posted on Oct, 12 2003 @ 02:37 PM
so I'm going to be frank for a moment, which I don't usually do, because 'frank' can really piss people off..
***You won't find that here. I like honesty - blunt or not.
I really think you just need to wake up Angela, you don't seem to be at all afraid of possession or mind the lies and tricks.
***Your right, I never have been afraid of that. I guess I just never seen or heard of anything other than that movie where the little girl was
possesed - I and just can't think that green vomit, a swarm of flies and a spinning head is anywhere near possible.
What is happening to your mind is *already* a form of possession, as you are blind to the blatent clues of misleading information and games being
played, you are laughing and yet nothing about your situation is funny
***I have wondered if this 'addiction' is something to be conserned with. For years I kept reationalizing it with the fact that if I had TRIED to
do these things it would be bad, wrong or a concern, but since it was given to me without ever trying - therefor it made it ok. (It make logical
sence to me - does it to you?)
Wake up girl! Seriously! Go out into the world and meet people, talk to 'real' people.
***That's what I've been doing the last year - getting out of this cage and getting out in the real world. I worked for a bit, started my own
business met a new man, made a whole new set of freinds and a whole new 'playground'. The 'new me' is ready to break free and run wild. It was
the old me that was fine with house work and mommy/wife 24/7.
(Please don't confuse my giving info to you for argueing or being defensive). I see where you going with that. I'm not lonely or board. I have a
full plate and need more time and less people to concern myself with at the moment. Thank goodness it's not like you see on tv or in one of those
sifi books whre the person sits and goes into some trance or something with the candles ect. I do hope no one thinks that I do that! How
OK well let's see, you have a male entity telling you things about others' private affairs, and you can put faith and trust in him, but you can't
in a real man??? Something very wrong with this line of thought and that should be your first and ONLY clue to stop communicating with these
***You really think? I mean I REFUSE to be a fool again. Wouldn't you take advantage of knowing for sure if the one you were considering risking
your entire life as you know it for was indeed as sincere in his heart as he was in his spoken word? It's not like I spy on people and ask about
their private thoughts. But if a person tells me something and I think they are lieing I can ask and know for sure.
I guess unless I can read another persons thoughts and know what they are really thinking - how on earth can you really trust a person? I have found
no one yet in my life time that is pure in their thoughts and unlieing.
I mean - if you have a BF or a husband, and you knew what things they wished or thought of or wanted to do (and I don't mean with you) and you know
what they would do had they been sure you wouldn't find out, if you knew what they DID do.....You probably wouldn't want to go without the benefit
of 'really knowing' eigther. Know what I mean?
...hmmm, sounds like a woman scorn. Sorry men.
ALSO...Has it ever occured to you that it is YOU that is coming up with all these thoughts?? It is your mind communicating with you, and you are
giving the thoughts an identity? Just curious?
***Oh yes - I wondered on that many of times. The thing that brings me back to a big "no, it's not me", is that I can't know things on my own. I
have no way of knowing that whoever is trying to get pregnant secretly or that he is cheating on her and a devorce is comming or that an accident will
happen. I can't know the future or what is true or what is false - it's them that know this info and pass it along.
I think it is me who does most of the other things, but not all of it.
I mean NO disrespect, but you seem to not be listening to these *real* peoples sincere comments and I just can't stand it when people blindly pass by
words of wisdom.
***I haven't passed by any words here. I didn't re-comment on each one as would have been polite to do but my time was short. I agree and will not
dabble in that situation. But I still have questions - I still wonder what would happen if. Not that I would try it, not that I don't think it is a
serious thing in it's nature. I was hopping for someone's experience first hand or maybe they had seen something. Couriosity. I know, it killed
the cat. But this cat won't go poking around to close - I'd rather just ask and hope for enough info here that the couriosity will be nulled.
I do apiciate your frankness and don't dissagree with anything you've said. I am very often completely missunderstood in what I think is so clearly
just a dig for more information ... then again, I'm often clearly understood when I think for certain no one could possibley understand.