posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 05:27 AM
Iran and america
you see there is a problem here, we will not win in iran just as we have not won in iraq. I for one know how they fight, i was over there for quite
some time.
Now Dont get me wrong, im not saying that Iran is going to beat eh pants off the American troops, or that america isnt going to whoop the bear fat out
of Iran but read on and hear what i have to say about both.
Below is the good and the bad.
The Good Points about America:
America is a military force that is composed of volunteers whateer thier reasons.
America uses high tech technology when usable in conditions.
The soldiers are better trained and access to weapons and vehicles that are far superior too that of anything Iran has.
Well trained to working in groups and has a variety of Weapons, such as missles, scuds, and the like.
The Good Points For IRan
Iran is composed of majority of Muslim peoples. So throw in the fanatics who are willing to blow themselves up and take everyone with them in the name
of their god.
Fanatcism has proven in the past to be a pain in the kiester, look at the crusades. anyways back on point.
They may not be as well trained but they know their land well and using the tactics that they have. Fanatics are up there iwth volunteers.
They have limited weaponry but are resourceful in using it.
Bad Points for America
The troops have never been properly trained in the past on desert warfare, the dangers of the deserts leaves problems with the troops.
There is time in getting thigns too the troops and making sure that they are well supplied.
IED (Improvised explosive devises) thse are very hard to detect and there are so many of them it is impossible to avoid them. i shoudl know. they dont
look pretty when they go off on the truck in front of you. very messy and scary.
How can you destroy an oppenent that the more you kill, the more that rises up in their place, killing someone who beleives that he is doing it for
his god and the only way that he will get into heaven, is very hard. religion sucks sometimes.
Low end weapons from iran can destroy and kill troops. just take Mogadishu and the black hawks, outdated rockets took out how many black hawks? an old
AK-47 or Karkov will still kill you.
The armor that the military gives the troops is sorely inadaquite. Trust me on this, ive seen an AK penetrate a jacket pretty easy at 30 feet. most
fightiing in the area is done in small and upclose areas. so there are lots to get shot at.
Bad points for Iran
We have a much larger standing miltary and have more weapons of mass destruction.
They dont have as many allies as we do.
Limited resources.
so basically looking at all the pictures, its a war that will continue on and on, like this bloody war on terrorism, Bush opened up a can of worms
when this one came on, how can you destroy something that exists everywhere and will as long as there are ooposing veiws and dissention. im sorry but
its not going to happen..
So it will boil down to what is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. wont be fully closed, and will still be occasional uprising and fighting.. no win