posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 09:31 AM
I like music that teaches me things. Nice pun in the title as well:
1. A lively, whirling southern Italian dance once thought to be a remedy for tarantism.
2. The music for this dance, in 6/8 time.
A disorder characterized by an uncontrollable urge to dance, especially prevalent in southern Italy from the 15th to the 17th century and popularly
attributed to the bite of a tarantula.
1. Any of various large, hairy, chiefly tropical spiders of the family Theraphosidae, capable of inflicting a painful but not seriously poisonous
2. A large wolf spider (Lycosa tarentula) of southern Europe, once thought to cause tarantism.
Definition sources:
QueenAnnie, what do you use to make your music. Are they MIDIs?
[edit on 1-4-2006 by Yarcofin]