sure thier are times when I wish I could just win a lottery, but it seems easy and provides no substance to my soul.
I love buying a pair of pants with my hard earned money.
If one can overcome and achieve all of the above stated can he/she break this cycle and merge with God.