posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 07:32 AM
Now i dont believe in many things, aliens however, are something i dont disbelieve.
Now it is pretty hard to swallow that there are that many aliens out there that are much more advanced than us (by advanced i mean as a species - not
technological) You see we are pretty much perfect for manipulation of nature both in our ambition (the invention of flight and getting from a - b)
drive for power (to lead us to develope nuclear wepons, rockets etc...), which enhances our ability to explore and sends us to the moon... We are
extremely intelligent, we have a grasp on maths and physics that truely shocks me (i'm a biologist by trade) and our slefless/selfish caring aspect
has led from medicine to an almost complete understanding of our biological make up and therefore the make up of nearly all life on this planet (We
are getting there) which stems from our fight against disease and our own biological short commings (our tendency to develope cancers etc). But we
have lost 400 years or so, even 1000 due to the collapse of our early great civilisations such as rome, greece and egypt...
Anyway - We know that we are highly related to nearly everyother species on this planet... infact every imo. We can trace our roots back through
primate with only one missing link in fossil records and we can trace the ansestory of mammals back over a ~billion years (some pre-jurrasic animal i
forget its name or the name of the period). So if we were created by aliens (or god for that matter) then we were created from by seeding some sort of
primordial slime with DNA or somesuch over a billion years ago... To say that DNA is unable to mutate/evolve at sufficient speed to allow our own
developement is nonsense - each one of us is born with ~300 new mutations, 3 of which cause a change in our function, most are harmfull and are
irradicated (by accumulation of other harmfull mutations) within 30 generations or so... So we do really change physically very quikly when you take
500 years and look at it down a road of billions of years.
If we accept this, that we were indeed created and in this way over a billion years ago, then we have to look at a species that did so a billion years
ago having a technological capability maybe 2-300 years ahead of our own and that race/being continued to develope and advance for the billions of
years that it took us to get to where we are now... So i wonder if suggesting that a race that visits us by ships and interfering with us in ANY way
is perhaps counter productive to any reason for making us in the first place, or is it more likely a projection of how we would like to see ourselves
to become? At best you could argue that intervention is neccesary to prevent interference from other races?
Saying that noone has interfered with humans however, may be silly... As homosapiens we were around in our current genetic form for what 200,000 years
with no form of tools, none what so ever, i doubt we even used clubs, and the all of a sudden we got fire - which protected us, it scared off
preditors, kept us warm and replaced the need for us to remain overly alert with space to contimplate and think, we started drawing/writing and making
axes. What triggered that shift i wonder?
Anceint civilizations had some VERY strange beliefs and did some very unusual things, especially when compared to the standard christian/muslem/pagan
dogma that has been prevalent for the last 3000 - 4000 years or so (which is most likely made up).
Anyway, my opinion on the whole subject - which fits here i think - is that to understand or know weather or not there are ETs etc visiting us, we
have to sort out what is our own projection, our need for companionship, our need for something better, and try and see what is actually there.