posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 11:43 AM
Greetings...Ive been Lurking for over a year and finally signed up...only after ive educated myself on certain topics and feel able to positivly add
to forums. I picked the name Doppel because of the 1971 Volkswagen Doppelkabine I own...simple as that
..The topic that originally led me to ATS
is ancient civilizations...I firmly believe in the scientific process and the use of logic and evidence in the formation of theory..and the proper
testing of said theory. My personal search for knowledge has led me to believe that human civilization goes back MUCH further then accepted
"history". My post will mainly be in that area of the forums but your sight has opened up a lot more for me as well...I want to thank the staff and
members of ATS for enabling this vast source of knowledge to the curious!