Hey I was browsing the internet and came upon this video. It looks spectacular. A little too spectacular if you ask me. I have never seen this video
but that isin't saying much as I have little time to view everything. If this is a repost I apologize. Just looking for opinions and or background
info on this hoax, fake(if it is one) Video
Thats been around a while. I got bit by that one as well. if I'm not mistaken it was proven to be not real. It may have even had something to do with
the SCI-Fi channel. They did a real good job on it tho.
I know who ever did this it is nice. I just don't know what to think. Maybe someone can remmember where it came from so I can put this to rest.
Notclever- Thanks man . Is there a way to see what the sci-fi channel produced as promos or no? Like would the sci-fi channel have information on
there previous promos? I just would like to know how you guys know it is SciFi promo. I am not arguing with you, just want to get some back ground on
1. I saw it air on the Sci-Fi channel
2. The cloud and vapor trail at the end form the Sci-Fi logo
3. Rense has a discussion of it - It's on the actress' resume and everything