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Australia attacked with weather weapons!

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posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 01:43 AM
hahah i hear u DrBone, i'm in sydney here. I'm farily young, 24, and even i can see through all the political crap of australian politics. Both sides are awful. Kinda liked Mark Latham but i can't really form opinion.
Anyway back on Topic, I think trying to link the weather problems here with a conspiracy theory is a pretty long stretch at this point. Sure the American ones have a leg to stand on but you can't go around saying everything that happens is a product of the NWO. Nature is natural, and crap happens, especially with global warming. I doubt the NWO has a thing against Australias banana industry.
We're pretty small fish anyway.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 02:10 AM
G'day all,

WOW! Not bad feedback, be it pro or con, I dont mind taking criticism as it promotes discussion and debate. Dock6 i think it was, who talked about it not raining in Sydney.....maaate! I been telling all my mates this past summer that something definitely is up with our cool changes that pass through Melbourne here after a coupla days of heat.

I reckon ive counted bout 5 times when theres been 3 or 4 days of high 30's and low 40's (degrees celcius) and a cool change was coming through, even thou the clouds were bursting at the seams with water it did not fall. One perfect example for you guys out there from Melbourne was on New Years Eve when the tempriture hit 45 degrees, just before the cool change was to come through, with predicted storms and heavy rainfall.

And yeah, it did come through round midnight, with some storm activity and the clouds were full as yet it did not rain.

There was one link i recently found yet cant remeber where but I'll state it here when i find it that said along the lines of the USA, the chinese and Russia were experimenting with weather weapons during the cold war and sign a secret tri-lateral agreement to not attack each other with these weapons. Sorry I cant provide more info on this at the moment.

Anyway, gotta go so keep the comments coming through.

P,S. Melbourne_Militia the name I chose for this site, was chosen because I wish that we had here in Australia more of the US style citizen militia groups to protect their local communities if need be. Just thought that this name might promote some debate on it but this is not the post for it.


posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 05:51 AM
Be all over the news in New Zealand
I highley doubt but i don't dismiss it

For weather control to work they should really be able to control it?
and who has a grudge agaisnt Aussie anyways?

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Dock6
Those who claim Chemtrails are just a 'conspiracy' theory might like to explain the wall to wall criss-cross Chemtrail patterns that are blatantly laid down over Sydney, 24/7 ? What ARE those criss-cross patterns of white gunk that disperse to form psuedo 'haze'? And WHY do the criss-cross Chemtrails (and subsequent 'haze') literally 'melt' heavy rain clouds and rain fronts in the same way as fabric conditioner 'disappears' soap suds in your washing machine?

They're water vapour from commercial airliners. And they don't melt rain clouds - if they did we'd notice
What you're probably seeing is cirrostratus moving in ahead of a weakening front that produces little or no rain by the time it reached Sydney.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Dock6
I currently live in Sydney Australia. It has to be one of the most Chemtrailed cities on the planet.

The Chemtrailing of Sydney is being perpetrated on massive scale, continually.But it's not allowed to fall on those parched gardens and the 'empty' dams the policitians rant so hysterically about.

I must say that I also live in Sydney and I have noted over the past 12-months or so a significant increase in chem trails over this city. About 3 weeks ago early morning there were two massive trails. If I get a chance I will post them here.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by Dock6
I currently live in Sydney Australia. It has to be one of the most Chemtrailed cities on the planet.

The Chemtrailing of Sydney is being perpetrated on massive scale, continually.

Drought ? Drought? What sort of drought has millions of tons of water sitting just over everyone's heads on regular basis, the way rain closes in on Sydney several times each month: visible rain: loads of it.

But it's not allowed to fall on those parched gardens and the 'empty' dams the policitians rant so hysterically about.

Instead, all those masses of heavy rain clouds are determinedly dispersed via wall to wall Chemtrailing, which is laid down right over Sydneysiders' heads. It's easy to photograph the Chemtrails, day or night and hundreds do.

Those who claim Chemtrails are just a 'conspiracy' theory might like to explain the wall to wall criss-cross Chemtrail patterns that are blatantly laid down over Sydney, 24/7 ? What ARE those criss-cross patterns of white gunk that disperse to form psuedo 'haze'? And WHY do the criss-cross Chemtrails (and subsequent 'haze') literally 'melt' heavy rain clouds and rain fronts in the same way as fabric conditioner 'disappears' soap suds in your washing machine?

The condensation trail left behind jet aircrafts are called contrails. Contrails form when hot humid air from jet exhaust mixes with environmental air of low vapor pressure and low temperature. The mixing is a result of turbulence generated by the engine exhaust. Cloud formation by a mixing process is similar to the cloud you see when you exhale and "see your breath". The figure below represents how saturation vapor pressure varies as a function of temperature. The blue line is the saturation vapor pressure for ice as a function of temperature (in degrees Kelvin). Air parcels in the region labeled saturated will form a cloud. Imagine two parcels of air, A and B as located on the diagram. Both parcels are unsaturated. If B represents the engine exhaust, then as it mixes with the environment (parcel A) its temperature and corresponding vapor pressure will follow the dotted line. Where this dotted line intersects the blue line is were the parcel becomes saturated.

If you are attentive to contrail formation and duration, you will notice that they can rapidly dissipate or spread horizontally into an extensive thin cirrus layer. How long a contrail remains intact, depends on the humidity structure and winds of the upper troposphere. If the atmosphere is near saturation, the contrail may exist for sometime. On the other hand, if the atmosphere is dry then as the contrail mixes with the environment it dissipates. Contrails are a concern in climate studies as increased jet aircraft traffic may result in an increase in cloud cover. It has been estimated that in certain heavy air-traffic corridors, cloud cover has increased by as much as 20%. An increase in cloud amount changes the region's radiation balance. For example, solar energy reaching the surface may be reduced, resulting in surface cooling. They also reduce the terrestrial energy losses of the planet, resulting in a warming. Jet exhaust also plays a role in modifying the chemistry of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. NASA and the DOE are sponsoring a research program to study the impact contrails have on atmospheric chemistry, weather and climate. In this series of satellite images we will investigate the duration of contrails. The satellite images are from the GOES-8 visible channel. Each image is separated in time by approximately 15 minutes. The GOES-8 image has a spatial resolution of approximately 1 km. The satellite image is a view of upper mid-west including southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. Madison is located on the image. Contrails were observed from the ground during this period. At this wavelength, the GOES-8 imager is measuring the amount of radiant energy reflected by the surface and the clouds. The whiter a given portion of the image, the larger the amount of reflected visible light. White portions of the image represent thick clouds and dark regions are water or heavily vegetated regions. Contrails show up on the image as white streaks, similar to how they appear from a surface view.

Let's take a look at the travel figures for Sydney airport. In 2003, Sydney had 25,000,000+ passengers go through it. That has probably increased since then with the addition of the direct flight from Honolulu last year, and other flights. That's going to get more contrails showing in the sky.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 04:51 AM
um... Melbourne_Militia... i should probably remind you theres no such thing as weather weapons, unless you care to share some more reliable information that is.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Let's take a look at the travel figures for Sydney airport. In 2003, Sydney had 25,000,000+ passengers go through it. That has probably increased since then with the addition of the direct flight from Honolulu last year, and other flights. That's going to get more contrails showing in the sky.

What I see is not contrails. I live on a flight path and what I see is trails that are not from planes travelling the flight paths of domestic and international airlines, they are trails from planes on a different path.

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