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What is your trigger event?

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posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 12:19 PM
What would it take for you to decide its time to take action?

What event would be necessary for you to want to join armed rebellion against the US government?

What event would be necessary for you to decide to pack up and try to retreat to a safer area?

What event would be necessary for you to start actively seeking groups to prepare for armed resistance?

A nuke or bio attack going off on US soil and\or the impression that the November elections are completely rigged are my personal breakpoints. If either of those events happen that is when I will kick my personal planning into high gear. What about you?

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 12:26 PM
Not sure if this applies to me being from the UK. It seems to be aimed at the US. I may be wrong though.

But i am intrigued as to what you mean by

If either of those events happen that is when I will kick my personal planning into high gear

Please explain what you intend to do. This could make for an interesting thread.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Violent
What would it take for you to decide its time to take action?

What event would be necessary for you to want to join armed rebellion against the US government?

What event would be necessary for you to decide to pack up and try to retreat to a safer area?

What event would be necessary for you to start actively seeking groups to prepare for armed resistance?

A nuke or bio attack going off on US soil and\or the impression that the November elections are completely rigged are my personal breakpoints. If either of those events happen that is when I will kick my personal planning into high gear. What about you?

The day I see any countries planes over my head or troops landing on the US's beaches is the day I pick up a gun. Wether it be Uncle Sams gun or my own, I start shooting.

Why dont I enlist today? I am the sole income provider for my family, I have too many people relying on me to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. I am also waaaay to out of shape and old.


If I were 19 again and single, I would be there already.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 12:43 PM
Yeah, I just wanted to get discussion going. Not trying to advocate immediate armed rebellion or any other tinfoil armor kneejerk reactions. The question is really open ended, and honestly applies to ANYONE, ANYWHERE. Not just the US - what would it take for you to personally decide to grab the oh-# handle, and seriously buckle up and get ready as best as you can for the ride.

Foreign troops on US soil - yep, you bet I'll be gathering my neighbors, arming them as best as possible and working to resist.

But what if martial law is declared? Our troops are abroad, and foreign troops are brought in to "maintain and support peace". That's a blurry line that I feel might make people think twice about armed resistance. But the potential of BOTH circumstances to create an environment where the America I grew up in will dissappear completely is high.

In either case, I feel armed resistance is appropriate and I would hate to see the civil war that might ensue as resistance and main stream American's that believe a Government martial law for safety explanation.

What about the UK? If martial law were declared would there be resistance, an outcry? What about other countries?

Personally, I would attempt to find a safer place to dig in with the anticipation of a few weeks to months needed to lay low while the dust settles and the lines are drawn more clearly. I read the Retreaters Surivial manual (I believe that was the title) and it brought up a REALLY interesting way of looking and planning how to respond.

Retreating is finding safety for your way of life in order to give you as much control as possible over what actions you might want to take. It is important to determine what you are retreating from. Someone retreating from society to avoid IRS or home schooling violations has a different set of goals and needs compared to someone that is preparing to retreat in event of nuclear\martial law imposition. Someone wanting to retreat in an urban environment and dissappear off the radar has a different set of challenges than someone planning to go to the sticks and survive.

This thread isn't meant to discuss ONLY bio attacks, or ONLY nuclear attacks or martial law. Its for discussing ideas and provoke thought about what YOU would have to experience before you were ready to make serious changes in your life in order to respond (be it completely non violent or violent).

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 12:49 PM
Currently I still have a little faith that the "system" works; but if I ever feel that my vote, my input is worthless and I have been "chumped out" just for my tax dollars; I'm outa here. Adios, Hasta la Vista, goodbye!!

The Diebold affair has me real close to liquidating my assets and leaving. I might be celebrating next Christmas in Rio or Bermuda or Sri Lanka or Amsterdam. Time will tell....

If you wait for an event to make your decision; it's to late.

It's a brave new world; welcome to the monkey house!!!!!!

[edit on 30-3-2006 by whaaa]

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 04:54 PM
I suppose my "trigger event" would be a declaration of martial law on a national level which would of course be unpresidented in our nations history. Would I go haring off into the hills? No probably not, I would however be ready to duck and cover as needed. Armed resistance would be a last resort responce to mass arrests, or forced relocation for less than earth shattering events, such as crustal displacement, or alien invasion. Relocation because of civil disorder, uh-uh, not happenin' boyz. I've put far too much work into this home of mine, ain't no civil disorder driving me anywhere.

My arsenal of democracy is adiquate to protect against rioting or civil disorder.

But since these things are unlikely to occur, I am not horribly worried about it, except to have a rough, actually very rough plan in mind, and full pantry shelves which is only prudent in any times, good or bad.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 02:58 PM
I too would have to say martial law.

But I'm curious--even with foreign troops here in America, how possible is it to lock down every single city? Or every major metropolitan area? Would we have troops on every single Main Street USA?

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:31 PM
I think it would be pretty feasible for the most part to lock down the whole country...
"Why" you ask?

Everyone would beleive the BS and think it was for theyre own safety, thinking theyre is a threat.
That threat would be the government.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 04:47 PM
The absence of a 2008 election.

I think that would just about do it....though the election of Jeb in 2008 or Hillary in 2008 would be damn close....

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 05:57 PM
A simple analysis of the American Way of Life, vs sustainability had convinced me a long time ago, I am in the hills.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 08:44 PM
I don't know what it would take for me to actually rebel against the US government. If they allow the third world scum to turn this country into a crime ridden hellhole with degrading personal freedoms and an unsafe environment to live in (fascist police, gangs, poverty, riots, police state laws, etc.) then I would probably go "war". I dont think it is at that point. I also feel strongly in upholding the 2nd Amendment and right now I think there is still a slight chance in the next few years to see personal arms becoming more accepted.

The immigration protests right now could get nasty. The illegals will be pissed if they don't get amnesty, and alot of Americans will be pissed if they do. Either way I think the potential for something widespread and bad to happen is definatly there.

War with Iran and attacks on US soil would definatly make me go "militia".

Nuclear war would make me move to the woods and become militant.

Police State might piss me off and make me become a proud militia member that speaks out against the government, but I have always have had a mental complex against violence. I think it would take alot to make me go "war" on a group of people (police, government, politicians, etc.).

And I think if there are natural distasters where hundreds of thousands of people die in the US, I would probably become a survivalist and become prepared for disasters in an extreme sort of way.

Hope the FBI, Law Enforcement, CIA, and President Bush enjoyed reading this.

[edit on 2-4-2006 by ImplementOfWar]

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