what i am about to explain to you might very well be the key that will unlock the shroud of mystery surrounding the EBE civilization.
"you have no more time on this windshield." spoke the EBE (presumed grey, i think the have an accent) from what could only be a ship floating above
my house, two nights ago as i lay in bed.
clear and concise the voice afluently crossed my brain into easily recognizable forms of thought. as the fear of what he said overtook me i began to
ponder why have they told me this.
"no more time you say? well i am still laying here arent i..." i thought
only after dwelling on the notion of death for a few minutes, i found my mind racing to figure what they might have meant. what dawned on me was a
notion that i had discovered only weeks past. a notion that lead me to an experience that nearly defies human words, the notion of pure love. what i
had come to conclude after contemplating and peicing together the puzzle of fragments of insight and my personal experiences with EBE and research
into them on the internet (the most prevelent of which would have to be the ALIEN MIND E book be one of our very own, gl2) is that it telepathy has
always been there, only in different forms.
as some of you might know already, seeing as i have posted a lot of this stuff before, i have attemped remote viewing, come into contact with several
EBE, through several different manners of conduct, and have attempted to accomplish the philosophy of mu through meditation. all in hopes to attain
the one ultimate goal of enhanced communial frame of mind through the ability of telepathy. something i believe that if one person knows how to do
shortly after the whole world will begin to know how to do, through a chain reaction effect.
the first notion of enhanced frame of mind through telepathy dawned on me almost 2 years ago as a pondered the effects of gravity on the knowledge of
the human mind. how subtle emmitions of the energy of one persons brain can conflict with the gravitational density of another persons. logically
deducing knowledge as being an ultra light substance we have the capacity in our minds to create channels of levels of mass in order to ramp the
knowledge into the snug little confines of our brains.
this notion led me to the beliefe that if i cleared my mind freeing it of all thought, and attained mu (the notion of being at one with the universe)
then i could easily manipulate and carve these channels out of space time in order to pull all the thoughts being emmited by my friends, family, and
neigbors into my own brain. months upon months of deep mediation followed. resulting in what i can tell you was an enhanced level of intuition and
awareness. with miniscule voices poking at me during moments of isolation, subsequent inflictions of strong emotional energy seemed to churn forth
from my city, but nothing ever to absolutely concrete ever occured, where i could easily distinguish what was trying to be communicated, and also with
a lack of control over the frequency of intensity.
enter EBE 1
"boo" he said jolting the frontal portion of my brain, i sprung up from my napping spot dashed outside to peer up into the sky and observed a
brilliant red orb hovering over my neigbors house this was the end all and be all to what i had been searching for, the final proof and absolute
discernment of telepathic communication.
about a year went on with everything staying the same, except for a healthy dose of reaffirmation as i listened to coast to coast am radio station,
where my mind seemed to actualize itself within goerge noorey, simultaneously expressing the notion.
"its happening"
followed by several encounters with my EBE counterparts, where one took me on an astrally projected experience, flying around with a green EBE i ended
up giving him a hug, being mind choked by him, and praying to him. another where i was shot with a mind beam that showed my temperature readings with
a picture of the arctic regions, super structures, forests, rivers, and streams of text from all around the internet. perhaps only intending to show
me that they cared these experiences mostly confused me and my efforts into discovering the secret to what allowed them to blurt, yell, and supplant
knowledge directly into my mind void of any mind beams or technology.
retaining the notion of telepathy in the back of my mind, constantly focusing my thoughts i would attempt at mind probes, channeling others minds from
isolation, which i thought would help harness my overall ability at telepathic convergence, i had come to a brick wall. it was there, yet it was so
subtle and so indecisive.
that is until i read the ALIEN MIND e book by gl2 a man who lives in davis CA spoke of communicating with an eldar EBE. among other things, he
explained that telepathy is possible because of the zero-point energy of the universe. where three photons of light converging onto a single point at
every point in space time exhude electrogravtiy which emits negative energy which travels at a rate faster then light. this energy also adheres to the
thoughts in your head. as i sat comprehending this information i imagined all the conflicting energies of the minds instantaneously supplanting
knowledge through whatever means necesary. upon traverseing the mall later that day i found my self to be absolutely astounded at the increased level
of comprehensional telepathic awarenes as i stood on the balcony of the food court over looking all the cars driving in and out of the mall. only
comparable to a sonic boom the largest shock of telepathy shook my mind to its nerves.
things slowed down, life went on, my contemplative efforts continued. i started posting more, i stopped smoking pot, i got out to the clubs, things
were alright. i could feel that the comprehensable telepathic awareness in my town was increasing. my mind probe capabilities increased, and as i
practiced diligently at the art of mind ctonrl i could sometimes feel my self directing the thoughts of entire rooms full of people as i really
focused my minds energy. i could feel what i was looking for, responsive efforts, i would usually direct rooms like bars and clubs with light hearted
comentary, disclosure into EBE, theories on governmental affairs, mostly telepathy though. still though the level of amplitude i wanted was
this all brings me to the last two weeks, where basically i have told some of my closest friends these things, been told i was either a genius or
apesh*t insane, and have come to a number of new theoretical possibilities. really just dawning on these notions, one such idea spured forth as the
wheels in my mind meticulously turned late into the night one night. a revision of one of my original ideas, that as the knowledge in your head
fluctuates sifting sorting and peicing together bits of information, we as inhabitants of a universe with a constant force of gravity would be able to
messure these flucations of energy with our very sensative neurological receptors. that as the thought converged onto a the single cognizant point we
would be able to recognize that density of energy.
this is where i believe remote viewing comes into effect. just as how people remote veiw objects with out being near them we have the ability to
remote view thoughts. consiously going through our daily lives we have a subtle ability of remote viewing, where the similarities in a humanoids
phisiological structure would make inhabiting their body by way of your mind possible. with knowledge being prestented to your mind in its purest form
the energy convergence would warrent the onset of neurological induction. you think what i think and vice versa, or as i like to call it cogversion,
where two peoples minds meet in space time. as we remote view each others deepest inner sanctums clarity of mind will prevail to direct the currents
of knowledge flowing through our minds.
the totality of it all, recognition of the entirety of the universe know all that is good and all that is evil, and what i think happens is that a
negation of thought takes place. where you can distinguish the path in which a current of the knowledge of a subjects mind will flow. there by
effectively being able to direct their flow of knowledge.
there we have it, the instantaneous supplantation of mind, and the road to the communial telepathic awareness. to create a society where everyone
knows what everyone else is going to do so as to perturb the onset of evil ambition.
now for the most important lesson to my post. all through out life, no matter what happens in any situation what so ever all you will ever do is
either love someone or hate someone. the two points to the universe, light energy and dark energy. all emotion in between is a weakness to the
ultimate cause of advancing the knowledge of love. with knowledge being the fundamental force driving our beings, we from day one only know and see
the knowledge of the world around us. it is in a essence our life force, irrelevant emotional affliction ditract from the fundamental layers of
knowledge the material world provides all around us. now this is key, as you negate every possible adherence to emotion your mind will formulate what
we all hope is pure love, or pure light energy. as you come to realization of pure love all the energy of your mind will converge onto a single point,
emitting what i believe to be a most profound telepathic occurance.
what lead me to the conclusion of there being two points to the universe was an occurance happening earlier that day, where a friend of mine whom i
had related a good portion of the information stated above to, was busting my chops in the subtle telepathic manner i was always accustom to due to
the fact my idea of negated emotions had increase my telepathic recognition and caused me to behave abnormally, i smiled at the this. then for some
reason unlike anything that i have ever gone through in my life i saw his mind crying to me, and felt a power so intense it caused me to run outside.
upon returning to my friend i felt the strongest telepathic occurance ever, it was at the level of the EBE. later in the day i felt the most intense
emotional feelings, it was as if the hole world knew excactly everything about who i was. it felt as though all of my clarity of mind and meditation
just came back to me in a torrent of furious emotion. its as though the purest form of energy, the pure love, touched on the mind of all of humanity.
at the same time though i felt so much hatred, like memories of any improper inclinations of years past. what i think is that the closer the two
points of energy come together the more intense the energy of knowledge becomes, the knoweldge of your mind, the key to telepathy.
also i think that dreams represent your subconsious. your subsconious afflictions are all products of your emotion. your emotions all have conflicting
levels of energy, when you are happy at somebodys misfortune they will feel the exact opposite of that reaction and feel sadness. that memorie which
remains will ultimately be the driving factor of your subconsious, the ability to not recognize levels of energy implanted into your mind. as
recognition goes people will have conflicting emotions. always being pushed down, these things will ultimately misconstrue our efforts to do well for
our selves. locking us into emotional dilemas, time will ultimately tear us apart for better or worse. well what i think is that with out the
confliction of emotion the misconstrued conceptions of actual relevancy we as people and our minds will be free, absolutely free to remote view
whatever we want, whenever we want.
this then leads back into telepathy, when everone always knows what everyone else is thinking then the confliction will ultimately solve itself
instantaniously. the communial mind set through increased levels of mind energy through the negation of all emotion except for love and hate. we will
then be able to see ourselves through time, think about our minds. our bodies are mostly comprised of water, well if you jump in a river and feel the
current pushing you in one direction well then you are gonna know that you are gonna be swimming in that direction for a little while. we will be able
to compensate for the currents of knowledge as time goes on.
with that i will tell you i have successfully mind choked people on television twice, i just stop watching now. its the convergence of the energy of
the mind onto the point in space time the camera is directing you to.
why the greys told me what they did, well you see its all for the betterment of love and fruition of the universe. there is nothing to fear but fear
itself. they are aware of this, and are also probably aware that i hate what they told me. or mabye they are done staring at me through their
and if you have made it this far i comend you
now if you would all use your advanced knowledge of logic and science to smash my theory to the nether regions of the darkest nebula of the gamma
galaxy, please why else would i come here?
good day people of ATS
-Stuart Bastian Rodriguez
[edit on 7-4-2006 by sturod84]