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The human brain is the most complicated structure in the known universe.18 It contains over 100 billion cells, each with over 50,000 neuron connections to other brain cells.19 This structure receives over 100 million separate signals from the total human body every second. If we learned something new every second of our lives, it would take three million years to exhaust the capacity of the human brain. 20 In addition to conscious thought, people can actually reason, anticipate consequences, and devise plans - all without knowing they are doing so.21
Originally posted by the_sentinal
according to this web site there is scientific evidence for creation dispelling the theory of evolution .....other places on this site talk about finding human fossiles in the same layers of earth as dinosaurs ........WOW!!
Originally posted by Dexsquab
Originally posted by zenlover28
3. The Global Flood... The Biblical record clearly describes a global Flood during Noah's day...
Yes, it so very clearly does. What it doesn't clearly explain is just how Noah got all the way around to Australia, picked up some kangaroos, wallabies and platypii, stepped on over to New Zealand, grabbed a kiwi bird or two (well, two), went back to the middle east, got in his ark, floated around until the mighty Ararat resurfaced, crashed into it, and then, erm, I think he mailed the animals back to the antipodes.
Presumably the aforementioned deity upon whose orders said ark was constructed just folded space to get them back to their point-of-return.
It sure as gehenna doesn't mention it in the big book though, does it?
Global Flood... one boat... morons.
Originally posted by Astyanax
Sentinal's bloodcurdling avatar hasn't appeared for a few pages now. Are you still with us, man? And if you are, is your creationist belief as firm as it was before you started this thread?
Do you feel you have learnt anything from the discussion, and if so, what?
Originally posted by Byrd
It includes the famous evidence-mangled cases such as "mammoths found flash frozen with food in their mouths" evidence (actually, I thought that one was true till I did some serious investigating!)
Originally posted by the_sentinal
"Did The Kangaroo Hop All The Way To Australia?" and the following answer is given:
"Populations of animals may have had centuries to migrate, relatively slowly, over many generations [from the Ark]. Incidentally, the opposite question (also common), as to whether the two kangaroos hopped all the way from Australia to the ark, is also easily answered. The continents we now have, with their load of flood-deposited sedimentary rock, are not the same as whatever continent or continents there may have been in the pre-flood world. [Remember, God arranged for male-female representatives of each terrestrial animal kind to come to Noah (Gen. 6:20) during the 100 years that he was given to construct the Ark (cp. Gen. 5:32 w/Gen. 7:6), presumably on a giant (united) super-continent.]
We also lack information as to how animals were distributed before the flood. Kangaroo (as is true for any other creature) may not have been on an isolated landmass. Genesis 1:9 suggests that there may have been only one landmass. ("Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.") For all we know, kangaroos might have been feeding within a stone's throw of Noah while he was building the ark.
Originally posted by shaunybaby
The fact that marsupials are only found on the continent of australia, suggests 'evolution' at work. It doesn't mean that all of a sudden the land mass broke off and all the marsupials and kangeroos just happened to be on that specific part.
Originally posted by the_sentinal
why does it mean evolution?? a more plausable reason would be that the land mass broke apart and the kangaroos were on that sepcific part has nothing to do with religion but logic.
Originally posted by shaunybaby
Originally posted by the_sentinal
why does it mean evolution?? a more plausable reason would be that the land mass broke apart and the kangaroos were on that sepcific part has nothing to do with religion but logic.
Because australia doesn't just break off and float over to it's current position in a day. It takes millions of years. Also they've never found any marsupials elsewhere, to think that all of them were in that one region, and absolutly none ventured elsewhere would not be logical in itself.
it shows how evolution works in different ways. the same reason why native africans look different to a person say native to england. i'm not really sure you can be native to england...i guess if you're ancestors go back to the saxons etc.
Originally posted by mytym
It would be really something if a site such as this presented a convincing argument opposing their view.
We also lack information as to how animals were distributed before the flood.
have not heard anything suggesting that this evidence is false or erroneous
a more plausable reason would be that the land mass broke apart and the kangaroos were on that sepcific part
Originally posted by the_sentinal
Some people tend to see (perhaps deliberately) only a small part of Darwin's Theory and then ignore the rest.