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mankind... an alien experiment?

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posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:46 AM
in particular posts ive been reading members speak of an alien species called the "nordics" who appearently are the scientists who created mankind. does anyone else have anything else to add or contribute? links or anything? id love to get more details on the posibility of mankind being an experiment... its not impossible thats for sure, look at the odds. what do ya all think? maybe God is a mighty nordic himself?

the nordics...
The Nordics are a race of Alien visitors that share common features. They look very similar to the average human execpt a little taller and heavier. They are reported, by people who have seen them, to very muscular and in excellent physical shape. They derive their name from the fact that they resemble the Scandinavians.
Many of the encounters that occur with these aliens seem to be pleasant. People report that the Nordics are here to somehow watch over and help guide us into a new plane of existence. Others report that the Nordics have had some kind of conflict with the Greys in the past.
ZetaTalk: Nordics
The Nordics have less patience with humans than other alien groups, and expect humans to grow to the level of 4th Density Service-to-Others before they will engage. They do have many takers, humans pure in heart who have little conflict about their roles or who are in a position, in their incarnation on Earth, to function in this role.
There the Nordics work at a high level toward solving the Earth's problems, which are numerous and varied. The Nordics feel they make best use of their efforts in this way, and their track record reflects this. There are no Service-to-Self Nordics at work in the Earth's vicinity at the present time. The Nordics are named for their appearance, as they refused to divulge their constellation of origin to their human contacts, deeming this to be an insignificant issue.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 04:16 AM
I personally don't think 'experiment' is the right word to use... although I admit that I really don't know.

If you go by what Zecharia Sitchin says, mankind was created as a slave-race for the purpose of mining gold to repair the Annunakis' damaged atmosphere.

Whatever our origins, I just don't think that the whole 'test-tube' concept is realistic. I think it's an unintentional projection of our own human characteristics onto what we think are aliens from outer-space, another dimension, etc... I think a lot of theories can be attributed to that. Humans are by nature, extremely curious. So when we encounter supposedly humanoid ETs, we automatically assume that they think like us... but I think it's on a subconscious level. The best example I can give is the way someone might pick up and coddle a little puppy.... subconsciously, that person is projecting the characteristics of an actual human-baby on to that puppy. So they pick it up, coo at it, even HOLD it like a little baby.

My point is... assuming these beings are ET or even extra-dimensional, we know nothing about how they think. Absolutely nothing. We don't even know IF they think. So what I think our brains very easily do is project human qualities onto something we don't understand. Our minds are searching for any possible and reasonable explanation of what these beings are and the CLOSEST we can possibly ever come close to, on on our own, is that which is created by our own imagination. Besides disclosure or mass-contact, the only way we can "put a face" on these things, so to speak, is to put the human-face on them because that's all we know. I think we assume, intentionally or unintentionally, that these things are wired in a similar way to us. But it would be foolish to think that. These guys might not even be living or sentient, for all we know.

Hope SOME of that made sense...

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 04:21 AM
I believe 100% that we are an alien experiment. If we are not an experiment then we are put here for a reason, who knows, maybe to clense the planet so the aliens can come back and take what they need.

I beleive this because the chances of us coming into exsistense along with all the other life on this planet is much to soon, meaning we shouldnt be here according to how dna forms/changes hence something must have had a hand in
our developement/growth.

It would make sense because the aliens may think of us as small rodents or maybe even a simple organism. Think about how you feel about amebias or a mouse. Probably dont have any moral connection to these things, same with the aliens and us.

[edit on 2-4-2006 by imbalanced]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 04:37 AM
imbalanced, you just proveed my point...

Now I'm not saying your theory is wrong or mine is right or anything. But the way you compared the aliens' perspective of a supposed relationship between us and them to the relationship of us to an amoeba or a mouse is what I was talking about. In that comparison, you are assuming that these aliens think the same way we do, at least in the example of a comparison between our species and a physically smaller and intelligently inferior animal. Again, it is foolish to assume that aliens make these same sort of connections that we do. Maybe they are of the opinion that all life is sacred and is to be protected no matter its size or role. But that's just one basic example.

Also, I think many of us could say that we DO feel a moral connection to other creatures, including mice. I don't like it when animals are mistreated, 'no matter their size, and honestly, I'd probably feel more 'kinship' with a mouse than with a lot of the more pathetic excuses for people walking around.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 01:31 PM
The reptilians say they did it too.

So while mabey it is true, mabey they are just messing with us.

It would be funny if they were brought about by creationisum of some celestial power near instaniously, but we were not. They would be like "God made us, but you are just a experimental slave race, ha ahahahah"

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 04:19 PM
I know the nordics are real becuse I had a vision one time of a cloud into a male nordic's face. it had long hair and a distinct nose. at first i thought it was jesus but it was not human.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by jazz_psyker
The reptilians say they did it too.

Could you tell me what your sources are on that. Are there people who have had contact with "reptilians" who have told them this?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 11:18 AM
Dont scientologists belive something like this? no offense of course to anyone of this religion

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 02:40 PM
It could be an extinct possibility. We wont ever find out though unless they comunicated with us and told us...

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:52 PM
good quote firebat. I still think we are an exsperiment tho, and they are learning from all species, for knoweledge is the key to life, live, let live and learn and you shall be wise to all who appose.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by imbalanced
I believe 100% that we are an alien experiment. If we are not an experiment then we are put here for a reason, who knows, maybe to clense the planet so the aliens can come back and take what they need.

I beleive this because the chances of us coming into exsistense along with all the other life on this planet is much to soon, meaning we shouldnt be here according to how dna forms/changes hence something must have had a hand in
our developement/growth.

It would make sense because the aliens may think of us as small rodents or maybe even a simple organism. Think about how you feel about amebias or a mouse. Probably dont have any moral connection to these things, same with the aliens and us.

[edit on 2-4-2006 by imbalanced]

Sorry but our DNA is 99.x% same as mice and even more so to chimpanzees. I think with your assumption you are underestimating other spices, and no one, and I mean NO one, would waist their time on a stupid experiment like this. I think humans are prone to overestimating their importance and abilities. It's simply human to think we are destined for some greater reason. We are just an above average intelligent animal and that's where it ends.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 04:15 AM
I don't think we should rule anything out. I have seen ufos in the sky, but I don't really know if they're from other planets. One I think may have been a secret prototype plane. One theory about aliens that rings with me a bit is that it is actually us, visiting ourselves from the future. I don't rule out interplanetary mingling though, not altogether.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:03 AM
Ok If mankind is an experiment? Does that mean that Alien's also created all the animals and vegitation on this planet to?

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 05:42 AM
Alien Joe: "Oh, hi bill. Hey, I just started this new experiment, it's really exiting!"
Alein Bill: "Oh? Is that that 'hooman' growing thing? How long was that supposed to take again?"
Joe: "100.000 years, why?"
Bill: "Just checking.. *taps clock and coughs*"

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 07:32 AM
Now i dont believe in many things, aliens however, are something i dont disbelieve.

Now it is pretty hard to swallow that there are that many aliens out there that are much more advanced than us (by advanced i mean as a species - not technological) You see we are pretty much perfect for manipulation of nature both in our ambition (the invention of flight and getting from a - b) drive for power (to lead us to develope nuclear wepons, rockets etc...), which enhances our ability to explore and sends us to the moon... We are extremely intelligent, we have a grasp on maths and physics that truely shocks me (i'm a biologist by trade) and our slefless/selfish caring aspect has led from medicine to an almost complete understanding of our biological make up and therefore the make up of nearly all life on this planet (We are getting there) which stems from our fight against disease and our own biological short commings (our tendency to develope cancers etc). But we have lost 400 years or so, even 1000 due to the collapse of our early great civilisations such as rome, greece and egypt...

Anyway - We know that we are highly related to nearly everyother species on this planet... infact every imo. We can trace our roots back through primate with only one missing link in fossil records and we can trace the ansestory of mammals back over a ~billion years (some pre-jurrasic animal i forget its name or the name of the period). So if we were created by aliens (or god for that matter) then we were created from by seeding some sort of primordial slime with DNA or somesuch over a billion years ago... To say that DNA is unable to mutate/evolve at sufficient speed to allow our own developement is nonsense - each one of us is born with ~300 new mutations, 3 of which cause a change in our function, most are harmfull and are irradicated (by accumulation of other harmfull mutations) within 30 generations or so... So we do really change physically very quikly when you take 500 years and look at it down a road of billions of years.

If we accept this, that we were indeed created and in this way over a billion years ago, then we have to look at a species that did so a billion years ago having a technological capability maybe 2-300 years ahead of our own and that race/being continued to develope and advance for the billions of years that it took us to get to where we are now... So i wonder if suggesting that a race that visits us by ships and interfering with us in ANY way is perhaps counter productive to any reason for making us in the first place, or is it more likely a projection of how we would like to see ourselves to become? At best you could argue that intervention is neccesary to prevent interference from other races?

Saying that noone has interfered with humans however, may be silly... As homosapiens we were around in our current genetic form for what 200,000 years with no form of tools, none what so ever, i doubt we even used clubs, and the all of a sudden we got fire - which protected us, it scared off preditors, kept us warm and replaced the need for us to remain overly alert with space to contimplate and think, we started drawing/writing and making axes. What triggered that shift i wonder?

Anceint civilizations had some VERY strange beliefs and did some very unusual things, especially when compared to the standard christian/muslem/pagan dogma that has been prevalent for the last 3000 - 4000 years or so (which is most likely made up).

Anyway, my opinion on the whole subject - which fits here i think - is that to understand or know weather or not there are ETs etc visiting us, we have to sort out what is our own projection, our need for companionship, our need for something better, and try and see what is actually there.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 01:37 PM
About 200,000 years ago as a result of "evolution" we (only we no other mutations) were given a mental capacity that even today is not fully exploited. Why would evolution and natural selection (suddenly) lead to such a different kind of being/creature. Yes our DNA is 99% similar to other creatures but strange that the tiny differences allows us to be so very different.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 05:19 PM
grasshopper, as to a source. I keep reading it over and over again, on and off in some reptilian consperacy story stuff. Somewhere here

Got a million articals though : ) I am not saying its true, but belive me I have heard it again, again and again. Though I can't be sure if the reptilians often deliberaltly tell people this or not, usualy its someone talking about the secret history of the world (don't know how they discovered it) which involves alantians and a bunch of stuff, yaadadadadaa, we were created. The creation was brought about by acelerating the evolution of some primates and interbreeding. And the ones doing it were evolved dinosaurs or something. So with that respect, life was going on changing and stuff somewhat naturaly before and after we came in the picture.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 05:41 PM
Ok, so were an experiment in hot-rod biology... Who/what created the NTI's?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by DodgeG1
Ok If mankind is an experiment? Does that mean that Alien's also created all the animals and vegitation on this planet too?

No, no. Just the people. Aliens came to this planet and genetically modified a group of hominids to become more intelligent. Just like in Arthur C. Clarke's "2001." They mixed a little bit of their DNA in with ours so we would mutate and evolve faster than we would have otherwise.

The Earth and all its animals and plants had already evolved since our planet was "seeded" with bacteria by alien probes about 3.4 billion years or so ago. But they didn't actually "create" all the life on Earth. They just planted a seed.

Then either the original aliens, or more likely an alien race that evolved faster than we did, came along much later to guide the evolution of some of the more advanced creatures. They've done this several times, each time picking an animal that was most like them at the time. That is where the "reptilians" come from. They're not so much real "aliens," since they originated on Earth, just like us. They're an earlier version of us, with the forced evolution process done on an advanced group of intelligent, bipedal reptiles. Maybe that's why they don't like us much. They consider us to be "johnny come latelys."

See, the whole point of the exercise (it's not really an "experiment," per se), is to spread intelligent life throughout the Universe, as fast as possible. The project was started billions of ago, by beings who apparently look and think a lot like we do, or at least they did when the project started.

It's not exactly clear why the original aliens started this whole process. Maybe they were just lonely and wanted to spread life to keep them company. Or it might be that they ultimately intend to make the entire Universe alive and intelligent in some way.

See, most of the universe is random, except for the living parts. Life is anti-entropy. So if they spread life far and fast enough, it might eventually convert all the energy and matter in the Universe into a living system, which might then have the power to create itself in the past, and sustain itself through time. That way the Universe can avoid heat death.

And the best part is, the story is all there, encoded in our DNA. All we have to do is figure out how to decompress it and read it. The story of the Universe, including our own short history.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
Ok, so were an experiment in hot-rod biology... Who/what created the NTI's?

We probably did. The original "aliens" are likely not really alien at all, but instead a future version of ourselves -- likely our intelligent machine offspring -- who have mastered (or will master) the ability to travel backwards through time. They understand that in order for them to re-create the Universe as a sentient thing, they have to go back in time as far as possible and seed promising looking planets with bacteria (archaea) that will eventually evolve into higher intelligences. They can only travel back about 5 billion years, though, because the cosmic background radiation from the expanding Universe is too high before that time to support life and time itself becomes very unstable. It's just too hot.

Anyway, that's where the oldest aliens probably came from. Over time, however, different types of beings evolved on countless different planets, and some of them have become spacefaring creatures themselves, joining in on the Project when they're able and understand what's happening.

It's really not very complicated. It's just a larger telling of the old "light versus dark" story, played across the entire Universe throughout all of time, past and future.

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