posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 09:11 PM
It is true, that the lower half of the western US, was taken by the us army due to Mexicans killing Americans in some river near or in Texas, right?
This was sometime before the US civil war, if my history's on.
From what I've read, Mexicans got taken over by the Spanish, who sewed caste society into their lives. They are mentally hamstrung by their own
culture, frankly. It is far too religious. From what I've heard (from Mexicans also) is that in jail, Mexicans fight each other more than any other
gang. Whites hang out and blacks hang out and indians/muslims hang out, but Mexicans beat each other up and kill each other all the time. Their
culture is destructive in a weird way, IMO.
However, they and the larger latin body of people, like Brazil and so forth, have produced some awesome things. Mexico showed up for the WBC, for
example. Skateboarding and X Games sports are regularly topped by Brazil. [That matters to me, as an American.] I must give Latin people their
props. They will one day produce an NBA MVP, of this I am sure.
But this idea of civil war? It's crazy. Mexicans would get their *Mexican* kicked. Look at it logically. All they would want to take is perhaps
everything south of San Fransisco, which they do have at least the same claim to as say, Israel has to Jerusalem.
But who cares if Los Angeles was taken over by Mexico? What would happen? More smog, More Spanish, more hookers. So what? It'd be the shining
star of Meixco, and maybe we'd be able to legitimately own land (and kill mauraders, I mean) in Mexico. Great land down there, if a little hot.
But seriously, civil war? Would they take Texas? Answer: No. Would they get past the central valley of California? Answer: No.
Really now. Considering how stunningly gorgeous Mexican women are (or at least, can be at times), can we really say that their culture should not
assimilate with the US? Is it really because they are non-whites? Because I hear a lot of racist talk here.
The fact of the matter, is that your cheap little drive-thru expresso business is only possible with 4-dollar labor, so if you send them home, you'll
lose multiple service-business in the southern california area. Also, illegals pick every type of veggie and fruit, do every time of miserable job,
and all they really want is a pickup truck and maybe braces for their daughter, when it comes down to it. They don't want much but to escape the
financial experiment of poverty called Mexico.
Think about it? Why are they screaming about being sent back? Uh, because their country sucks! They are not able to have the pride they want to
have, because all their gov't is drug-funded (for real) and so they take orders, and orders say: We gave you NAFTA, now shut the hell up. We want
cheap labor.
But why can't Mexico become the fifty-first state? I mean, add a star to the flag and well basically all own the Panama canal together. And I'm
sure Brazil will be a good neighbor if they saw Mexico really profiting from statehood. What would it mean, to have Mexico as a state? Well, it'd
mean lots of white assimilating into brown communities. Also, it would mean cultural mixing in the form of spanglish, and so forth.
Racists need not fear. People are still collecting Hitler memorabilia, okay? There will always be a white, black, asian, latin, etc. Racism lives
deep in every man's breast. That's why it takes a civilized mind to rise above it.
I'm 50% scots/irish and 50% french/banadian/indian, but yeah. I look white. I judge nobody by their skin. Black and Mexican people have been loyal
and been disloyal to me, as have whites, etc. Really until we look within, there's no hope for any of us. Death is commonplace for those who
believe in rebirth, but really? Why are you so anxious to have differences? Do you want to fight a war based on race?
Do you bigots think whites will disappear, if you lay off the racist chatter? Personally I think there will always be swedes and nordic peoples,
blonde and blue eyed. In fact, having known some of these folk, I can assure you they will never leave this planet. They are tough, and even if tons
of Morrocans go live in Sweden, there will always be some blonde girl who'll want a blonde male. With genetics, two black people will soon be able
to have a white child, if they wish. Who cares?
So what is the deal? Let America get a bit more brown, and maybe some of the Whites in the Western states will begin to see the Native American
cultures as being worth more study. Native American rituals are practiced regularly all throughout the southwest. Medicine men pray for peace. Lots
of people pray with them. All that prayer will be heard, at some point. Do white people think this part of the globe was given to them by God?
Really now, all the Mexicans lack, is technology. Once America is reduced to a lower level, it will be Americans, perhaps, who wish to flee South.
But what's funny is that I know in my heart, the Mexicans would care for whites, not kill them.
[edit on 29-3-2006 by smallpeeps]
Mod Edit: Don't bypass the censors please
[edit on 3/30/06 by FredT]