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Skinwalker ranch.... Skinwalkers? Bigfoot? Giant Wolves?

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posted on May, 22 2006 @ 07:36 PM
Very interesting, too bad there are no pictures or videos.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 03:17 PM
yeah, 10 buck there is pictures..but, for a fee...wait I should keep that 10 bucks..just in case.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 10:26 PM
I like how the owner is soooooo rich and buys some pathetic 200,000 ranch (noting in terms of real estate costs) then builds some basically tree forts and a few fences to observe the occurances... I'm really unimpressed. IF any of this were true i'd pay alot more than that for the ranch and invest in some heavy duty infrastructure to monitor the events and to profit on what i find.

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 07:55 AM
I'm not trying to sound crazy..but, I do "beleive" in skinwalkers..bearwalkers..whatever you wanna call'em...I've seen some crazy stuff when it comes to that...well I don't know if I beleive it..but, I've seen coincidential stuff happen to people..where it would make people question if it was real or not..yeah that sounds better.

man, its hard to find info on this situation lots of upfront half the ufo stuff.

The best site I found on the Skinwalker ranch is this one. though it lacks on updates. the more I read it, I find this could the Definitive site for the ranch.

the forum has some great hands-on experience from people in the area..checks it out people!

yep, this site is the best for the my opinion of course.

[edit on 24-5-2006 by waffleprime]

posted on May, 24 2006 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by hiii_98
I like how the owner is soooooo rich and buys some pathetic 200,000 ranch (noting in terms of real estate costs) then builds some basically tree forts and a few fences to observe the occurances... I'm really unimpressed. IF any of this were true i'd pay alot more than that for the ranch and invest in some heavy duty infrastructure to monitor the events and to profit on what i find.

So, he should have paid more than he had to? Do you even know when he bought the ranch? Did you bother to find out what kind of equipment he installed there? Oh and the team of people in excess of 60 to monitor things 24/7?

Go back and RMPL.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by hiii_98
I like how the owner is soooooo rich and buys some pathetic 200,000 ranch (noting in terms of real estate costs) then builds some basically tree forts and a few fences to observe the occurances... I'm really unimpressed. IF any of this were true i'd pay alot more than that for the ranch and invest in some heavy duty infrastructure to monitor the events and to profit on what i find.

hmmm..what if he's selling this info/research to the gov't?

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 04:02 AM

Did you bother to find out what kind of equipment he installed there?

LOL DID YOU?? Did anybody? No. The whole this is a sham to sell books... none of the info, gadgets, or "evidence" has been shared with the public. Glad I had the chance to lecture YOU on this point.

go back and go F.Y.S.

figure that one out

[edit on 27-5-2006 by hiii_98]

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 01:30 AM
I saw this thread last night. I was intrigued and read the links. I decided to see if my local Barnes and Nobel had a copy of the book and they did.

Now, although I consider myself to be a skeptic I want to believe. I want UFO's to be real. I want Bigfoot to be alive in well in the Pacific northwest. I want anti-grav warplanes at Groom lake. So after reading the snippets here about a ranch in Utah that had all those things I figured I'd buy the book and give it a read. Sure alot of the links posted here were vague with info and they would like you to buy the book but hey....thats what marketing is.

The other reason I bought the book is because George Knapp was associated with it. My fascination with Knapp is that he essentially put his career on the line in the past doing stories on UFO's and Area 51. Still after all those stories he still has a job as a bonafide news journalist. I figured that if he was a crackpot that had gone over the UFO edge that news agencies wouldnt touch him with a 10 ft pole. Yet he remains employed and despite the UFO stuff he still has credibility within his field.

So, I buy this book and sit down to read. I am not a big book reader at all. My kids were stunned to see me with a book. Yet I read voraciously on the net.

Ok, my opinions which are exactly that, opinion only. Please remember that before disemboweling my words and hanging me out to dry in future posts.

The setup is great. Family buys abandoned ranch. Family is happy. Family encounters strange phenomenon. Family is flustered but happy. Family is attacked by unstoppable gigantic creatures. Family is nervous but family stays. Family puts up with more paranormal dealings in 18+ months than almost all of the encounters put together in all of recorded time.....yet they stay on the ranch!!

Finally, family claims they are emotionally, physically, psychologically wiped out by strange activities and sell ranch to "scientific" reaseach team. Team then hires former ranch owner to work on his old ranch.

Strange activity "mysteriously" only shows itself in very small and undefinable forms. No giant 400lb wolves in the daylight, just yellow eyes in a tree in the dark. No more refrigerator sized craft or giant black triangles in the middle of the day, just small lights in the dead of night.

I found it amazing how this rancher and his family had eyes like hawks and could see distinct characteristics of all black beasts from 200 yards away...matter of fact almost everything was 200-400 yards away. That's ok. This rancher could kill a coyote from 500 yards away....500 yards! I wish we had this guy as our SWAT team sniper.

This science team came prepared as the teaser for the book states....they had super fancy way over our head science gear and man oh man if that fancy gear wasnt gonna document all this weird stuff for us to see. Well I guess they got their gear at Radio Shack cuz they came away with...ready for this.....NOTHING.

Not a single photo is shared, not a sound byte recorded. Not a SHRED of anything beyond some personal accounts that seem to always happen to one member of the team but not the other. Like...while one person looks thru his binoculars and sees a giant beast exit a light portal, the other scientist just yards away sees only the light. Most of the accounts happen when the ranch owner or his wife are around yet after they leave things go quiet.

Sorry guys I was hoping that we might gleen SOMETHING from this book worth studying further. The only real lesson learned here is that I just saved you $14.00

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 10:40 PM
interesting.....thanks for saving me 14 bucks

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 10:57 PM
I remember reading this article on another website somewere, freaked me out, and its definatly one of my favorite stories. They really should send a team of people to this place with cameras and equipment; we need some proof of this!

posted on May, 29 2006 @ 09:19 AM
Interesting nonetheless. I'd like to pursue any further updates that do come about this ranch. I've heard of other stories in very rural areas in certain states that share the same characteristics. I guess only time will tell what this ranch really has to offer. As for the research team, if they end up staying there for a long time you better believe all this was for nothing. Just because they don't show you what they got doesn't mean they don't have it
Thanks for the great thread.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 12:35 PM
This is a great story/reality, it does have everything that a movie needs, isolation, innocent family and so on and my bet is that within the next 5 years there will be, no doubt, a movie named Skinwalker Ranch, then many sequels most probably Skinwalker Ranch 2: Return of the Skinwalkers, Skinwalker Ranch 3:, ah you get the idea.

Now I want this to be true because I long for some fantastic mystery to be explained during my lifetime, I guess I have sixty years left in which for something to be explained touch wood, oh #### there is no wood around me.

Anyway point being that there is too much juice here and no proof. Oral proof is all we have "15 generations worth of oral history legends about the property" and at best many eye witness accounts. I am not saying these people are lying but come on, eight years scientific research and no proof.

Now we as humans are, argueably, the best (most advanced) species on earth so why would these aliens/ghosts/skinwalkers bother with cows when they have humans at their disposal. Why in however many years this place has been inhabited and under observation has there been no human casualties. I read the link that stated that a ranch manager's team saw two yellow eyes in a tree, they shot it from the tree and watched it drop to the ground. SHOCK they found nothing but if you were the beast would you not want to call up your bulletproof wolf mate to lay the smackdown on these ranchers?

Either this is all a load of money spinning BS or they have found something there but they daren't let the public know for whatever reasons. Obviously there are so many secrets that I bet can be answered and so many secrets that governments hold from us, it would be naiive to think otherwise and so I believe that if anything is going on there then the people who are running the show are keeping it to themselves for whatever reasons.

I have not had the chance to research this subject too much as I cant find the book at my local however I have read the links posted here and some other stuff that I found on the net.

I vote we get a team together and stay there ourselves. Whoop some alien ###.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by george_gaz

Now we as humans are, argueably, the best (most advanced) species on earth so why would these aliens/ghosts/skinwalkers bother with cows when they have humans at their disposal. Why in however many years this place has been inhabited and under observation has there been no human casualties..........

Can you for a fact prove there are not human casualties? Did you know that in the US, not including less secure, poorer countries, 400,000.00 kids are "lost, kidnapped, ect..." a year. Thats a BIG number for one year. At least bodies would show up but the majority go never found. hmmm wonder were they go?

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by hiii_98
LOL DID YOU?? Did anybody? No. The whole this is a sham to sell books... none of the info, gadgets, or "evidence" has been shared with the public. Glad I had the chance to lecture YOU on this point.

go back and go F.Y.S.

figure that one out

[edit on 27-5-2006 by hiii_98]

You really got me on that one! How old are you? Based on some of your posts I can see that you're not very bright. When you say something stupid, you should expect a response like the one I gave you.

A ploy just to sell books is obvious but at least take the time to back up the conclusion. Many here have posted valuable input from actual legwork.

swatmedic, thanks for your insight. You make some very good points.

[edit on 6-6-2006 by jbondo]

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 10:04 AM
Guys, again, the book is only a recent thing. The ranch, the investigations, all of that, have been going on for ten years. I'd think if it were all just to write a book they wouldn't have waited a decade.

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 12:15 PM
Which could be one reason as to why they may be holding back on the info.
Also above ^ I stated that I was going on the information that I had read from the links.

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 12:21 AM
Its all bs and lore, seriously if somthign was going on and this was a civilian operation, wouldnt the results be shared openly? Alllllllll this money, and private jets, and high tech equiptment and not 1 single worthy photo to prove any of this, uhhhh am i the only one skeptical on this subject, just because NIDS and a book says its real... I mean imagine someone popping in on ATS and making some wild claim with NO PROOF to back any of it up... that gets an immediate ban, well i take this whole NIDS fiasco to be a comparable scenario in my book , a whole lot to do about nothing, maybe marketing for the book or publicity for NIDS for whatever reason. Either way, hardly an impressive collaborative investigative group.

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by hiii_98
Its all bs and lore, seriously if somthign was going on and this was a civilian operation, wouldnt the results be shared openly? Alllllllll this money, and private jets, and high tech equiptment and not 1 single worthy photo to prove any of this, uhhhh am i the only one skeptical on this subject, just because NIDS and a book says its real... I mean imagine someone popping in on ATS and making some wild claim with NO PROOF to back any of it up... that gets an immediate ban, well i take this whole NIDS fiasco to be a comparable scenario in my book , a whole lot to do about nothing, maybe marketing for the book or publicity for NIDS for whatever reason. Either way, hardly an impressive collaborative investigative group.

I would agree with you but i dont see what they have to gain. Of corse money, but they have the area closed off to the public. Its been about 10 yrs now too.

posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 06:13 PM
i would like to check this ranch out. But i have never heard of a skinwalker. But i have heard of Shadowwalkers

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
ok - I got to put my skeptic beanie on here , and ask is there ANY verifiable evidence for any of the fantastic events described here ???

a few of the vague and maddeningly elusive claims made , include :

The phenomena are not just localized on the ranch, but are a part of a 50 year history of unusual sightings in the area. The local Ute tribe says the ranch is on the "Path of the Skinwalker" and have 15 generations worth of oral history legends about the property.

and this rich history can be found where ??? the book that accompanies the claims apparently – makes heavy use of the “ links “

Correspondingly, the book is padded with extraneous lore on masonic societies, Indian curses, Bigfoot sightings, and a history of unidentified flying objects. Hunt for the Skinwalker doesn't attempt to prove that Bigfoot and extraterrestrial craft exist among us; it comfortably begins with the presumption that they already do.

But at least my cursory search for 3rd part reference material on the massive phenomenon that apparently blights this remote corner of Utah , draws a sickening blank

Sure – there are a lot of sites that describe the “ fabled skin walker ranch “ – but it’s a seamless circle jerk – each feeding of the other , with no mew material being offered , and each site using the last as a citation for its “ facts “ , and so on .

All the sites and books , make huge appeals to authority , quoting NIDS as the be all and end all authority on such matters , able to bring their “ vast “ expertise and resources to bear .

In 1995, the ranch came to the attention of NIDS, the National Institute for Discovery Science based in Las Vegas. NIDS bought the property and began an unprecedented scientific study. Observation posts were built. Video cameras were installed and operated. Scientific personnel and former lawmen were on the property 24-7 for 8 straight years. Dr. Colm Kelleher headed up the NIDS study.

That the heck did they do for 8 years , This “ scientific study was certainly unprecedented , if only for its singular failure to produce ANY evidence

Just who are the “ fabled NIDS “ anyway , they have a flashy website , but it doesn’t actually offer any evidence , infact it is almost devoid of any useful material , esp. biographies of its “ scientists “

NIDS seems very god at drawing conclusions , alas its evidence collection skills seem to have suffered , in 8 years they have released NOTHING worthy of note

Even their book is devoid of photography , or even any scientific recording and logs of the events that allegedly occurred ,

Considering that Kelleher is supposed to be present as a research scientist, it's amazing how often he both relies upon and reports personal testimony like "Suddenly, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. A chill ran down my spine. Something was close by and watching me" or "When I first set foot on the ranch I had an unmistakable feeling that something was not quite right. Things were not what they seemed." Obviously, however instinctively sound such intuitive responses may have been at the moment, they are utterly useless as evidence, especially since the ranch was well known to be "haunted" by the time the NIDS staff arrived, full of anticipation and ready to encounter manifestations of the supernatural.

At the risk of sounding sarcastic , was the NIDS team modeled on the project serpo “ scientists “ ?

They have lots of ` feelings ` and are in touch with their inner selves – at the expense of any physical science

The reasons for the lack of evidence and documentation are maddeningly vague and contradictory even – they claim on the one hand that there is a “ media black out “ , but they are are granting media interview – and publishing books . Are they courting publicity , or shunning it ???

No one who has studied this can say with any certainty what's going on here. The NIDS researchers are not making any claims about E.T.s or ghosts or Skinwalkers. They are merely collecting data and trying to make some sense of it. That is small comfort to me as I sit in the darkness on my little plastic chair, waiting for something to happen. The mind certainly can play tricks in such an environment, but could so many witnesses be completely wrong?

Do they really need us to answer that one ?? their alleged data remains hidden from view for the most spurious reasons . and they are seemingly incapable of turning a little basic psychology on the vexing problem of why a man sat in the dark in a plastic chair in the middle of a ranch he has been told is haunted will see strange things in the gloom

and finally the doozie :

Warning to paranormal enthusiasts: Do not travel to the ranch. You are not welcome there. It is private property and the people who live on or near it don't want to be hassled by curiosity seekers or the media. What's more, the level of unexplained phenomena has taken a steady nosedive over the past several months, so chances are you wouldn't see anything even if you could get on the property.

ROFLMAO - that’s the biggest cop out I have read in a while , we don’t want any attention , move along nothing to see , but before you go , please buy our book

BTW – I thought that NIDS owned it now , so just who lives there , and what are they doing ?

Like all good scams – this one contains a “ buy our book “ hook , alas if you buy into the hype and purchase the book - things don’t seem to get any better , despite the " impressive " resources and " credentials of the " mighty " NIDS team - it seems they didn’t manage to take a single photograph of any value

And they don’t want any help either :

NIDS still owns the ranch, but it appears the phenomena have gone underground, as if weary of being hunted. As yet, the mystery of Skinwalker Ranch remains unsolved. Kelleher said, "If anything, it has created more questions that I had when I came into this thing."
The ranch remains off limits to outsiders. Visitors -- from this world anyway -- are not welcome.

What are they hiding ? apart from their lack of scientific rigour ?

Why cann they not even offer the evidence of the aftermath of these ` events ` - or even better footage of things happening with zero visible cause ?

The bottom line , IMHO is that talk is cheap , its when you actually have to attempt to produce evidence that things get complex

The NIDS team offer various hand waving cop outs as to why they cannot produce any documentation , These range from the sublime to the ridiculous -

Dr. Colm Kelleher said, "We probably have, if you count all the pre-NIDS and post-NIDS incidents, close to 100 different incidents. If you look at all of them, the one thing that jumps out is how unreproducible they are."

Not only un reproducible , but also un documentable

Lastly – I would like to see a pre 1994 reference to the ` 100s of weird events ` that they say plagued this area

PS - I realise that there is a lot of external material - but it is from 5 different web pages on 3 sites , and IMHO all pertinent

In conclusion – as I read in a sig , “ extra ordinary claims require at least some evidence “ , skin walker ranch , IMHO has none .


edited for typo errors - as proof read by zaphod58

[edit on 6-4-2006 by ignorant_ape]

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