posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 12:00 AM
Well i just found this site umm Let me start out by saying I used to work at Walmart. They started me out at 7.50 an hour 3 months went by i got a 52
cent raise. That was nice. So they tell me I will be working part time still which to them is 38 to 39 hours. Oh yeah no insurance for me. Cause i
was part time baby. So i was going to quit, guess what I got pregnant. So i had to stay. I guess I was about 8 and a half months along, I was
dialated to a 4. Oh yeah a 4 Men thats alot. But i was still working. People were stealing left and right in front of me. I used to care until
one day I was walking to my register (i was a cashier at the time)and one of the Female managers walks behind me and says, just because you are
pregnant doesn't mean your handicaped! You need to pick it up and get to your station! Oh yeah I was pissed off. You tell me All you walmart
employees, I mean assosiates, Walmart can go down the crapper. I wanted to work in loss prevention, but after that insodent, i just let those
scared poopless kids go right on out the door. Or that old man the need a new pair of shoes, Or the guy with the fishing tackle under the flat of
cola, I let them go. It was so easy for them to let me go on not happy. Well i wanted to make those customers happy and i did. Yeah theres the real place. oh yeah any one who says that a walmart employee doesn't deserve more thatn 8.00 an hr well they have never
worked at walmart. Its not conspiracy, Its alot of rich fools that have way to much money, they just don't know what to do with it all. There
really smart if you ask me! But they lack the compasion that Sam him self gave to his employees, the love. Walmart was built on higher quality that
it has become. Thats what greedy Kids do they scwew crap up. Now They will clean it up. Thats all i will say!!!!!!!!