posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 03:47 AM
I am not going to advocate the use of drugs. But the truth is.
For Deep philisophical thoughts, Shrooms.
For Mathmatical and Complex thoughts, Methanphetamine.
Yes they do work. Although for shrooms you must already have a deepthinking mental capacity. If you don't then you just trip out.
As for meth, it'll make you clear minded and perfect at any video game. Math BECOMES FUN, no matter what. Then again, you need to have a higher
think9ing mind other wise the drug can't be used as a tool, just as an intoxicant which is pointless unless you wanna ruin your life.
The thing about drugs is that THEY WORK WELL. There is a reason they are illegal (besides weed). Seriosuly.
So I guess meth would be the more of a STEROID. It boost both physcial and MENTAL performance.
BTW drugs can be used as tool for higher thinking, but lose that ability with frequency of use.