posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 12:27 AM
I must say, I found the premise to be extremely interesting.
I've also thought about this before. Many sources stress that wherever you go, when you die, it is timeless. I've heard it put in this way; when you
die, you enter into a timeless place... could be heaven, could be realm... I don't know. But since there is no time, we all seem to get there at the
same moment...instantaneously. I've always thought it was amazing to think about-- your grandfather could be dead for thirty years but when you,
yourself, die... maybe you take that first step into the afterlife along with all your grandfather, your friends and family, at the same time. Going
even further, I've heard Near-Death-Incident reports that say the person saw friends they hadn't yet met and family-members that were not yet
born.... because there is no time.
Back to the subject, I think you make a great point chibidai_rrr... Time, as we know it, is not even a thing at all. It is not real. I've thought
about that before too... if we didn't have a sun, in which our revolutions around it are measured and divided so that we can organize our memories
into a "format" in which we can relate to everyone else, we might have another concept of time... but it would change. It would speed up or slow
down because hypothetically, we would not have the sun to calibrate our own smaller and less accurate clocks. And if time can change, as a concept and
as it surely would to us if we were to lose our current structure, then it only proves that time is relative and the meaning of it is only constructed
by our current reality and way of thinking. So like you said, chibidai, time is not actually a real thing at all. It is an extremely intricate deviced
invented by the human mind.
As it relates to souls, I think souls are independent of what we think of as time. I believe it's plausible that they're inserted into different
points on different timelines in different dimensions and in different locations. Maybe we make the decision, pre-"birth" about when and where
we're going to go. Or maybe it's decided for us... who knows. But I like this topic a lot.
[edit on 5-6-2006 by firebat]