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Why is CNN so bad now?

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posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 06:36 PM
I've really noticed this the last couple months. I go to their website and it's a mish-mash of junk and tabloid headlines. It's probably the worst organized news homepage with so many distractions that I gave up and made the BBC my homepage last fall.

The news is ok but seems dumbed down or MTVish with short attention span stories. I feel like I'm watching the Today show 24/7 with too much flash and no substance. Anderson Cooper is the only guy who seems to be doing any in depth and interesting stories.

Then with this immigration policy all I see is CNN talking about the plight of the illegal immigrants. Nothing is stated on the impact and problems the illegals are creating for us who have already legally immigrated here. Openly liberal reporting. Now I'm actually a democrat, but something is not right with CNN anymore.

And please...enough with the CNN honey's doing the news. Have men quit reporting? I feel like CNN has turned into the magazines at the bookstore where every cover has a girl in a bikini offering herself up to me...but now I get the latest on bombings and news about Brad Pitt and gas prices with a pretty face before they switch to some political nonsense with Wolf Blitzer making any story sound like it's critical to the world. Crap!

Has Fox whupped on them this bad?

What happened? I remember this channel being "the" news channel during the Gulf War but now it keeps getting more superficial by the year.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 06:44 PM
I too noticed the change in CNN's website layout. They were and still are my favorite news, but that's starting to change.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 06:47 PM
I prefer BBC, they tend to be a bit more objective when it comes to news. Their website is nice and easy to browse as well.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 07:01 PM
I prefer Foxnews

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Atomic

I've really noticed this the last couple months. I go to their website and it's a mish-mash of junk and tabloid headlines. It's probably the worst organized news homepage with so many distractions that I gave up and made the BBC my homepage last fall.

The news is ok but seems dumbed down or MTVish with short attention span stories.

They've got 10-year-olds running it now. At least it seems that way. I still go to their site, but I only peruse the headlines.

I'm sick of touchy-feely 20-somethings with messed-up hair reporting on newsless news. I want Walter Cronkite back.

I want Walter Cronkite and I want him now!

Better now. You're right CNN sucks. Can I say that?

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 07:48 PM
My favorite is Lou Dobbs. I like to hear the truth. I can live without Wolf.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 11:42 PM
I agree Dobbs lays it all out now. I'm suprised he hasn't bailed out again with so much fluff on the air. He should be running CNN.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 12:22 AM
anything that Murdoch publishes is good for me, at least that way you know that you are getting quality unbiased news and reporting....

On a more local scale, I was having a discussion with a housemate the other day about our local news channel, the news anchor is the mayors wife!!!! Surely this should be considered a Conflict of Interest.....ideas anyone?

I said to him, "yeah but what are you gonna do about it?" and his reply actually struck me as meaningful, maybe nobody else has said anything, but that doesn't mean that he shouldn't.....

It is a shame that people so willingly believe everything that is printed or broadcast, because most everything portrays the government as our benevolent happy happy joy joy friends who are only here to serve and help us, when in reality they now see it that we are here to serve the state, and they are usually the most crooked of all!!!!!

It's called Television Programming for a reason..........

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 07:16 AM
This is an outrage! When is CNN going to get back to being the go-to government mouthpiece for disinformation and spin? Now I have to go to FauxNews to get my daily spin.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 07:28 AM
Am I the only one here who thinks Fox News has completely and utterly dishonored the American flag by incorporating it into every single graphic that sorry network runs? They've got it all over the place... and they've butchered it-- as if to say, we're THE American network. Goes perfectly with the current administration's tactics... but it makes me sick too look at. Countless men and women have died for that flag and this snotty little network-on-a-leash comes a long and uses it to make people think they're somehow more patriotic than everyone else.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 09:01 AM
I generally go with Fox News because the other sources are so bad. But even Fox has it's faults. Enough with the Natalie Holloway story, Greta!!

As for the flag, I don't see the problem. They're not breaking the law, and they don't hold a monopoly on displaying it. At least they're not afraid or ashamed to say where they stand.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 09:07 AM
I like Lou Dobbs also, I send him Emails almost every day.........It seems that he is the only one on CNN I have time for anymore..
He does not seem to have much time for me though..................

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 09:23 AM
CNN is bad because that's what the people want. They wouldn't be an 'entertainment' channel if that wasn't what sells.

That's why FOX is so popular. It's all about the circus.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 11:14 AM
With 6 or 7 coporations running all the media outlets in America it's amazing that there is any variety at all. If it wern't for th internet we would all be a bunch of blubbering pundits a la Bilbo Reilley.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by firebat
Am I the only one here who thinks Fox News has completely and utterly dishonored the American flag by incorporating it into every single graphic that sorry network runs? They've got it all over the place... and they've butchered it-- as if to say, we're THE American network. Goes perfectly with the current administration's tactics... but it makes me sick too look at. Countless men and women have died for that flag and this snotty little network-on-a-leash comes a long and uses it to make people think they're somehow more patriotic than everyone else.

Have to agree with you there. I thought I had found a nice American flag screensaver for my TV until an hour later I realized it was actually Fox News. I don't understand why any news channel should be displaying a national flag at all, unless it's an official government news channel.

CNN with its hot chicks, and Fox news with its American flags... it's sickening pandering, but at least the former has a kind of logic to it. Balanced news shouldn't be presenting itself as pro-American or pro-anything.

I prefer printed news because its easier to skip over the ads and generally more comprehensive, but if I have to watch something, I'll watch the BBC or, if that's not available, CNN international, which is slightly closer to the "old" CNN.

[edit on 2-4-2006 by koji_K]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by koji_K
Have to agree with you there. I thought I had found a nice American flag screensaver for my TV until an hour later I realized it was actually Fox News.

It took you an hour to realize that?

CNN with its hot chicks, and Fox news with its American flags... it's sickening pandering, but at least the former has a kind of logic to it. Balanced news shouldn't be presenting itself as pro-American or pro-anything.

Why shouldn't they be pro-American? Is there some reason they should not be?

What do you think of people that have those magnetic ribbons on their cars?

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 11:51 PM
I watch CNN, but BBC is the best.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky

It took you an hour to realize that?

Yes, I'm kind of slow, you see

Why shouldn't they be pro-American? Is there some reason they should not be?

What do you think of people that have those magnetic ribbons on their cars?

Like I said before, I dont think a good news channel should be pro anything. It should be, as the saying went something like, "without fear or favor." Of course this is an unattainable ideal, but it would be nice if news channels strived for it a little more than they do.

Of course, if you want your news to have some slant, then by all means, there's no law against it, if that's what you mean.

As for those people with magnetic ribbons on their cars, I'm not quite sure what you mean. I'm assuming magnetic flag decals or something? I don't really think anything of them. So many people have them it's impossible to tell anything about anyone just because they do.

Although, as that country song implied, it's probably best not to have so many that you crash your car....

[edit on 3-4-2006 by koji_K]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 01:51 AM
That's how we, at home, are fighting the war on terror-- Bumper-stickers. Think of WW1/2... the Civil War... Vietnam... the people at home made sacrifices. They went to work making bullets or they saved scrap-metal or WHATEVER. What kinds of sacrifices, other than our constitution, are we making these days? None. So people put up these stupid bumper-stickers reminding us to support the troops... I'm glad that they think they've signed up to defend our country... in some cases that's what they're doing. But as of now, our troops are nothing more than puppets... their strings stretch all the way back to Washington. They're manipulated, brainwashed killing machines... those that think they're fighting an honorable war in Iraq. Mechanized puppets... thats all they are. Extended fingers of the military-industrial machine that has taken over the government.


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