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Vatican Sitting On Time Machine?

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posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 03:41 AM
While I was in search of information about 'edison's machine to communicate with the dead', I came across this. which I think is pretty interesting and I thought I'de post up the link so you all could check it out and let me know what you think about it.

Vatican Sitting On Time Machine?

"Believe nothing you hear, And half of what you see."

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 07:51 AM
Hoax. The "machine" has never been found and the "recordings" also mysteriously vanished except for a "photograph of the face of Christ" which turned out to be the photo of a statue. The play fragments also turned out to be hoaxes.

He apparently took information from what he believed were his former lives (and his information was not terribly accurate.) More on it here:

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:28 AM
I have some questions that are probably best described as related to “conventions.” Fahrenheit. Centigrade. Celsius. Kelvin. I guess everyone except Americans use the metric system. As an older person whose learning curve predates Celsius, I am curious if current usage confines the 0-100 scale of Centigrade to just that, 0 to 100 degrees. Do you metric types refer to any temperature warmer than 100 degrees or colder than 0 degrees Centigrade as “degrees Celsius?” And, how do you distinguish between C. as being the abbreviation for Centigrade or Celsius? Is it by context?

Zero degrees Kelvin is also referred to as “absolute zero.” It is also given as minus 273 deg C. and minus 459 deg F. I assume the “C.” refers to Celsius? I think the Kelvin scale is used in reference to the cosmic background infrared radiation, as being “3 deg K.” What field of study would use the Kelvin scale the most?

pH. Acidity. Alkalinity. Base. Neutrality. A pH of 7. (I understand the usefulness of logarithms. That is not my question.) I assume the “pH” came into use - a convention - to signify something. It is a form of shorthand. I assume it is small “p” large “H” to avoid confusing with just small p small h or large P large H.

From my reading, I conclude the “H” comes from hydrogen, but where does the “p” come from? What does the “p” signify in relation to hydrogen, the source of the “H?”

Last, I understand how the Greeks derived the value of pi. (Reducing a circle to many straight segments.) I think they said the value was 3 and 1/7th. Very close. But today we have formulas that allow us to calculate the value of pi to thousands of decimal places. I think out to 15,000 places. Does that formula lend itself to being reproduced here for my benefit? Or is it too complex, too esoteric?

Last after last. I love numbers. I find it marvelous to see the effect of squaring numbers. I’m thinking of the Earth. How it is roughly 8,000 miles across. Yet, the formula for figuring the area of a sphere - close enough - produces a very large result. But it is nothing when it comes to figuring the volume of a sphere! Area is 4 pi r squared. Volume is 4 pi r cubed divided by 3. Earth’s area, somewhat less than 201 Million square miles. Earth’s Volume, somewhat less than 268 Trillion cubic miles. From “Pocket Ref” by Thomas J. Glover, 3rd Ed., p. 485. Sequoia Publishing Co. See

[edit on 4/2/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 05:22 AM
Wow so many questions about units!

Firstly the name degrees centigrade has largely fallen out of use and been replaced by degrees celsius. This is the unit used for all values not just 0-100.

Just a note the Kelvin scale is not measured in degrees Kelvin, just Kelvin. Fahrenheight and celsius are referred to as degrees F or C as (for example) in temperature terms 20 degrees celsius is not twice as hot as 10 degrees celsius whereas because Kelvin starts at 0 at the lowest possible temperature, 20K is twice as hot as 10K.

Back to your question though because of the explanation above Kelvin is the unit used throughout all sciences, all the equations I have encountered in university physics and physical chemistry use K as the unit. In fact I "think" Kelvin is the S.I. unit.

pH has a small p as only units named after people can begin with a capital letter eg V for Volt, C for Coulumb etc. You are right to say that the H refers to hydrogen (more specifically H+ ion). Without getting too much into chemistry the acidity of a substance is measured by its concentration of H+ ions where its basicity (commmonly known as alkali) is measured by its concentration of OH- and pOH is an equally valid but much less commonly used unit.

Finally I have read a book in the past about Pi and from what i remember there are a variety of infinate serieses that can be used to calculate Pi to any number of decimal places, not just 15,000, I believe we have calculated it to several million now. I cant remember any of these infinate serieses off the top of my head but you can probably look them up in a maths book.

Hope this answers most of your questions

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:01 AM

posted by gfad: “Just a note the Kelvin scale is not measured in degrees Kelvin, just Kelvin. Fahrenheit and Celsius are referred to as degrees F or C . . in temperature terms 20 degrees Celsius is not twice as hot as 10 degrees Celsius whereas because Kelvin starts at 0 at the lowest possible temperature, 20K is twice as hot as 10K . . In fact I "think" Kelvin is the S.I. unit . . Hope this answers most of your questions. George. [Edited by Don W]

You have given me a valuable insight into temperatures. You explained how “doubling” the number of degrees is not doubling the heat content except in K. Linear is not logarithmic. I did not know that. It had never occurred to me. However I recognized instantly that what you said was true. At least as relates to F. and C. I read about K. but I have never worked in K. Thank you. I had to go to Google to learn what “S.I.” meant. Here is a good website

Don White

PS. My spell checker changes English spellings into American. No harm meant.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:14 AM

posted by: “BYRD: Hoax. The "machine" has never been found and the "recordings" also mysteriously vanished except for a "photograph of the face of Christ" which turned out to be the photo of a statue. The play fragments also turned out to be hoaxes.

To George.
It looked to me this thread was “trumped” before it could get started. Stillborn. Which is just as well. When I was a kid we used to say the Vatican had the world’s largest collection of pornography. I haven’t heard that one for 50 years.

I note you show the picture of a forward swept main wing aircraft. With forward canards for attitude. Pitch, as in yaw, pitch and roll. I think there was an “X” plane in the 1970s that was one of the first computerized fly-by-wire planes. This configuration is inherently unstable. Humans cannot fly it alone. It provides so much maneuverability that no pilot’s body can survive. Very interesting.
Don W.

[edit on 4/3/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 09:24 AM
Ahh, now I get it! Don White's posts and responses.

The Catholic Church, Vatican, Jesuits, Opus Dei, Pope, etc. are all 'the other' "no go", "kill it quick" topics on ATS.

A Time Machine (phff!) isn't what the Vatican is hiding, but proof of the true histories of man, that would collaps the Catholic Church and leave no one in doubt that Christ Jesus is our Saviour, though mighty embarrassed about countless loads of tripe we've swallowed as 'facts'.

But that's just my humble opinion based on .... , so ignor this rambling post, all you faithfull Sun worshipers, you'll enjoy more Ishtars, sorry, Easters, before this slow dripping leak becomes a flood.

So Don, why was it, "JUST AS WELL" this thread got, "trumped before it could get started. Stillborn."?
Can't the Catholic Church stand up to the lying assults Christianity (loosed from catholic/mans doctrine and dogma) puts up with daily on this site?

No need to answer me, I know the spin backwards, but if you want turn this into a Catholic praising thread, like masons do to mason questioning threads, who's going to stop you?

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by donwhite
From my reading, I conclude the “H” comes from hydrogen, but where does the “p” come from? What does the “p” signify in relation to hydrogen, the source of the “H?”
[edit on 4/2/2006 by donwhite]

If i remember my Standard Grade chemistry, p is latin for "potens" and relates to the ability of an acid to donate a proton (H)

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 09:56 AM

posted by suzy ryan: “Ahh, I get it! Don White's posts and responses . . Catholic Church, Vatican, Jesuits, Opus Dei, Pope, etc. are 'the other' "no go" "kill it quick" topics on ATS.

I’m new here, Suzy, and had no ulterior motives.

“A Time Machine isn't what the Vatican is hiding, but proof of the true histories of man that would collapse the Catholic Church and leave no one in doubt that Christ Jesus is our Savior . . “

I don’t want to alarm you but I do not believe in the God of Michelangelo, as I describe Him. Six foot three, 200 lbs, flowing white hair, etc.

“ . . though embarrassed about countless loads of tripe we've swallowed as 'facts.' But that's just my humble opinion based on . . so ignore this rambling post, all you Sun worshipers, you'll enjoy more Ishtars, sorry, Easters, before this slow dripping leak becomes a flood.

Yes, S/R, I do live in Florida, but that fact alone does not make me a sun worshiper. In fact, my dermatologist strongly recommends everyone stay out of the sun! Skin cancer, etc.

“So Don, why was it, "JUST AS WELL" this thread got, "trumped before it could get started. Stillborn."?

Well, (moderator) Byrd declared the Edison ‘Time Machine’ a hoax in the first response. Then, I thought I’d inject a small bit of humor in this short-circuited thread. Although I have heard of Einstein’s space-time warped universe theory, I must admit I do not understand much of it but I’m convinced Einstein would not be an advocate for a “time” machine.

“ . . Can't the Catholic Church stand up to the lying assaults Christianity puts up with daily on this site? No need to answer me, I know the spin backwards, but if you want turn this into a Catholic praising thread, like masons do to mason questioning threads, who's going to stop you? [All edited by Don W]

Irish joke: A Jewish man walked into an Irish pub. A large burly man came to him and in an insistent voice, asked, “Are you Protestant or Catholic?” The fellow responded “I am a Jew,” to which the Irishman said, “OK, are you a Protestant Jew or a Catholic Jew?” Or, some things never change.

Now, Suzy Ryan, that we’ve been introduced, what is it you want to say here?

[edit on 4/3/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 10:06 AM

posted by glastonaut: “If I remember my Standard Grade chemistry, p is Latin for "potens" and relates to the ability [say potential?] of an acid to donate a proton (H) [Edited by Don W]

Thank you, Glastonaut. People say I spend too much time on trivia but then, somewhat modified, “One man’s hero is another man’s terrorist.”

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 10:34 AM
"Vatican Sitting On Time Machine?"

Best topic of the year

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by croaker013
Vatican Sitting On Time Machine?

Actual the Vatican is sitting on seven hills.

The only time machine that I would think they would have would be their extensive library; that in of it self would be a trip back in time.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by GameSetMatch
Actual the Vatican is sitting on seven hills.

That would be Rome, not the Vatican.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Simon666
That would be Rome, not the Vatican.

The vatican is not a Church and state?

"It is within the city of Rome, called The City on Seven Hills, that the entire area of Vatican State Proper is now confined" The Catholic Encyclopedia, p. 529.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 10:42 AM

posted by GameSetMatch: “

posted by Simon666: “That would be Rome, not the Vatican.

The Vatican is not . . [Edited by Don W]

In February, 1929, The Catholic Church and the State of Italy concluded a treaty called t he Lantern Treaty. The Church gave up its claims to the old Papal States and got the 40 acres or so around St. Peter’s as its own enclave, but it is also is recognized as an independent state (or country in the US.)

There are also 4 chapels and a papal retreat outside the Vatican that are the property of the Vatican and excluded from any governance by Italy.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by GameSetMatch

Originally posted by Simon666
That would be Rome, not the Vatican.

The vatican is not a Church and state?

Rome is a city that, in its distant past, was a collection of settlements on seven biggish hills. As they grew, they coalesced (first, intersting, through a series of religious games between the denizens of the seven hills). After coalescing, the city grew even more. Later, some buildings were made that housed the Pope and the RCC heads. Later after that, the legal authority for much of europe was the papacy. Much later after that, that legal authority was reduced to that region of italy in the north.
external image

Later after that, there was a secular revolution and the church's land claims were in dispute. After that, the church and the state agreed that the church could have temporal control of a small section of the City of Rome, not the whole city, and not the whole of the Seven Hills either.

The Seven Hills are:

  1. Palatine
  2. Aventine
  3. Capitoline
  4. Quirinal
  5. Viminal
  6. Esquiline
  7. Caelian

The Vatican sacerdotal State is situated on the Vatican Hill, which is just another hill in the city limits of Rome, not one of the Seven Hills.


posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 12:02 PM
The Vatican sitting on a time machine?

I would think if this were the case that the vatican would have used it by now to reach the 21st century, rather than remaining in the middle ages.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 01:05 PM

posted by df1: “The Vatican sitting on a time machine? I would think if this were the case that the Vatican would have used it by now to reach the 21st century, rather than remaining in the middle ages.

Can you imagine, df1, how much energy would be released if the RCC could just do this:
1. Ordain women,
2. Admit of married clergy, and
3. Hold an open election by the members of the next Pope?

[edit on 4/5/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 02:22 PM
If they could just stop banging kids that'd be a start.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
If they could just stop banging kids that'd be a start.

Women ordained and married priests would stop that ASAP. As it is now I'd agree the Catholic priesthood is a magnet for child abuserfs.

Thx, Nygdan, for the good history and map of Rome and etc.

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