Originally posted by crmanager
First...Godservant. You have blatantly and repulsively advocated bombings of innocent civilians. You need help before you hurt yourself or others.
Next please just answer one question
You first need to realize that some of us are able to accept the FACT that WE are under attack. You may not see the unnecessary TOXIC chemicals that
are going into our food as BOMBS against the American people, so it is understandable that you do not believe it is RIGHT to desire the destruction of
those people as well.
Would you let your neighborhood CRACK dealer determine the ingredients of your families diet? NO.
But you know damn good and well that DRUG DEALERS with much deadlier chemicals are in control of the Fright-House.
A chemical that have been BANNED throughout the rest of the 'industrialized' world is injected into our Dairy supply, simply because the SOURCE of
the chemical is in control of your diet.
A day doesn't go by that our media isn't warning us about the potential and the effects that the "bird-flu" would have on this nation, but the
USDA does not only FAIL to conduct test for MAD-COW disease...
they are actually trying to deny some meatpackers the right to test for the disease.
What does this prove?
I think the main reason most of us are not fighting back right now is because the approach we would have to take on our 'enemy' would be treated as
terrorist activity by the same murderers we would like to kill. And so far any and all efforts to expose the destruction we are all being subjected to
has resulted in one or two people being persecuted for threatning 'national security'. Do you expect me to sacrifice my life to make the American
people aware of the issues they have been ignoring for years?
Also the fact that none of US are willing to deal with the consequences of biting the hand that feeds us POISON. We would rather accept the fact that
we are going to develop cancer from the food that we eat, instead of making the effort to provide a better source of nutrition for ourselves.
For the people who are 'outraged' by others implication of destroying the source of our own demise, you have to realize that your attitude of
remaining in the prone positon while this experiment is being conducted on you is repulsive to some of us as well. It is not as if we could reveal the
amount of infection that is pouring through our society and reach some kind of 'common ground' with the primary source of our disease. This
government will either aim to eliminate or demonize anyone who tries to expose the truth about their intentions and desires.
It is almost impossible for the typical American to understand and acknowldege that we are being murdered by the government they believe is providing
them with 'freedom'. But some people do understand the cost associated with the illusion of freedom.... we are lab-rats with no recourse.
What good are 'civil rights' when we do not have the luxury of living as if we have HUMAN rights?
If animals were being treated like 'the people' are, PETA would step in and try to salvage our lives. So far, we are not fortunate enough to possess
that type of representation.... or we do not deserve it.
Is it morally wrong to desire the death of the people who are eliminating ALL of our children's future? If so, you can ride on that high horse as
long as you want, or at least until the infection riding on it's back consumes it's spinal cord as well.
What part of the PATRIOT ACT or HOMELAND SECURITY is responsible for protecting the people from being DESTROYED by this government?
It's not a matter of what is stopping us from 'fighting back', it's a matter of how did we ALL develop a slave mentality in a world that is
saturated with solutions to the biggest problems we face.
I'm not a very smart man, but when I see something like this
, it's hard to blame the government for treating us like a disease.
If this is how we harness and utilize the pure eternal power of WIND....
we are obviously IGNORANT as hell.