posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 02:21 AM
I wonder how many people have had similar experiance's with something intervening to keep you out of harm;
1: Was station over sea in Germany and we had a call from one of the towers we post guards in of shots flying over the compound. So the master sergent
and me take a walk out and can hear the whizzzz of the bullets passing over. So he takes off toward where he thinks they are coming and we walk up a
farmer hill planted with grapes, stop to talk when it happened. A pair of hands grab my head "Thumbs above the ears " and yanks my head back just as
the whiz of a bullet goes by my head.
2: Walking ( nice exercise ) in my local area and coming up on a corner house. Bang here it comes again as a Dog runs up to me only to leap at my
throat when another arm with a white looking robe pushes the dog away, the dog places it's tail between it's leg as it was busted I guess for trying
to attack me.
So today I keep looking back on these incidents wondering Angel intervention or some other demensional being.
Both times the hands that reached out to touch me were someone not seen, or from another plane.
[Edited on 11-10-2003 by Ark-Angel]
[Edited on 13-10-2003 by Ark-Angel]
[Edited on 13-10-2003 by Ark-Angel]