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Earth to have close brush with comet

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posted on May, 18 2006 @ 04:43 PM
Interesting coincidence that the last two quakes in the south pacific 8.0/7.8 (tonga)and the 7.4 were on the exact day(s) of predicted "near miss"? The 7.4 (May 16th)being from 2006 gy2......Perhaps unseen frag's? Check the NEO site for date coordination

[edit on 18-5-2006 by thermopolis]

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 04:43 PM

censorship bites

~~i know you all will use the excuse of blaming it on the servers or whatever...

~~i just put 13 minutes into a thought provoking reply, but the censors decided some ideas about SilviaBrown might be litigious?.
notice i didn't say untrue !

lets get realistic,

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 04:49 PM
St Udio,

I know what you mean. I have difficulty posting anything about Karl Rove.

I spend more time on the error page than i do here.


posted on May, 18 2006 @ 05:10 PM
Dr. Turi, of Coast to Coast fame is on the bandwagon also:" target="_blank" class="postlink">


Mouth spill fire surprises many
Sparks kill sudden shock from sky
Flames bombs explosions rules
children cry earth tremble


posted on May, 19 2006 @ 06:22 AM
In central Missouri yesterday people reported hearing a loud boom and then there was a 2.0 earthquake.
Does seem odd doesn't it?

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 06:31 AM

Very odd.

So, is the scare over for now?? I'm home alone

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I'm home alone

I just pictured you like little Kevin in the movie -
running amuk and having fun.

Dr. Turi, of Coast to Coast

This fella has more credibility than Sylvia Brown, at least to me he does.
1/2 of his stuff is so vague that he could point to just about anything on
the globe and say 'that was it' ... but the other half ... VERY interesting!
He's one that I DO read and actually pay some attention to. I don't run
my life by him ... but I do read what he says.

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by crt
In central Missouri yesterday people reported hearing a loud boom and then there was a 2.0 earthquake.
Does seem odd doesn't it?

Point of fact..............there are millions of christians waiting and watching for "signs" that include such things as asteroids, etc. It make sense that any impact not on a major city would be hidden from the public.

If it does not happen on CNN or FOX live it will be denied.

Beginning with the great tsunami, following to Tonga a few weeks ago and the 7.4 near NZ any such impact is easy to deny.

But there will be an impact that no one can deny, soon..............

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by thermopolis

Originally posted by crt
In central Missouri yesterday people reported hearing a loud boom and then there was a 2.0 earthquake.
Does seem odd doesn't it?

But there will be an impact that no one can deny, soon..............
That is pretty depressing. I've been to Catholic prediction websites and they dont make much of asteroids, unless i've missed something. They DO make a lot of the invasion to come to the USA.

You dont know the half of it!


posted on May, 19 2006 @ 09:02 AM
I'm in western Missouri at the moment and there has been nothing on the news about any explosions or impacts. And local news is one of the hardest things to elude.

I can't find any reports on this. Any links?

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by thermopolis
Interesting coincidence that the last two quakes in the south pacific 8.0/7.8 (tonga)and the 7.4 were on the exact day(s) of predicted "near miss"? The 7.4 (May 16th)being from 2006 gy2......Perhaps unseen frag's? Check the NEO site for date coordination

Firstly, you can find information on the main earthquake here: Magnitude 7.9 - TONGA

Now, I would really have to say no to that hypothesis. Firstly, it would have to enter the Earth's atmosphere. This would cause a spectacularly bright streak, even in the day time, accross the sky. Accompanying this would be a cloud of smoke, dust, and debris. People would have seen it, probably gotten it on video, or at least pictures of it, and it would have been up on the news everywhere. Now, this is important also because comets are very tenuous, composing mainly of ice. A smaller fragment, such as all that remains behind that has been coming remotely near us, would enter the atmosphere and simply vaporize itself. A fragment that could hit the Earth would still burn away mostly, but it would also so itself down to the point where if it hit solid ground it wouldn't create any appreciable crater - maybe something a couple of feet deep, but that's about all. If the same fragment hit water, it would just melt into nothingness.

Onto the earthquake itself... The depth of the epicenter for the quake was 55 km (34.2 miles). So that means if it were a chunk of the comet it would have to go through the atmosphere, then the water, then over 30 miles of rock before having any sort of noticeable effects on the Earth. That's just impossible.

Aside from the difficulties it would face going though the air, when it begins it interact with the water, these difficulties would increase a lot more. Water is far more dense than air, so unless it were massive enough to push the water out of the way with the air in its bow wave, it would just splash down, cause some medium to large sized tsunamis, and slowly sink to the bottom (or at least to a depth where it would be neutrally bouyant). For example, fill up your bathtub right to the rim. Then throw in some pennies. See how many hit the bottom at a high speed.

Then, if it did make it through the water, the epicenter would have been right at the level of the ground below the sea, not 55 km below the ground. I think that that's the final blow to your hypothesis.

Originally posted by St Udio
i know you all will use the excuse of blaming it on the servers or whatever...

Yeah, because we're having server problems... A simple solution to that? Copy all of your post and paste it into a writing program before posting it, especially on the lengthy ones. Even better yet, just type up the post in the writing software. I've been doing that since even before the server problems, and it's saved my butt on those lengthy posts manytimes. I can certainly tell you it's no censorship of ATS though, and I find the thought of that simply preposterous.

Also, this link may be of use for you: ATS and censorship.

Originally posted by crt
In central Missouri yesterday people reported hearing a loud boom and then there was a 2.0 earthquake.
Does seem odd doesn't it?

No. Earthquakes are often associated with loud booms. The earth shifting can make a lot of noise. If you take a look here, at the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program Map centered around that region, you'll see that earthquakes there are actually fairly common. That area is right on the New Madrid Fault.

[edit on 5/19/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 10:37 AM
I think its planet x as someone earlier suggested....the book of revelation does describe "stars fallen from heaven"this could be space debris

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by TheSonOfMan
I think its planet x as someone earlier suggested....the book of revelation does describe "stars fallen from heaven"this could be space debris

stars from the sky could possibly be ufo's as well... im not too sure but space debris could also be what is described.

i recently have read the nostradamus code and he describes a comet coming close to Earth and messing with the weather and causing much devastation...but this whole thing about it being a comet instead of a planet could be a cover-up... not too sure yet... just have to wait and see

to read up on the nostradamus code go to this website..

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 07:44 PM
OK. really scared now

I just found out that bruce willis and the big guy from the green mile couldn,t get the clearance needed to blast into space and zap comet 2006 BQ6

so on the 1st of august. i,m afraid we,re just gonna be dust blowin in the wind

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by AGENT_T
I just found out that bruce willis and the big guy from the green mile couldn,t get the clearance needed to blast into space and zap comet 2006 BQ6

Do you mean asteroid 2006 BQ6?

It'll be passing about 3,448,660 miles away. Keep in mind the Moon is 238,857 miles away. So it'll be about 14.4 times farther away from the Earth than the Moon is. Not something to worry about at all.

Interesting aside here...

It happens more often than you might think. Every few days or so, somewhere on Earth, a small asteroid will hit the atmosphere producing a fantastic fireball. Astronomers call them "bolides." They cast shadows, let loose a sonic boom, and explode in mid-air.

On May 4, 2006, astronomer Jim Gamble caught one flying over El Paso, Texas:

Click to view the full-sized movie.

Remarkably, most bolides are never noticed by anyone. Some streak over uninhabited oceans and deserts. Others appear during broad daylight when the sun outshines them, or in the deep of night when people are asleep and not looking up.

The May 4th bolide was different. It appeared at 9:45 p.m. local time, well before bedtime, over a densely populated area. Thousands of people saw it. Indeed, how could they miss it? It was brighter than the Moon, which also appears in the video--the stationary light at bottom-right.

I doubt that that was comet related, as the comet wouldn't have passed through any of that part of the sky. Just thought it would be neat to add to this for consideration.

[edit on 5/20/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
(...) The depth of the epicenter for the quake was 55 km . (...)
(...) the epicenter would have been right at the level of the ground below the sea, not 55 km below the ground. (...)

The epicenter is always on the surface. It's the projection onto the surface of the hypocenter, which is the (subterranean) focus of the earthquake, the spot where it originates. The projection is achieved by following a straight vertical line, starting from the hypocenter, all the way up until you reach the surface.

...but if I had to return here it was not to discuss the terminology but to catch up after days of absence, and to see if someone had been kind enough to explain how I can make The Watergate work so I can finally sit down and write my book....

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 05:28 PM
link, in other words, the epi- is always exactly above the hypo-. They're the two endpoints of an imaginary line connecting the surface and the depths of the Earth.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 08:47 PM
Sooooo how long will it be before we know that we are all in the clear? I keep comming back to this thread and read what you all are putting inits getting friggin scarey, (think ive never bitting my nails as much as i have over the past couple of weeks)

So what the next two days or the commin week we should know if we are all doomed or we are all safe??????????

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 09:48 AM
You know...I find somewhat odd is the fact that there seems to be an unussual run of asteroid or comet movies the past few days..."Armeggedon", "Deep Impact", "Meteorites"...etc. Kind of ironic considering the thread here.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by iggster
You know...I find somewhat odd is the fact that there seems to be an unussual run of asteroid or comet movies the past few days..."Armeggedon", "Deep Impact", "Meteorites"...etc. Kind of ironic considering the thread here.

Well in that case..this destructive event seems even more likely now..given the fact the media outlets are brodcasting movies about earth impacts..days before one is predicted to happen.

Secretly given clues to the public?...rememebr jesus said there would be signs..all you need to do is watch for them.

Good job iggster!

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