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do any ats members actually not believe in aliens?

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posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 01:35 AM
I believe there is a separate consciousness (that isnt us) currently active in our existence here on this little blue globe, that people would call "aliens".

However, I dont believe those "aliens" have anything whatsoever to do with any extraterrestrial culture, that may or may not be out there.

It's entirely possible these "aliens" have the ability to be physically real, but...also have the ability to exist only on the edge of perception. Henceforth why there is no physical evidence since the incept of modern "Ufology", what...60 years?

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by sensfan
ATS revolves around much more than aliens and ufos. Much more. As for believing in them or not, not until I see proof. I want to believe, and hope there is something out there, but without hard evidence, I can't just say, Yes, they exist.
QUOTED for Agreement.

We can debate the likelihood and possibilities of existance but after x number of years the physical element has yet to materialize.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
That's exactly how I feel.

I am astounded whenever an intelligent person thinks otherwise. Personally I think those people are just regurgitating what others told them and not seriously considering the matter for themselves.

Sadly people feel that way. I think it was alot to do with religion. That has feed us steady diet of we humans are so special, center of the universe garbage.

I respect anyone that says they think aliens havent come to earth yet. Thats a whole different view IMO. I can honestly see why people want rock solid evidence of that . But if you said I dont believe there is any intelligent life in the universe unless I see solid proof then thats just so close minded.

[edit on 26-3-2006 by ShadowXIX]

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 02:09 AM
aliens do not exist because there is not enough evidence of their existance.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by Kool Aide Sipper
aliens do not exist because there is not enough evidence of their existance.

Not enough means there is some?
Show me it please, concrete evidence please, not some doped up mexican flying a kite at night.
I am willing to believe it is proved, to date it has not, i'm sure it would be on the news if it was.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 03:04 AM
I belive it do exist life on another planet. an that they have ben visiting Earth. and they stil do.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 03:43 AM
Sure, scientists might speculate on the size of the universe but measuring it is virtually impossible. The most impossible task any alien civilization could undergo, that I can think of, is to search EVERY planet, orbiting EVERY star in the universe and providing absolute suffiient evidence that we dont exist. Face it, we dont know ANYTHING about whats currently occuring outside our solar system.

[edit on 26-3-2006 by GlassRunner]

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Kool Aide Sipper
aliens do not exist because there is not enough evidence of their existance.

Not enough proof sure. There is plenty of evidence though. Thousands upon thousands of eyewitness testimonies.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by GlassRunner
Sure, scientists might speculate on the size of the universe but measuring it is virtually impossible.

Scientists specualte the Visible Universe is 30 billion light years in diameter. That's only the area of space that has had the time for the light to reach us, so the actual size of the universe could be much much larger. Not too mention the fact the universe is expanding...

The most impossible task any alien civilization could undergo, that I can think of, is to search EVERY planet, orbiting EVERY star in the universe

Or maybe it's Enlightenment

Face it, we dont know ANYTHING about whats currently occuring outside our solar system.

Yes we do. We know there is galaxies outside ours, and that is something. We know very little about even our own solar system but lets not undermine the progress we have made.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 04:58 AM
I believe aliens exist. And by aliens I mean straight up Extraterrestrial Biological Entities. Another physical homonoid that's been around as long as our planet has existed. Past civilizations have recorded historys of such aliens. The Mayans, the Egyptians, the Incas.....all of which had knowledge and technologies that rival our present day. How? It sure as hell wasn't by chance. Aliens.

To be alive durring this point in history (I believe) is the most exciting time to be in existance. I can't wait to see the looks on non believers faces as the Mayan calander comes to a close. Ever wonder how these advanced civilizations just vanished without a trace? You won't have to wonder very much longer.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 05:13 AM
I believe they exist...somewhere out there there's got to be intelligent life right? Although I don't believe in the whole abduction fad.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by shaunybaby
I believe they exist...somewhere out there there's got to be intelligent life right? Although I don't believe in the whole abduction fad.

I was abducted. Your belief in it either way doesn't change the events that have already unfolded.

But I agree, it is a fad. I don't believe all abduction testimonies I read.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 05:42 AM
Interesting that everyone here, who is defending the right to life of aliens, as it were, is still, essentially bombasting the "non-believers" with what they believe.

It is not lunacy to question the Drake Equation, nor is it lunacy to not merely assume that because the universe is so large, that there may not, in fact, be other intelligent life out there, flying around madly in little ships in our atmosphere.

Extraordinary claims do not require extraordinary proof. They simply require proof. Evidence is evidence, but it is not proof. Even in our judiciary system (no, I'm not a lawyer) we build life and death cases based only on evidence, for the most part. What constitutes proof for one person is not proof for another, thus hung juries, mistrials, retrials, clemency in capital cases.

Believers come on forums like this, and based on their beliefs (acceptance of evidence - not proof - within the confines of their comfort level), call non-believers, or skeptics, dumb, ignorant, or worse. They say things like, to believe that we are the only intelligent life in the universe is (add your own adjective). However, there is still no proof that:

a) Intelligent life exists elsewhere

b) little green/grey/lion race/lizard race/nordic race (insert your own "belief" here) are on our planet or that they, in fact, have a purpose, other than in the minds of the beholder/believer.

c) abductions are anything other than the products of certain peoples belief in their explanations for odd psychological anomolies.

Not saying evidence ... Saying proof. Evidence is not proof. For how many years was there evidence that Earth was the center of the known universe before there was proof that it wasnt?

Believers who brow beat non-believers with ad-nauseum beliefs are, in my opinion, simply wanting an easy out. If you believe this based on your level of evidence acceptance, then others who do not are stupid.... (?????)

It doesn't work that way.

And ... Anyway, what does it matter to you if I believe your model of reality or not? Do you really need validation that much?

You bought into the model at your price. Life is good for you... Aliens exist in your model and fly through the world in your model. My model is different, and my buy in to that reality comes at a different price.

As I have said numerous times, I would really like to buy into thing as they are. I like to think that my mind is open, and accepting. I just want to have a little more concrete to build that acceptance, belief, on.

I'm also curious about impact. What is the impact of believing, or not believing in aliens and their various incarnations on the planet?

Does my suddenly accepting them make their impact anymore or any less dramatic? Not really. They will be what they are, and their impact will be what it is/is not.

Evidence and proof are simply subjective. My acceptance of either is different than yours. That doesn't make me, or people like me, any better or worse than a believer, simply different.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 05:44 AM
I mean these aliens have such vast technology that they can come here, undetected for the most part unless those 'lights in the sky' are them. Yet, they aren't intelligent enough to keep themselves hidden? Hence, the lights in the sky, abduction testimonies etc. Why not be slightly less obvious? Why not merely keep the human subjects, so they wouldn't have to keep coming back supposedly for more.

Aliens have this technology that allows them to beam us up so to speak, but not enough technology to be able to fly around without looking like a fireworks displace on '___'?

It's just a huge joke

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 05:50 AM
some people are abducted by aliens and some by the government, but it is hard to distinguish which one you are getting abducted by. Even with hypnosis. Because when u go to hypnosis sessions, the U.S. airforce has hypnotised you too. So you can't remember. It is really weird but, yeah,

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by shaunybaby
I mean these aliens have such vast technology that they can come here, undetected for the most part unless those 'lights in the sky' are them. Yet, they aren't intelligent enough to keep themselves hidden?Hence, the lights in the sky, abduction testimonies etc. Why not be slightly less obvious?

You're making some very biased assumptions IMO. Yeah humans speculate "they" are trying to remain "hidden". That doesn't mean they are themselves making an effort to remain hidden. They are taking people, and in my case returning them to their homes when they are done doing whatever it is that they are doing. Maybe returning the abductees to their homes is part of an on-going experiment?

Are they trying to remain hidden? Maybe they are trying to hide just enough so that they can get away with the abduction... Here is an example we can relate to:

Imagine a human on some sort of safari embarks on the task of taking a baby elephant away from the herd. Once the human tracks the herd and gets close enough to be percieved by the elephants, the human (in his best ability) remains hidden. The human then takes the baby elephant and leaves. It was a success. All the other elephants (except for the one that was taken) is unaware of what took place.

At this point does it matter if the human left any "evidence"? Does it matter if the other elephants later become aware that the baby was taken? Regardless of what the elephants discover in retrospect it doesn't change the events that have already unfolded. Furthermore, since the human tracker is so much more advanced, he will probably get away with it many many times in the future. Contemplate this example.

[edit on 063131p://26u19 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 06:33 AM
i believe aliens of all sorts exist...some less developed than us...and some far superior to us....

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
You're making some very biased assumptions IMO.

and so is your assumption based on some 'experience' that you attribute to an alien abduction, which you have no 'proof' of.

the way these aliens are supposedly acting right now, with abducting people...makes no sense. they'd either do it secretly so no one knew, or they'd come right out clean and say 'wow here we are'. it'd make no sense to be somewhere in the middle.

you saying you were abducted is no different to someone saying they've heard god speak to them etc. it's not evidence and nor is it proof. should we not be denying ignorance? then why are we sitting here listening to these stories and merely supposed to take them in as 100% truth just because 'you say so'.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 07:27 AM
I find it very unlikely that life only exists on our planet.

I find it likely that some of the possible extraterrestrial life forms are what we call "intelligent" life forms.

The fact that some people (even if it is 3 million it is only 0.04% of the whole Earth's population) have seen UFOs and what some call "aliens" does not mean that these "aliens" are a life form from out of our planet.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by shaunybaby

the way these aliens are supposedly acting right now, with abducting people...makes no sense. they'd either do it secretly so no one knew, or they'd come right out clean and say 'wow here we are'. it'd make no sense to be somewhere in the middle.

I'm curious did you even read the analogy I used in my last post? In light of what you are saying I think you should comment on my analogy so we can actually make progress, as it is directly related to what you're saying.

you saying you were abducted is no different to someone saying they've heard god speak to them etc. it's not evidence and nor is it proof. should we not be denying ignorance? then why are we sitting here listening to these stories and merely supposed to take them in as 100% truth just because 'you say so'.

Umm...I never once said you should believe me 100%. Nor did I ever once say you shouldn't approach this subject with skepticism...

You are wrong about the evidence. Sure I lack proof. The Greys are good at abducting it seems. But my eyewitness testimony, along with thousands upon thousands of others, constitutes evidence. Does it not in the judicial system? Lack of proof? Yes. Lack of evidence? Hardly.

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