posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 01:06 AM
This won't prevent the individual immigrant. I think it would only serve to rob from the poor to give to the rich. Last night I heard on the radio
how having an amnesty to allow all illegal immigrants to register with our country would be a good solution as it would increase net taxes, meaning
more money for the country in question.
People migrate for better standards of living, so rather than taking money from underdeveloped countries, we need to make them a more appealing place
to live. The world grain production, which is just below 2 billion tons, could feed 10 billion Indian diets or 2.5 billion american diets. America's
middle class would be an upper class in any other country. America has robbed the rest of the world to allow this, where are there compensation.
[Mod Edit: Link formatting - Jak]
[edit on 2/4/06 by JAK]