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ATS: Did Sam's Club Go Too Far?

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posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 11:45 AM
Well to be honest I have not seen them write stuff on a check in my store ever. Even so, the hundreds of cameras, which btw are watching every cashier at the register, make it impossible to get away with anything ike that. When a cashier goes on break all the money is counted, locked into a bag with checks and/or money orders, given to their superisor and the stuff is taken to the accouting office (very secure place). Theres a camera watching the only door into that office. If your check was somehow copied with a xerox machine, the perp will very easily be caught.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 08:55 AM
I was going to shop at sams club today but now i'm not.I guess I overlooked the fact that they are a part of walmart. To the employee who posted several DOES suck. Yea, you have benefits...if you can afford them. You have 401k....if you can afford to have 6% ofyour $280.00 check ( before taxes ) taken out.....blah, blah, blah. Either they've brainwashed you at those daily meetings or you're just supid. As for your dental benefits.....most employees of walmart don't use them ( take a look at their teeth sometime.....pre requisite to being a walmart have to have at least 10 teeth ) partly because they can't afford to pay the co-pay. I work in the retail grocery busiess....have for 29 years....I make more than $7.00/hour I'm positive my 40 hour paycheck beats youand your wifes 40 hour paycheck...combined.When i work overtime....yes I DO get payed to work over......not like some of you at walmart I make over$ 27.00/hour. I also get that rate to work you?
Don't get me wrong...I'm glad to see you're out working and proud of the company you work for....we need more of that in america're never going to get rich working there. I make $50,000 a year to run a department and I struggle to pay my bills so I give you nd your wife credit for making a living....but don't let anyone fool you walmart and most retailers are getting what they can out of their employees....true they can't run a businiss without us but they can find people to work for peanuts any day of the week By the medical, dental and prescription benefts up till last year...never cost me a penny. I have much more to say but I'll wait for replys. Big brothe IS watching and theres nothing wecan do

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 12:09 AM
I think Sam's Club security and managers should be held accountable for their actions. They like to intimidate their members. It's bad enough that they treat their employees like dirt but then they have the audacity to harass members. They are quick to call law enforcement and file charges. The tables should be turned and we should sue them or treat them likewise. It is high time for members to open their eyes and see that Sam's Club has no morals or integrity. The managers will look after their own best interest and purchase widely sought after limited stock items so members will not have a chance in hell to buy the item. They intentionally withhold information from members when they gets these limited stock items. People should boycott Sam's and shop at Costco or BJ's where they appreciate their members and don't treat them like criminals. The east coast Sam's especially are notorious for having nasty managers with attitudes and bad judgement. This nastiness rubs off on employees and they have their attitudes. Why are Sam's check out lines so slow and costco lines so fast? Why are employees and management nicer at Costco? Sam's thinks nothing of embarassing their members. It's time we start to be as nasty as they are. BOYCOTT SAM's CLUB and sue them if they mistreat you as they did this poor member who was unfortunate enough to want to spend his money in Sam's.

posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 12:00 AM
Well i just found this site umm Let me start out by saying I used to work at Walmart. They started me out at 7.50 an hour 3 months went by i got a 52 cent raise. That was nice. So they tell me I will be working part time still which to them is 38 to 39 hours. Oh yeah no insurance for me. Cause i was part time baby. So i was going to quit, guess what I got pregnant. So i had to stay. I guess I was about 8 and a half months along, I was dialated to a 4. Oh yeah a 4 Men thats alot. But i was still working. People were stealing left and right in front of me. I used to care until one day I was walking to my register (i was a cashier at the time)and one of the Female managers walks behind me and says, just because you are pregnant doesn't mean your handicaped! You need to pick it up and get to your station! Oh yeah I was pissed off. You tell me All you walmart employees, I mean assosiates, Walmart can go down the crapper. I wanted to work in loss prevention, but after that insodent, i just let those scared poopless kids go right on out the door. Or that old man the need a new pair of shoes, Or the guy with the fishing tackle under the flat of cola, I let them go. It was so easy for them to let me go on not happy. Well i wanted to make those customers happy and i did. Yeah theres the real place. oh yeah any one who says that a walmart employee doesn't deserve more thatn 8.00 an hr well they have never worked at walmart. Its not conspiracy, Its alot of rich fools that have way to much money, they just don't know what to do with it all. There really smart if you ask me! But they lack the compasion that Sam him self gave to his employees, the love. Walmart was built on higher quality that it has become. Thats what greedy Kids do they scwew crap up. Now They will clean it up. Thats all i will say!!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 06:06 PM

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