posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 02:43 AM
Hey fairly new here but thought I'd give a thread a shot
Anyway, are there any fans of the post-rock movement here. I realize post-rock is a stupid term but what I'm referring to is Mogwai, Explosions in
the Sky, Godspeed and A silver Mt zion, and Tortoies. Anyway, these are some of the more bigger players in the movement, I know there a lot more but
the above mentioned is what I listen to. Also Isis is good if you like incredibly metal rock that's mostly instrumental (Pelican too)
I guess the point of this thread was for me to see if there is any interest out there, I'll help you get started if you're interested in finding
things. Also I realise there are many music afficianodos who know more than me about this and was wondering if they can recommend anything.
Thank you
[edit on 5-4-2006 by Kwyjibo]