posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 11:15 AM
I've been hangin' around here for a while (almost a year..?), more or less actively (Count, my boyfriend, is a more active writer). I'm glad to
find many interesting discussions, so I think I'll continue this habit... Perhaps I will even write something sometime.
And because english is not
my native language (finnish is-), I apologise possible errors.
My own interests include wolves (other canids as well) and mythology about them, astronomy and 'modern' wars, etc. I am sort of a sceptic, but I
enjoy very much considering other possibilities and theories, such as extraterrestial life and supernatural phenomena (but in fact I think everything
that occurrs in nature, however strange, is not super-anything, we just don't know it yet).
So, end of the short story, nice to be here.