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NEWS: Iran Launches Satellite

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posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 01:12 PM
Let’s try this again. America has military bases in how many nations across the globe? They allow true terrorism to go on in Africa, and capitalize from the suffering!? They control the IMF and World Bank, as well as govern the policies in many third world nations through evil and corrupt leaders which they placed and are on a payroll of American tax dollars. The only thing they care to receive at the cost of untold innocent lives is resources to fuel their citizen’s reckless, selfish, consumption. Iran, which will not be the end of any future attacks, is only attempting to defend themselves from the global onslaught of an apathetic and selfish group of men who wish only to build unimaginable wealth and power over the globe at the cost of any lives, be them citizen or foreigner, civilian or fighter.

If Iran is indeed attack and a state of war is declared, NATO will have no choice but to help conquer this land and split it with Russia and China. No one is going to risk such a world war again like was fought in WW2 because it will cripple the stability of the entire human population on this planet. When giants fight everyone feels it. But when a gain gets some of his friends to stomp out some bugs, no one cares or even notices for that matter.

China has merely become a U.S. puppet, due to the fact that our capitalist thinking has infiltrated and is slowly converting them. I don’t really know what’s up with Russia.

My point: Iran is only trying to defend itself from imperial conquest, and the reason it threatened to destroy Israel is because the men who are pushing this conquest, and I do not mean the Presidents of the countries, but the people who fund them are most likely Jewish.

The only reason Iran did not already destroy them is because the men are not located there anymore, and they could honestly care less about Jewish beliefs or a homeland for Israel because they have an entire planet at their disposal. The only important thing to them is that the entire planets wealth and resources will be under their control and ownership.

Having said all that, go TEAM AMERICA!! The sooner this world is conquered under one empire, the sooner we can eliminate all the differences that constantly make people bicker and argue, which is what leads to fighting. Then we can have pretty close to a global peace with the obvious typical Looney’s who will commit crimes regardless of their living standard. Once united, we should be able to lift off this dang rock and spread our thinking and ideas across the solar system.

So if you find that you are being conquered by the American military, my suggestion would be you simply declare allegiance and speed up the process. It is going to happen regardless, might as well do it with little resistance so that we can both reach our positive goals with less bloodshed. Let Iran have their satellites, missiles, and stealth. It will most definitely allow them to inflict greater casualties upon the invaders, but it will never stop them. It wills only prologue the bloodshed.

Convert or perish.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 01:34 PM
Again, DYepes, I apologize for not quoting directly, but that function doesn't seem to be working for me...

There are threads of argument in your thesis that I would agree with; however, this idea that Jews are somehow operating in the background and pulling the financial strings, begins to sound like something out of The Protocols of the Elder's of Zion, or any of it's other anti-semitic, NWO conspiracy stuff, and I just don't buy into that type of thinking.

Certainly, it is in Israel's interest to see "regime change" in Iran..that's just plain old geopolitics. To point out America's criminal actions around the world, in support of it's own geopolitical agenda, doesn't make Iran's actions in supporting terrorism any less criminal...imho.

As far as "spreading out into the universe", I am assuming that you were being sarcastic?
I have yet to see this planet produce anything which, spread out into the universe, would be anything less than colonialism writ large.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 01:41 PM
As far as DYepes previous post is concerned the only thing that I can say is "What????"

I didn't say that Iran had the missing nukes. I was going from a premis called "Honoring the Threat". Let me give a simplified example. Your house is being burglarized. You hear a noise and start down the steps and the intruder sees you and starts up the stairs after you. You see him coming and see that he is armed with a pistol. You go running for your gun cabinet. When you get to the gun cabinet you don't say to yourself "Maybe he doesn't have any bullets." and grab your hunting knife. You honor the threat of the pistol and grab your 12 Ga. shotgun. Right now Iran has pushed the US into the situation of having to honor the threat of what Iran can possibly do, not what it actually may be able to do. Iran just launched a satellite with the help of the Russians. The Russians developed the FOBS system back in the 60's. The Ukraine may have sold nuclear warheads to Iran. The US now has to assume that Iran has FOBS capability. It is that simple.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 02:00 PM
JIMC5499 (Hi, by the way...)

Given that you have to consider what your adversary may, reasonably, be capable of (andin the example you presented that would be a reasonable inference) : Do you really think it is in Russia (or the Ukraine's) best interest to put nukes into the hands of the Iranian's?

I think I understand the issues of oil and pipelines, and balancing American power in the region; but would Russia really want a nuclear capable Iran?

I would think they might be concerned about one of those devices somehow making it, uninvited, back into Russia, perhaps via the Chechens. I am sure they would love to get their hands on one, given how things have gone in that country over the last couple of decades.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 02:58 PM
History is full of examples of a Nation's actions coming back to haunt it. After the Pearl Harbor attack shrapnel from Japanese bombs was found to have "Made in the USA" stamped on it.(At Dawn We Slept by Gordon W. Prange) It was scrap metal sold to Japan by US companies. Granted nuclear weapons are a little different from scrap metal, all it takes is one sympathizer in the right place to let a shipment of warheads go to Iran. Look at it this way. The Russians have been providing Iran with assistance with it's nuclear program and they assisted with the launching of the satellite. Both of these could lead to problems later on as you suggest. Remember Russia is under the orbit of that satellite as well.

edit: Added reference for statement

[edit on 5-4-2006 by JIMC5499]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:03 PM
As much as I appreciate a good discussion in this thread, I would like to ask that discussions of the missing nuclear warheads be conducted in the appropriate thread:


posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 10:21 AM
I won't sign-up with the organization that is the article source and they restrict the data otherwise - so, I was wondering what sort of orbit it has? Is it polar? That'd be of concern. Is it equatorial? If so, what "grade" is the orbit. What are the apogee and aperigee and orbital velocity? It's mass? Stuff like that. Call me snoopy but I'd like to have a handle on where this puppy is... and where it should be.
If you can help - great. If not that's OK too...

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by DYepes
--------------citizen’s reckless, selfish, consumption.

That's all true but it's not because of selfish consumption or trying to benefit America in general. It is about control and eradication freedom and true choice wherever they can manage it.

------------------ men who wish only to build unimaginable wealth and power over the globe at the cost of any lives, be them citizen or foreigner, civilian or fighter.

That's not bad for a first try....

If Iran is indeed attack and a state of war is declared, NATO will have no choice but to help conquer this land and split it with Russia and China. No one is going to risk such a world war again like was fought in WW2 because it will cripple the stability of the entire human population on this planet.

Stability is a horrible thing for those who want to sculpt the world in their own image as it gives people time to think and to consider the world around them. War and instability is how you institute the changes you want in society.

China has merely become a U.S. puppet, due to the fact that our capitalist thinking has infiltrated and is slowly converting them. I don’t really know what’s up with Russia.

Please go read about about China and how they are , with the help of American industrialist, basically robbing America blind. They control their currency as they need to and while they have to power to prevent western governments ( not sure how/why yet) from protecting themselves against this blatant manipulation of we should not call them puppets imo. Russia does what it pleases it seems to me and their current very much allied with China/India.

My point: Iran is only trying to defend itself from imperial conquest, and the reason it threatened to destroy Israel is because the men who are pushing this conquest, and I do not mean the Presidents of the countries, but the people who fund them are most likely Jewish.

Well if rich poweful people = Jews in your math then i guess that is accurate.

Having said all that, go TEAM AMERICA!! The sooner this world is conquered under one empire, the sooner we can eliminate all the differences that constantly make people bicker and argue, which is what leads to fighting.

The sooner the world is conquered under one empire the sooner we will all be made slaves. We do not fight because we are different but because our 'leaders' have everything to gain by staged/un-staged wars as they fight for power between themselves yet always at the cost of our freedom.

Then we can have pretty close to a global peace with the obvious typical Looney’s who will commit crimes regardless of their living standard.

If you mean peace by absence of disagreement ( killing everyone who tries) then that is exactly what will happen in your one world government scenario.

Once united, we should be able to lift off this dang rock and spread our thinking and ideas across the solar system.

We could unite AND keep our individuality if our leaders ever presented that option to us. They won't as they mostly agree that people should not disagree with their current leader whatever his standing.

So if you find that you are being conquered by the American military, my suggestion would be you simply declare allegiance and speed up the process. It is going to happen regardless, might as well do it with little resistance so that we can both reach our positive goals with less bloodshed.

Well If no one fights while they still have a change they are unlikely to have a good chance ever again.

Let Iran have their satellites, missiles, and stealth. It will most definitely allow them to inflict greater casualties upon the invaders, but it will never stop them. It wills only prologue the bloodshed.
Convert or perish.

Well since the idea is to create instability Iran will in fact be allowed to rearm as easy bloodless victories do not really help our rulers change our perception.


posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 08:38 AM
I wonder how the people who wrote the original article, think that TV works... by MAGIC?? And why should nobody be able to spy from a satellite?

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by JIMC5499
How about the fact that if you can orbit a satellite you have the capability to bomb any country that the satellite passes over. Anybody remember the Soviet FOBS system? The Fractional Orbital Bombardment System was supposed to put a nuclear bomb in an orbit resembling a satellite then deorbit the bomb over its target. With the capability to put up a satellite Iran becomes a much larger threat if they develop a nuclear bomb.


Maybe you should go back and read the articles linked in the first post.

Russia launched the satellite, not Iran.

iran simply paid for it.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 10:59 AM
Okay...everybody back away from your keyboards and a take deep breath. From what I understand all Iran did was build some nuclear power plants and Israel threatened to use pre-emptive strikes against them and Iran came back and said if Israel attacked they're facilities they'd fight back and wipe her out. Through selective comments the MSM has framed this whole debate to make it seem as though Iran is running around threatening Israel for no reason. Tis disinfo. The MSM even reports that the quantity of enriched uranium in Iran isn't enough for a nuke. So, why is Israel so pissy? You can't unlearn how to do something, so therefore its too late to stop them from enriching uranium, and we don't get to decide what they do with this new knowledge. This aint a one world government, yet. But wouldn't it be a whole lot easier if it were? The erosion of sovereignty continues…

And, why are we so scared for Israel? If she picks this fight over some non-threatening nuclear power, let her fight it. She's more than capable. I think they need some mutually assured destruction over there maybe it'll get everyone to sit down and shut up. Stop the threatening. I'ma bomb you...well if you do I'ma bomb you back. It's so childish.

To the satellite...well, yah! Aint we posed to cheer the middle east coming out of the dark ages. Of course any attempt to do it without first being destroyed and rebuilt by the US would make it seem as though they don't need our help and we can't have that...can we, now?

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 03:12 PM
We are just up Iran's ass right now for everything, but it is a pretty major concern considering satellite camera technology is very old technology. Meaning by this that there is wihtout a doubt atleast one camera taking pictures from it. Many many many countries have this ability and its more of a question of how your using it. It is probably a major defense mechanism for Iran so they can be aware of any possible invasion,. and/or take immediate action when and if they are attacked by a country. With satellite imagery picking a strategical target to launch a missile at has become almost a game.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 06:51 PM
Let's get a grip on this.
It is clear that Russia and probably China are supporting Iran. Their motivation is oil.
Iran makes approximately $220M per day in oil revenue. They are more than capable of purchasing Nuclear Missiles from the marketplace and of acquiring the support infrastructure.

It would be total insanity to begin sabre rattling prior to having the means to defend yourself.

So, it is reasonable to take it that Iran already has Nuclear Weapon capability. The Uranium enrichment program was merely camoflage.

Watch and see if I am right.

[edit on 16-4-2006 by Pleiadian Recon]

[edit on 16-4-2006 by Pleiadian Recon]

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 07:11 PM
it never ceases to amaze me that some people seem to want to dump on other countries for things that their own countries have been doing for years!

One sateliite!? Seriously, do you guys have nothing better to do than complain every time Iran or the Chinese or whoever the enemy is this week does soemthing half decent?

It's like a fully grown Tiger being scared of a cub that has just grown it's first tooth.....

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