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Bigfoot and ET in cahoots???

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posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 02:58 PM
Okay I picked up a book at the library called "The Big Book of the unexplained" (10/10 in case you wanna know.)

Anyway in the midst of all of its intrigue theres a chapter called the Sasquatch Saucers and it deals with many cases of Bigfeet and Aliens appearing and interacting with each other.

One case involved two men follwoing a saucer to a canyon where it met with several hairy hominids. They turned and saw two of them standing behind them. The things just stared at them for a moment and the men ran.

Another case involved two men who found a small buzzing black box on the ground. They backed off and encountered two Nordics who told them they did the right thing to back away. Then a Bigfoot came out of the bushes and approached the box. It changed frequency and the sasquatch died.

Does anyone know of any other encounters involving sassie and ET? I find it interesting as people often wonder if we were an alien experiment. Maybe we are, and the Bigfoot is only a partial success.

(Maybe this should go with the aliens? Mods its up to you)

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 02:15 PM
No offense man, but i sincerely doubt that if these two mythological creatures exist they are working with each other. If anything, aliens might investigate the creature and possibly conduct experiments with it. To what benefit would bigfoot be to an Alien? Much less than a human, is what I say.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 05:27 PM
If bigfoot does exist it would be our genetic cousin and also not as intelligent to us. Could they not be using them for some kind of research? There are accounts of et's creating human hybrids, and bigfoot dna would be similar to ours.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 11:26 PM
I mean its fun to think about,.. i guess.. But if aliens want a human and have been intelligent enough to hide from civilization all this time they would easily have the capability to snatch up a human with no pravail. Alien/Human hybrids are not test tube babies either.. They use a women surrogate to house the baby, and if this were true it further denys the possibility of Bigfoot being of use to extraterrestrials. Some people even believe that aliens made us intelligent beings.


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