posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 03:55 PM
Hi CellerDweller,
I wouldn't focus all you're anger on the Mexicans, as their are higher forces at play here. Our economy is reliant on illegal immigrants, which
hopefully will change for the better. Although I know some came here illegally, there are many who are determined workers and willing to put up with
living condtions I'd never be able to handle. They do this for the sake of their family, and I can't blaim a person for doing whatever they can to
help their family.
Also, you state that you mow your own lawn, fix your own car, grow your own garden, etc. I commend you, as most people don't want to do these
things, hence hiring cheap labor to take care of it. Anyway, I just want to give you much respect for being so self-motivated, I'm pretty