posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:51 PM
its good to hear from you guys
a blatant mind control experience occured i was at the mall a couple days ago, this was the EBE. as i was practicing the conversion of though unto my
many subjects, i heard an
"i love you man."
as i walked, i kid you not, i heard my minds thought propogate from about 40 yards away, very clear, very concise, saying,
"you dont even know me."
my mind, taken by the EBE and supplanted into a different region of space time. to where i am assuming was the man who uttered that phrase. this is
the first time anything like has happened to me. this leads me to believe that the totallity of your mind will supersceed the actual convergence of
cognitive thought, that inner sanctum of mind. perhaps the closer you are to the totallity of the knowledge of the mind leads to the actual
recognition of the origin of thought.
i might have alluded to notion similiar to this before but here is what i believe to be a sound addition to my entire theory of mind. that while under
the effect of telepathic convergance, your mind will be connected to others minds. under this effect the knowledge you retain will have a negating
effect to any knowledge that is already under your comprehension of love (knowledge is love remember). you know that knowledge, you love that
knowledge, you follow? well seeing as the love for this knowledge remains as such any attemp at telepathic resonation of the supplantation of thought
unto your thought will result in the automatic negation/mind choking of that thought. due to the hate of that thought which is already known to that
person. since their are only two emotions being recognized by your mind, then the love of the knowledge already in the mind of that person would hate
what is trying to be expressed because the knowledge would be unesasary. this would explain how the EBE's mind choke was so overwhelming, they
already knew exactly every notion i was attemping to present to them. by simply recognizing these thoughts at the forumlation of the knowledge of the
tottality of the mind, he was able to negate a full swath of intellectual coherency, and in effect choke my mind.
trust me you guys, little green men are cool!