posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:14 PM
This will become the eventuality oF America. Take a look around, how much more junk do you need within your life to keep up with the so&so's down the
block? Take a look at the BS for crying out loud! Almost everybody here is fixated on BUSH and his evil OIL CAPERS, yet we never think twice of the
fact that we have been had at our nearest BEST BUY, COMPUSA and so on. For crying out loud they are fighting to keep our hand's off any form of a DVD
TV recorder. Don't think so? Take a look at the TV series lane of your favorite computer store. One season is 70 bucks, some are 120.00! Then on top
of all of that are the KING KONG SIZED movie theaters with the ability of showing 200 movies all at once! Tac-in the 44 acre parking lot and you more
or less are watching a movie at a " mini-city ". A 100 BILLION DOLLAR mini-city. I really could go on and freak you out as to how much you are being
RIPPED-OFF, but why ruin such simplicity as a " Bush Caper "?
What is worse :
1) A billion dollar oil company?
2) A billion dollar Movie company?
Either way, you eventually will be pulling up to BOTH of them to get your " FILL".