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Australia attacked with weather weapons!

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posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 03:29 AM
hi all,

Australia has had 2 Category 5 cyclones(hurricanes) within the last two weeks, the current one which has coincidently occured at the same time that the highest tide of the year is due to hit the shores at the town of Karatha.

Very coincidental if you ask me, aswell as the drought affecting the south eastern reagion of the continent which hasnt ended for over 8 years or so now.

Could just be a coincidence, but so is the visit of the Chinese Priminister here in Australia next week to sign off on a multi billion dollar Uranium export deal.

What would be the chances of China blackmailing Australia with weather weapons to get a cheap deal?


posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 03:42 AM
I can remember reading years ago that China was experimenting with
Weather Control where they were fireing some chemicals into the clouds
to produce rain and from what I can remember they messed up because
they couldnt stop it raining and they ended up with floods.

Havent heard anymore about it recently so dont know how
far they got with this.

Its easy to find conspiracy in everything if you're not careful.

I would think Global Warming has more to do with Australia's current weather problems -
but who knows, nothing surprises me these days !.

I just heard on our news about Cyclone Glenda in WA.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 03:49 AM
hi Melbourne_Militia

I live in Melbourne,Australia myself and the devastation of these cyclones is really tremendous it has been all over the news.

I like a good old conspiracy and to be honest have thought about weather weapons myself, but at the end of the day we need to see some proof of these speculations.

Have you got any reliable websites of information on these so called weather weapons, if so please post them im sure that will make this topic more interesting, thanks.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia
What would be the chances of China blackmailing Australia with weather weapons to get a cheap deal?

Probably about as good as the Japanese Yakuza being responsible for the destruction of New Orleans in revenge for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 03:55 AM
I'm not far from Melbourne myself, it was the continuing drought that did get me thinking about some kind of weather weaponry, not the cylones

Good point though, don't know where you would start researching something like this

[edit on 30-3-2006 by madhatter]

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 03:56 AM
I'm an Melbourne Florida...didn't know many Aussie's believed in conspiracies.

I've been to Melbourne Australia rained the entire time I was there.

Do you guys think that maybe they have HAARP in Australia too? You can go to Yahoo and look up HAARP...or look for threads on it on ATS.

U2U Me sometime. Cheers mates.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 03:59 AM
I live in sydney. I credit the weather to global warming and using too much fossil fuels. There is no such thing as "weather weapons" stop coming up with weird conspiracy theories.

I think we should sell more uranium, and I think we should start using nuclear power as much as possible. The thing we have at lucas heights only produces things like tracers and other isotopes used in medicine and industry. We need nuclear power.

The only thing that the hurricanes have effected are:

- alot of property
- the banana industry (badly)
- somthing else?

Okay maybe these are some bad coincidences, China is really becoming terrible now. There are sooo many of them, they are developing industry greatly, especially their small arms which have increased in quality. They will soon produce cars and I bet they will be three times cheaper than korean cars.

weather.... okay fine, maybe they are doing something witht he hurricanes.

The drought has no connection, technology 8 years ago would not have been good enough.

and about the hurricanes... These things normally occur in simular areas and can happen consequtively in the same place, it isn't impossible, but improbably (I'll give you that).

ah, don't listen to me.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia

What would be the chances of China blackmailing Australia with weather weapons to get a cheap deal?

I'll give you odds of 1,000,000,000 to 1

If anyone could control the weather (we can't, we don't even yet fully undertsand how it works naturally) the first thing they'd do would be to improve their own climate.

You forget that China suffers as much from tropical cyclones as Australia, America and Japan.....

(Or were those typhoons that killed thousands in China last year caused by Australia?

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by Essan

If anyone could control the weather (we can't, we don't even yet fully undertsand how it works naturally) the first thing they'd do would be to improve their own climate.

maybe they can't make things better, only worse.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia
Could just be a coincidence, but so is the visit of the Chinese Priminister here in Australia next week to sign off on a multi billion dollar Uranium export deal.

I love a conspiracy - but no way.

Weather like most things in life goes in cycles and we are just in one of the peak cycles. Weather is also influenced by solar activity and there has been a lot of solar activity lately. I think if you check your facts that in the year of cyclone Tracey there was a lot of activity around at that time as well.

No conspiracy here...


posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 06:46 AM
Tropical cyclones release more energy than mankind consumes.. It's like exploding 3 10 megaton nukes every hour.

If China, or any other country, would have access to that much energy they would'nt need to buy millions of barrels of oil..

There is just no way to generate cyclones with our current technology, all weather control men can do is generate some rain by shooting chemicals to clouds.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 07:19 AM
I heard this somewhere, but I'm not sure where. The major world governments were developing weather control devices, and lost control. Apparently they messed up either the jet stream or the ocean current and led to extreme weather patterns. This is what supposedly caused El Nino, La Nina, and everything else that we have experienced until now.

Again, this is what I heard, and if it were true would explain why everywhere is being demolished equally. Because I haven't got any real sources, reliable witnesses, hard evidence or anything, this can basically be dismissed.

Oh, and by the way, to all the Aussies out there, what does chunder mean?

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
I heard this somewhere, but I'm not sure where. The major world governments were developing weather control devices, and lost control. Apparently they messed up either the jet stream or the ocean current and led to extreme weather patterns. This is what supposedly caused El Nino, La Nina, and everything else that we have experienced until now.

Again, this is what I heard, and if it were true would explain why everywhere is being demolished equally. Because I haven't got any real sources, reliable witnesses, hard evidence or anything, this can basically be dismissed.

The only thing the World Govts may have messed up is carbon emissions:- which may be responsible for global warming which, in turn, will lead - at least in the short term (ie next few decades) to more extreme weather events.

El Nino/La Nina has been going for the past few thousand years - we're currently in a mild La Nina I think - and all the Jet Streams and Ocean Currents are currently exactly where they should be, doing what they should be doing.

There are simply too many experienced amateurs out there pouring over satellite data and computer model output on a daily basis for there to be anything significantly amiss. H*ll some of us are looking specifically because we want something to be amiss - like the Gulf Stream stopping or something! (here in the UK we get pretty boring weather compared to many other places, and a hurricane of some severe cold and snow would actually be welcomed by many weather enthusiasts

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420

Oh, and by the way, to all the Aussies out there, what does chunder mean?

chunder=a technicolour yawn or more to the point

Cyclone Curly, (sorry couldn't resist) has been downgraded to Cat 4 and is hitting land, i think at Exmouth WA. As to the weapon idea, it's a lot of energy for really, not that much destruction compared to say, slamming one into Sydeny or Brisbane. Just to put the tin foil hat on for a sec, IT WAS THE EMPIRE GAMES. They bought custom weather (the weather was PERFECT every day of the games in Melbourne) and the consequences of creating ideal conditions in one area caused chaos in other local regions.

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
Do you guys think that maybe they have HAARP in Australia too?

Dunno, there's a few suspects. there's the Omega tower in Sale (S.E. Victoria) which is part of the submarine comm's network apparently, and there's always whispers about Pine Gap having big Tesla type machines and underground ariels and such, but who knows.

One of the last Australians to publicly enter Pine Gap was former opposition leader Mark Latham, who over the years was opposed to it. According to some reports, at the press conference after the visit, he was white as a ghost and has since gone on to say he's for the base. Dunno what he saw in there, maybe they zoomed in on his wife and kids playing in the back yard, or showed him how they kicked out Gough in '75. Sheesh, even Peter Garett, lead singer from Midnight Oil and current Labor M.P. is for the base and he was one of the most publicly outspoken critics of it! Latham fell by the wayside, wrote a book that basically stuck the knife in nearly everyone in Oz politics and smashed a press photographers camera. . .

Just a question to the weather people out there, don't cyclones/hurricanes have a lot to do with ocean temperatures? Is there a jet stream like in the northern hemisphere?

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 10:52 AM
Hello....fellow Aussie here, in fact, I live in Queensland, about 3 hours south from where the cyclones have been hitting...

Don't get me wrong, I'm a hardcore conspiracy theorist, although these days, its far less of a conspiracy theory as much as it is the elite's Documented Policy....anyway, this is the wrong board for my political/evil empire anti totalitarian views... but this thread is wrong in my opinion...

Whilst yes we do have HAARP here, (research Pine Gap,) the current natural disasters are in my opinion simply that..natural...

Queensland has always been a cyclone hotspot, I used to live right on the beach at a channel, boy, we get some crazy storms here!

The further north you go, the more tropical the weather becomes, therefore more monsoon like instability...

Most houses close to shorelines are supposed to be built to be cyclone proof, why? Because we have lots of cyclones fact, these heavy ones have been far overdue, we are also far overdue for floods.

The only conspiracy I see about these tragic events is the absolute media charade around how good the insipid little scum sucking Howard Government has come through for the people, they didn't really do much to help, and nor do they plan to..

Howard comes on television, waving and smiling next to the cyclone victims, stops to kiss a baby or two, maybe poses for a photo holding a shovel like he is actually helping rebuild, and then gets back in his private jet and flies back to Canberra......he makes me sick, as does the entire liberal government and the way that Australia is headed, following down the path to Globalisation.....We have plenty of our own natural resources, why should we allow ourselves to be dictated which way we shall go by the Yanks and the Brits????

Not that the labour party is much better, they can't even find a decent leader, much less one that doesn't look like he has been stuffing himself with cake for the past 40 years....

The idea of a two party system if flawed anyway, they both work for the same team, we need a viable third party that aren't beholden to the whims of the International Banksters....

With all these new terrorist laws, industrial (slavery) reforms, as well as the planned introduction of a "smart" card to help protect our freedoms by taking them away, I am absolutely disgusted with the way that our country is headed, and the saddest part? Everyone would rather watch Big Brother and Australian Idol then worry about whats going on...

People should be scared of the Big Brother concept, instead, our biggest television network packages it and sells it to us, and we embrace it with open arms!!

So this is how democracy thunderous applause.

Wow, so much stuff to complain about, but its 3am so I'm gonna give it a rest, I went off on way too many tangents in this thread, so to summarise.

Cyclones - Natural
John Howard - Lizard like creep whom I would punch in the ovaries....
Globalism - Sickening and wrong
Australian Government - Useless bunch of thieving crooks
Opposition Party - Useless bunch of crooked thieves
Workplace Industrial Reforms - Benefit the elite, not the people/slaves
Terrorist Laws - Far more bigger threat to your freedom than terrorists
Smart Card - The next step in the march towards mandatory microchips

I feel sick just thinking about all this stuff, as well as the peoples complacency......

PS - 9/11 was an inside job....

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 11:24 AM
Live weather link.

Taking into account Australia' land mass versus this cyclone...that's a big storm.

Another link,

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 12:42 PM
I currently live in Sydney Australia. It has to be one of the most Chemtrailed cities on the planet.

The Chemtrailing of Sydney is being perpetrated on massive scale, continually.

Drought ? Drought? What sort of drought has millions of tons of water sitting just over everyone's heads on regular basis, the way rain closes in on Sydney several times each month: visible rain: loads of it.

But it's not allowed to fall on those parched gardens and the 'empty' dams the policitians rant so hysterically about.

Instead, all those masses of heavy rain clouds are determinedly dispersed via wall to wall Chemtrailing, which is laid down right over Sydneysiders' heads. It's easy to photograph the Chemtrails, day or night and hundreds do.

Those who claim Chemtrails are just a 'conspiracy' theory might like to explain the wall to wall criss-cross Chemtrail patterns that are blatantly laid down over Sydney, 24/7 ? What ARE those criss-cross patterns of white gunk that disperse to form psuedo 'haze'? And WHY do the criss-cross Chemtrails (and subsequent 'haze') literally 'melt' heavy rain clouds and rain fronts in the same way as fabric conditioner 'disappears' soap suds in your washing machine?

What sort of 'drought' is it when the sky is visibly filled with heavy massed rain-clouds? How can it be 'drought' if there's rain regularly right over head?

Why blame the Chinese or any other foreign nation for the DELIBERATE man-made 'drought' being inflicted upon Sydney?

Could the Chinese send dozens of Chemtrail planes over Sydney, day and night without being intercepted/shot down by the Aussie airforce?

It's pointless to claim those planes are NOT there, and that they are NOT laying down drought-causing Chemtrails .... because there are thousands of photographs of those planes AND their Chemtrail excreta, taken from below, above and via satellite.

No, it's not the Chinese inflicting 'drought' on Sydney and other parts of Australia.

Those responsible -- of necessity -- are poisoning Australian skies(and food and water and populations) with the apparent blessing and co-operation of Australia's Federal and State governments. How could otherwise be happening. And it IS happening.

Is it coincidence that in 1995, the Australian parliament passed legislation forbidding Australians to obtain water from rain-water tanks, rivers, dams, springs etc. Eleven years ago! Why would they draft and pass such legislation? How does it coincide with the Chemtrails and deliberate drought and depleted dams now imposed on the residents of Sydney, for example?

They lay the Chemtrails in Sydney's south-west, down Campbelltown/Goulbourne area. If the rain over Sydney looks as if it's going to fall despite the Chemtrails, then they quit the half-hearted 'secrecry' and spray openly right over the Inner West, out to sea and back again ....... wide, billowing Chemtrails, from horizon to horizon.

At sunset, they really go to town by spreading the Trails in circles, hatch patterns, and to hell with the poor beggars below who're forced to breathe the stuff.

The night time skies are certainly different in Sydney -- a hell of a lot different to ten, fifty, two thousand years ago. Because these days, the night-time Sydney skies look like some giant has been drawing hundreds of wide criss-cross chalk lines all over the sky. Never been a natural cloud formation like it and never will be. Because it's NOT natural. It's man-made. And wow --- it gets so much more concentrated whenever it looks as if a bit of natural rain might fall on Sydney and threaten that good old prolonged drought we're being forced to have.

Artificial weather is no 'conspiracy theory'. The destruction of Sydneysiders' water, health, and respiratory tracts is there to be seen by anyone with five seconds to look upwards ... and it's been going on non-stop for the past four years at least.

If you don't trust Carnicom (though why anyone would not implies blank denial) then why not visit www.... which is an Aussie site with more guts than most and which provides satellite photos showing massive Chemtrailing of rain fronts all along the east coast of Australia.

Australia is being used as a social experiment. Who's doing the using and who's allowing them to do it? And let's not have any more nonsense and deliberate disinfo about the Chinese. They don't need to destroy Australia's weather ... the home-grown Aussies are doing it quite nicely on their own !

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 12:08 AM
Hi fellow Aussies!!

Does anyone here in their wildest dreams believe that ANY of our State & Federal Governments are capable of changing the weather??!! Thats the funniest thing I've ever heard!!! Thanx for the laugh thou.....

The only thing they HAARP on is that "speed allegedly kills" keep buying more speed / cash cameras!!

[edit on 31-3-2006 by Figjam]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 01:11 AM
Doubt it, if they wanted to damage us they would of done it more south (there was no fatalities).

Also I live in Melbourne, so whats with your name (no offence just wonderin)

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 01:30 AM
Howdy, I live in Auckland. No such problems with Chemtrails nor cyclones (though it was pretty windy last week what with the tail end of the cyclone up near Brissy way).

As for the weather, we are expecting a dry winter, even drier in the east around Hawkes Bay and Canterbury. Snow will fall earlier than normal though. This is according to a fella called the 'Moon Man', he suppliers more accurate weather predictions than the local Govt Met service.

This early snow fall is in line with the rest of the world. Winters storms are now less frequent, but more severe when they do strike.

As for the summer just been: it was pretty cool overall. No outrageously high temps.

We're expecting more westerlies. Which means rain for the west coat, drought on the east.

Overall, the weather has gone either very weird, or are we more paranoid about everything?

All I know, is that when you get mosquitos in Canterbury during summer, you know something ain't right.

I think it's about time NZ and Australia took the lead in environmental policy. Sure it's going to take Australia a bit to change - the distances involved in travelling still amaze me - but at least one western style country have to take the lead.

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