posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 09:45 PM
It has come up that not much collaboration happens here, and I suspect this is because of certain creative differences between various authors and the
friction that creates. Characters go schizophrenic, settings morph wildly, and the plot changes every chapter.
We can stop that from happening to this story.
What I want to do is get between 3 and 6 writers together on the ground-floor of a story, no late entries, nothing gets written until we have a common
We'll get together, and once we have a team, we'll come up with a very general theme, ie: "intrapersonal conflict set in a highschool" or
"Interpersonal conflict set in the Pentagon." etc.
Once we've got that, we'll build specific characters and specific setting that compliment the conflict we want to create. We'll discuss name,
physical attributes, history, mentality, etc then all do an exercise where we write him in a specific situation. The goal will be that before we start
writing the actual story, when we put the same to characters in the same situation, we all write roughly the same personality- if not necessarily the
same result.
Once we've confirmed a common concept for characters and setting, only then do we start with Chapter 1.
The idea here is that great writing is natural- you don't force the characters actions, but you empathize with the mentality of the person you've
created and can predict what he would do if he was real. Theoretically, if we all share a common concept of the characters and situation, we can all
write as one and create a story together without sabotaging one another.
This will be a great way to excercise our personal skills and get to know one another... so who's up for it?