posted on Oct, 12 2003 @ 07:58 AM
An idea:
It would be interesting to have people scan their letters and upload them somewhere (if they suspect a duplicate). Then someone could type it up (yeah
a lot of work) and compare the letter letter by letter with a simple computer program. Then post the results, again with a computer program (simple
output of % match to items in database, use text->html to append to current results).
So what would happen, is, as you recieved letters you would type them up. Once typed up, the letter would be compared to everything in the database
and the matching results would be published on the website. So like the front page would say:
We have 15 letters from soliders in [blah blah blah] that are exactly the same.
We have 4 letters from soliders in [blah blah blah] that are exactly the same.
it wouldn't to hard... just requires some simple unix access, a server for storing pictures and a simple front page for the results. Send to various
newspapers and media corporations (around the world too, via email) and viola!
edit- if you don't think the above can be done please keep your comments to yourself
We want to deny ignorance, not promote it.
[Edited on 12-10-2003 by ktprktpr]
[Edited on 12-10-2003 by ktprktpr]