posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 06:53 PM
Originally posted by chissler
I don't see it being all that bad.
I mean its Steve Carrell, he alone will make this movie far better than it ever would have been without him.
Have to agree with that. Go see The 40-Year Old Virgin...
Never happy with "sequels" that don't have original actors (think Teen Wolf Too!!). All they do is repeat exactly the same storyline with different
people (Blue Lagoon 2, anyone?).
Still haven't seen American Wedding, after the drunk "MILF" guys from no. 1 turned up in no. 2, no sequel will be able to compete with that kind of
casting detail.
My general rule is, the moment the stars don't sign on for the sequel, production should be suspended, indefinitely.
Think Speed 2, Cruise Control.
However, there are exceptions, Hannibal, the entire 007 series...