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why do people support liberals?

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posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 02:46 PM
somebody help me i can name hundreds of reasons why not to support liberals but i cant find one reason to support them! any ideas?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 03:08 PM
Just a quick question first...

Since there are dozens of countries where liberals are represented, which do you want to discuss?

Each one of them is different, maybe it would be a good idea to focus on one particular country.

I know there is a difference between the Liberal Party of Canada and the Democrats in America, for instance, so...where do you want to start?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 03:37 PM
This is just a rant thread, if worksoftplayhard was looking for genuine answers, they would not have been so blatantly ignorant when initializing this thread.

Mods do we have space on the servers for this type of tripe?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Koka
Mods do we have space on the servers for this type of tripe?


Please try to be a little more compassionately conservative with our members.


posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 03:51 PM
Then I will ask:

Please provide examples of all these reasons, and here comes the difficult bit, try to do it without ranting.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 03:58 PM
im not ranting!... am i? im just want to know why people in canada still support liberals. the liberals wasted billions of canadians tax dollars, were on route to eliminate the notwithstandingclause, and god knows what else.

for what reason would anyone in canada want to support liberals?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 04:04 PM
Tell me how the Conservatives have done any better? Remember Mullroney? Drove the country into the ground. Drove up the deficet, higher unemployment. It was the Liberals who got the books in order and actuall balanced the budged.

The current conservative party supports the war in Iraq, Supports the missile defence system, is anti-abortion, anti Kyoto...sound familiar? Harper is Bush's lap dog and nothing more. So I ask you, why would you support the conservatives?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by sensfanSo I ask you, why would you support the conservatives?

because theyre currenty working on a plan to reduse gst to 5%, because steven harper has a brain unlike paul martin, because steven harper knows what hes talking about, because overall, at the moment, conservatives are music to my ears compared to the old liberal money sharks of canada.

[edit on 6-4-2006 by worksoftplayhard]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 04:24 PM
If you are lucky the Conservitives in Canada will do as good a job as they have here.

Since the Republicans control every part of government they have used their power to shrink government, they have balanced the budget, slashed government handouts, stopped the government interference into peoples privite lives, etc. They have kept every promise they made and have never stooped to blaming the countries problems on the party out of power.

We now know a period of personal freedom and econamic prosperity that we have never seen before.

All this has caused the entire world to love us and try to follow our lead in everything.

one thing I would like to add is this.....

[edit on 6-4-2006 by Amuk]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 04:37 PM
Cut the GST, yes, but have you heard they are also scrapping some tax cuts to the middle and lower class to make up for the shortfall? Cutting the GST is not the answer to anything.

OTTAWA -- A sales tax expert says the federal Conservative government should abandon plans to cut the GST and instead revive income tax breaks pledged by the Liberals because these would leave more money in the pockets of individual Canadians.

David Robertson, a Toronto tax lawyer, said the math shows that the former Liberal government's plan would save Canadians $29.1-billion over five years, while the Tory goods and services tax cut would yield only $26.8-billion in breaks.

He said that's because not all the $32.3-billion the Tories budgeted for GST breaks in their election plan will reach individual Canadians. About 17 per cent will instead be reaped by businesses such as banks, insurance companies, doctors, residential landlords and government bodies.

It's obvious you dojn't want to know why people support the liberal party, as you are just going to bash them.

Originally posted by worksoftplayhard

Originally posted by sensfanSo I ask you, why would you support the conservatives?

because theyre currenty working on a plan to reduse gst to 5%, because steven harper has a brain unlike paul martin, because steven harper knows what hes talking about, because overall, at the moment, conservatives are music to my ears compared to the old liberal money sharks of canada.

[edit on 6-4-2006 by worksoftplayhard]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 04:41 PM
The one and only time I ever voted Liberal in Canada was for the first term of Pierre Elliot Trudeau...and we Canucks all know what problems we inherited from that.

There's no doubt that the Liberals under Cretien served us abysmally. The Gomery Inquiry and Dingwalls obvious glee over his 'entitlements' will sit like a hairball in my gut for decades to come.

As for Harper, time will tell...but, as an Ontarian, fresh from the Mike Harris Common Sense Revolution, I'm not going to stop watching. I liked that Harper went to Afghanistan to visit the troops. I also like that he is going for closure on the softwood debacle. I'm also happy to see us on a better footing with America.

These are all good things.


I'll be watching 'sly eyes Harper' during his tenure and if he smells like Mike 'The Hammer' Harris...he'll never get my vote.

PS...good post sensfan

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 04:50 PM
Worksoftplayhard, couldn't have said it better myself.

No offense, sensfan, but why do you refer to Mulroney, I don't believe he has been in power since hmm.. 1993, and just a little bit of info for you as you seem to enjoy blaming all conservatives including our new PM, for past mistakes made 13 years ago. Harper left Ottawa in 1987 as he had become disillusioned with Mulroney himself.

I dare say, considering your Liberals, had been in power for soooooo long, didn't get much done did they? Oh and by the way, thanks to Mulroneys GST, we now have a surplus. Actually we have had a surplus for a long while now, even though Martin and his minions always screamed they were broke. More lies. They were supposed to scrap the GST, long after it served its purpose but they didn't. More broken promises.

Goodbye Liberals, long live the Conservatives. Harper is the first Prime Minister in a very long time that actually has a brain in his head, and isn't afraid to use it or put it to hard work as the leader of our Country should.

I wouldn't put much stock either in Harper being Bush's, pet, as I think more than a few of our World leaders will be very surprised and impressed with our new PM, as he certainly knows how to command respect, without demanding it. Big difference there.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 04:57 PM
Would any of you Conservative supporters care to convince me that cutting the GST and scrapping some other personal taxes is a good idea? Or do you like to see more money being made by big business instead of working people?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 05:20 PM
I can name hundreds of reasons both parties suck.

The reason I don't vote Conservative is they aren't the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada anymore, they are the Reform/Alliance. I'm from the West and have had a long time to hear idiotic comments from all the former Reformers who have taken over the Conservative Party.

It's a sad day for a Red Tory when the Liberal party is closer to my ideals than the Conservatives. :shk:

At least the Liberal Party lets elected MP's talk to the press. The Conservative Party MP's has been forbidden from talking to the press and has to run everything through the PMO. How is that supposed to make me feel comfortable with them??? And how is that open and transparent???

PS Don't let us scare you off Canadian Conservatives! Without you, PTS threads would be boring. We need you if we are going to take PTS over, and eventually the world.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 05:33 PM
Sensfan, I would like to have income tax lowered, I don't know anyone who wouldn't, I hate seeing almost half my paycheck disappear, and yesterday in the house of commons it was left open that the conservatives may be able to do this as well as a GST cut. One thing about personal income tax cuts is that not everyone qualifies. It is actually the lowest income earners who dont' pay tax as they fall into a different bracket.

At least with the GST every Canadian gets a tax break. There is always the comments that the GST only helps the rich, because they purchase expensive items
The rich aren't the only ones that buy cars, nice clothing or big screen TV's. Most middle class families have these items or more.

Maybe the GST doesn't seem like alot, but it is a start. Small steps eventually do cover alot of ground.

One more thing, after all the broken promises from the Liberals, why would you think that if they were re-elected, that they would have kept this promise?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 06:02 PM
show me a list of broken liberal promisses, and I'll show you a list just as long of Conservative broken promises.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by alphacenturi
Oh and by the way, thanks to Mulroneys GST, we now have a surplus.

I think the Liberal Finance Ministers may have had a small part to play in the surplus. If we can't blame the Conseratives for things that happened over ten years ago, it's a little unfair to give them credit for something that didn't even happen until Martin became Finance Minister. The deficit ballooned under the previous Conservative government, not shrank.

You can't have it both ways.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by sensfan
show me a list of broken liberal promisses, and I'll show you a list just as long of Conservative broken promises.

Same story the world round.

People have to start realising that it really doesn't matter which government is in, they normally spend a majority of thier time clearing up the mess of the previous administration, which means sacrifices.

Promises made are predominately short term solutions to appease the voting public. In Britain Labour got in by occupying the center left as opposed to the socialist left, with this sway to the right they lost thier far left voters, but brought in voters from both the liberals (center) and the tories (right).

Unfortunately, they are more Conservative than the Conservatives these days, but thats cos' the Conservatives can afford to promise what they like until the next election.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by sensfan
show me a list of broken liberal promisses, and I'll show you a list just as long of Conservative broken promises.

are you saying you support those lib lefties? you should know your supporting a criminal (thou shal not steal from the taxpayer)

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 12:22 PM
Yes, I proudly support the Liberal party thank you very much. Are you saying you support the Conservatives? The anti abortion, anti homosexual, anti climate protection conservative (aka, reform) party?

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