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WTF is Wrong With America

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posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 08:45 PM
Everyone is talking about impeaching President Bush, and how his poll numbers are at all time lows. WTF is wrong with people. We live in the best country in the world. We have freedoms that most, hell..the majority of the world does not have. And we have a President who is trying to preserve that.

While I do not agree with him on a lot of things. He is doing the best he can to see that our way of life continues. Hte rest of the world wants to see us fall. And in a way I can understand that. If they can't be like us, then lets tear us down. B.S.!! We ain't perfect, but we are the best thing going.

France wants to be a world player....HELL..they have people rioting, because they can now be fired from their jobs. Yeah, they belong in the 21st century. When employees start telling their employer how to do's time to close up shop.

The Middle East...these ass backwards fools can't get out of the 12th century. If Europe is so great with their appeasement as not to offend any religion, then why are these stoneage pricks starting riots over F'in cartoons?

Again I say America isn't perfect. But if we have over a million people coming here ILLEGALLY every year...then something must be good. Speaking of Illegall Immagration, it's time our Govt./Representatives do something about this...or be sent packing. This is nothing short of an INVASION!! Welfare pays people to sit at home on their asses, while they could be out, doing the job illegals do and reduce the welfare rolls. (If you want to say I'm heartless...I'm willing to pay for these Welfare recipients to better them selves to get better jobs, but not to pay them to sit at home on their collective asses!!)

As for the war in Iraq...If this was for many people think....
1) Don't you think the price of gas should be going sown, instead of constantly rising??
2) Except for National Security...isn't oil the most valued product. Going to War for OIL, doesn't bother me. We need it, so lets do what we can to get it. Until someone comes up with a plan that doesn't need oil for our future,, then behind National security...oil is something worth fighting for.

This leads me to my next point...WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO COMMON SENSE?!?! The Liberals in this country have completely lost any idea of this. And the Conservatives in power are not far behind. America is the worlds so called last Super Power! What says we are wrong in trying to mantain that?? I'm not saying we should rule the world...But I firmly believe we can do a better job than the UN!! Here is an organization that lets Dictators on the Human Rights Commission...(Yeah great idea)

And for the US being help out the rest of the world...Well atleast here in the US, Creationism and Iteligent Design are no-no's. So that that leaves Darwanism...And doesn't Darwin advocate the SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST!!!

If that is the case, then the rest of the world, and more importantly the KATRINA victims...You are SOL!!! You chose to live where you did (This is for Katrina victums) If you don't have insurance then thats your fault. Don't expect me and the rest of the country to pay for your loss, because you live in a hurricane zone. And especailly Katrina...where you were given orders to evacuate days before it hit, but did nothing. There were a buch of school buses, sitting there and doing nothing to move you out. Don't blame the Federal Govt. and the rest of the taxpayers in America. Blame your Mayor, and State and Local Govts. I and the rest of America shouldn't have to pay for thier failures.

And as for the Katrina victoms who are waiting for the Govt to solve your problems...F.O. There are all kinds of jobs in the ares hit by this hurricane to start rebuilding. If you can not get off your lazy asses and go to them, then you do not deserve the help of the taxpayers of this country.

I do not go to work 5 days a week so that the lazy and (so called) indetured people of this country can get a free ride. Tell me where else in this world that the poor have cell phones...only in America!

Yes there are prople who can not help themselves...And I am more than willing to help them!! But for able bodied Americans to sit on their collective asses and wait for a Govt. check..*mod edit* Go out and work, if you don't like what you do...I'm willing to help. But to sit around and do nothing...PLEASE..GET TAKEN OUT OF THE GENE POOL!!!

Please people...use some COMMON SENSE before you speak/post....Then maybe the rest of us middle America no nothings...will make some sense!!!

[edit on 24-3-2006 by Amuk]

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by CSRules

As for the war in Iraq...If this was for many people think....
1) Don't you think the price of gas should be going sown, instead of constantly rising??
2) Except for National Security...isn't oil the most valued product. Going to War for OIL, doesn't bother me. We need it, so lets do what we can to get it. Until someone comes up with a plan that doesn't need oil for our future,, then behind National security...oil is something worth fighting for.

In answer to your first question, no, the price of gas does not necessarily drop if supply increases. Apparently you didn't see the news story on ExxonMobil's record profits last year. Sometimes supply has nothing to do with the price.

In reply to your second comment, you're showing your age with a statement like this. There have been oil alternatives for years but, since Big Oil controls the country, we're doomed to continue to use oil as a major fuel source.

Fighting a war over a replaceable resource is just plain foolish.

Originally posted by CSRules

Please people...use some COMMON SENSE before you speak/post...

You should consider following your own advice.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by brEaDITOR
In answer to your first question, no, the price of gas does not necessarily drop if supply increases..

True, but this has more to do with the oil cartel, known as OPEC, then it does with any kind of supply and demand economics or price guaging by US oil companies.

In reply to your second comment, you're showing your age with a statement like this. There have been oil alternatives for years but, since Big Oil controls the country, we're doomed to continue to use oil as a major fuel source.

I believe you are showing your niavete... Assuming there were an economical alternative energy source - which of course there isn't - it would cost literally TRILLIONS to make the economic shift.

Fighting a war over a replaceable resource is just plain foolish.

As if that's what this war was about.

If you want to get into the "real" reasons for the war, I'd suggest you look at it from a strategic millitary point of view. More specifically, look at Iraqs boarders. Notice what nations US troops are already in? Also notice which nations US troops are not in?

This is purely a ploy to have strategic military dominance over 2 nations that represent grave threats to the US.

You should consider following your own advice.

As should you.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 08:11 AM
THIS IS THE BEST THING I HAVE RED ALL DAY!!! "CSRules" i dont think i can explaine how happy i am to see this post.Im not american..dont really want to be..but i see and i undretsand wut ur saying! thats why im so happy now man you made my day.

Its true! mostley all of it! i agree!..first off

France wants to be a world player....HELL..they have people rioting, because they can now be fired from their jobs. Yeah, they belong in the 21st century. When employees start telling their employer how to do's time to close up shop.

YES YOUR RIGHT lol second.

The Middle East...these ass backwards fools can't get out of the 12th century. If Europe is so great with their appeasement as not to offend any religion, then why are these stoneage pricks starting riots over F'in cartoons?

LMAO NO ONE COULD HAVE SAID THAT BETTER!! im going to vote you for way above top secret just because i agree with that so much!! i hate the middel east with every part of me...and that alone explaines why everyone else should hate them! and i mean HATE to me that dont come close to discribeing wut i feel but it will do for now.


But if we have over a million people coming here ILLEGALLY every year...then something must be good. Speaking of Illegall Immagration, it's time our Govt./Representatives do something about this...or be sent packing. This is nothing short of an INVASION!! Welfare pays people to sit at home on their asses, while they could be out, doing the job illegals do and reduce the welfare rolls. (If you want to say I'm heartless...I'm willing to pay for these Welfare recipients to better them selves to get better jobs, but not to pay them to sit at home on their collective asses!!)

SOMETHING MUT BE GOOD?? maybe im miss reading this...did you say somthing must be good..from haveing over a million illegal immagrants come to your country every year?.....thats stupidet thing you wrote.If you govermint had any braines at all theay would build 8 foot cement wall across the border and KILL!!! EVERYONE AND ANYONE WHO CAME OVER IT!! screw immagrants i think there makeing america really crappy and causeing more problems then there worth....not your falt there countrys suck...the way i see if theay can stay there country and fight to make it better or theay can die tryin to go somewhere else....i no thats harsh really harsh but this is the rant section and thats how i feel.


And as for the Katrina victoms who are waiting for the Govt to solve your problems...F.O. There are all kinds of jobs in the ares hit by this hurricane to start rebuilding. If you can not get off your lazy asses and go to them, then you do not deserve the help of the taxpayers of this country.

i agree!..first i dont think your govermint gives a crap about them but think wut you want...i think alot of theam are lazy..sitting around bit**ing about how theay got no job or no home and need money and all the crap....HEY! if you dont got insurance then shut up! if you just gonna sit there and complaine why dont YOU sneek into mexico or at least its worm and maybe you can make some money..

i agree with so much of this and im very happy someone had the balls to come out and say it....i would but i probley get in alot of truble for being way to mean! about it....however there are some things i dissagree

We live in the best country in the world.

..sure ya do.....*droopy sarcastic looking face*....

Again I say America isn't perfect.

YOUR RIGHT!...hell i'll drink to that anyday thats the second smartest thing you said

You no....this has been the most intresting part of my day so far...(you can tell i have no life) for the most part i agree with pretty much everything.....
im glad to see someone finley telling it like it is.....
awsome post...

sorry for bad spelling!!

posted on Apr, 23 2006 @ 06:06 PM
Unfortunately I have to disagree with part of the original opinion.

"Most of the rest of the world" actually does share your freedoms now. Unfortunately the media loves to portray the worst parts of the world, giving one the sense that the rest of the world is in turmoil.

And your freedoms are exactly why other countries want Bush out. He's doing his best to get rid of them. We dont want that for you, or anyone. The rest of the world doesnt simply hate america... or its people, and we sure as hell dont want you to fall.

The rest of the free world tends to lean towards anti-war, and freedom of information. Bush is neither pro information, nor is he pro peace. This is why we dont want him in charge of your country.

You could argue that its your country and to stay out of its politics, but begging your pardon, but its a big ass country, with alot of power... most of which is being thrown at other parts of the world to feed Georges thirst for war. So yes it is our buisness as much as it is yours.

Doesnt matter any more anyhow. Georges term is coming to an end, and I seriously doubt the majority of your public will vote Republican for a while. If they do, I bet you they screwed with the votes... (again?).

The US used to be a very free country... luckily most of those freedoms are still there. We used to be quite proud of your country for following the freedoms we up here follow. But recently, those freedoms are diminishing, and its being done in a way to make you think you still have them... (which is exactly how other countries have done it in the past.)

Problem is, the US public will certainly trust their own media outlets before listening to the rest of the world... as would I if this scenario started in Canada.

We can see whats happening to your country better because of where we sit... were not smarter in any way, we are simply allowed to be aware of the world more-so than the the US media would allow its citizens to be.

If you are pro bush... well thats your decision, I cant force you one way or the other... all I can do is open your eyes. You have to do the rest yourself.

Best of luck.

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by johnsky
Unfortunately I have to disagree with part of the original opinion.

"Most of the rest of the world" actually does share your freedoms now. Unfortunately the media loves to portray the worst parts of the world, giving one the sense that the rest of the world is in turmoil.

And your freedoms are exactly why other countries want Bush out. He's doing his best to get rid of them. We dont want that for you, or anyone. The rest of the world doesnt simply hate america... or its people, and we sure as hell dont want you to fall.

The rest of the free world tends to lean towards anti-war, and freedom of information. Bush is neither pro information, nor is he pro peace. This is why we dont want him in charge of your country.

You think I am pro Bush....Well maybe I once was, but today I am Not. The only thing I like him for is tax cuts, and the war on terror. I firmly believe that if fighting in the Middle East keeps the terrorists away from be it.

As for the rest of his policies, I think first and foremost, he should be impeached on the grounds of his non existant approach to illegal immigration. If Congress could off their collective pandering asses and pass a truly formitable immigration law. This country would be much safer.

2nd, while I'll agree that the intelligence to invade Iraq was faulty, at the time everyone believed it to be so. Now that we know it was faulty, why are our troops dying in Iraq, when we should be worrying about Iran and North korea? One has nukes, the other is developing them. Although the cynical side of me says, let Iran develope the bomb. And when thet insane idiot over there uses it, then there will be no questions asked, when we wipe them off the face of the EARTH. For those of you who cry about the innocent civilians, maybe they need to stand up for themselves and prove they are innocent. Complacency is the same as GUILTY.

As for illegal immigration, i hate to say it, but I agree with StephenR, when he says...
"SOMETHING MUT BE GOOD?? maybe im miss reading this...did you say somthing must be good..from haveing over a million illegal immagrants come to your country every year?.....thats stupidet thing you wrote.If you govermint had any braines at all theay would build 8 foot cement wall across the border and KILL!!! EVERYONE AND ANYONE WHO CAME OVER IT!! screw immagrants i think there makeing america really crappy and causeing more problems then there worth....not your falt there countrys suck...the way i see if theay can stay there country and fight to make it better or theay can die tryin to go somewhere else....i no thats harsh really harsh but this is the rant section and thats how i feel.

My solution is to build 3 fences, the first being the only with Spanish signs, stating that for the next 1/4 mile is filled with landmines. After that another electrified fence will be built, with 50 yards to next fence. In between these fences will be packs of hungary wolves. If they make it this far, sensors will pick them up, and the border patrol will be waiting, behind the 3rd fence, also heavily electrified. These people are nothing short of INVADERS, they have no rights under our CONSTITUTION, and should be repelled at all costs.

So trust me, except for the tax cuts and the war on terror, I am no BUSH lover!!! I'll admit I once was, but I feel he has let me, and more importantly, the American People down!!

[Mod Edit: Fixed tag - Jak]

[edit on 7/5/06 by JAK]

posted on May, 7 2006 @ 10:13 AM
YOU are whats wrong with america... old are you?

10 as a guess is generous


You talk about idiots, take a look in the mirror mate


posted on May, 7 2006 @ 12:24 PM
Crackity_Jones no im not 10 im 17,im an idiot? lol sure i am..why is it because im right and can see that people take to long to deal with problems theay take to lightley and the most commen sence awnsers are missed by the u.s. govermint....people as i see it are nothing but cowards liers and "idiots" to use your word or choice.

I long awate the day when someone will finley come up from no where and set the world strate no more crap! someone needs to set there foot down hard and tell it as it is make a stand and make it hard....this problem with all theese imagrints the awnser is easy....barb wire! cement walls BULLETS!....its american land americans have right to defend and protect it.. if that means shooting thousands of people who come on it then so be it the problem gets solved is mexicans get made well there govermint can do more to stop people from going over border....tuff luck for them..

Them flood victumes should ALL be rolocated to them trailers you see on the news alot untill the city is fixed theay should allso stop complaning! so many more things but i wont bother trying to explaine it....we will see soon enough....i awate the New World Order maybe then you people will be but in place

I still faile to see wut yiou got agenst me...did i offend you?? did i bother you with wut i said? or do you just dissagree...

sry for bad spelling

posted on May, 7 2006 @ 12:33 PM
I'm actually quite surprised you mock other countries. Maybe you should sort your own country out first before "solving" (yeah, right) other country's problems?

I'm even more shocked you seem to think you know alot about the Middle East, etc.

"Living in the 12th Century"? Just be grateful you live in a well developed country then. Don't judge somebody if you haven't walked in their shoes.

posted on May, 7 2006 @ 02:46 PM
Bush isn't doing the best he can at his job, otherwise we wouldn't of gone into Iraq - simple as that. There wasn't enough credible evidence to begin with to warrant an invasion into their country due to a "terrorist threat".

If he was doing his best, we would of stayed out of Iraq saving $1,000,000,000s of dollars.. well make that $100,000,000,000s of dollars - and to what end. Half of that money isn't even locatable.. (Scandal?).


Yes, I agree with you however, America is a good country and most are ungrateful that we have it so good within our own borders. But that doesn't leave us to be manipulated and over controlled due to that fact.

The only reason you think we have it so well and that President Bush is doing the best he can is because we haven't had someone worthy in office of making our country look good since he stepped foot in the door, the world hates us that much more because of him.

[edit on 5/7/2006 by Masisoar]

posted on May, 7 2006 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by StephenR
I long awate the day when someone will finley come up from no where and set the world strate no more crap! someone needs to set there foot down hard and tell it as it is make a stand and make it hard....this problem with all theese imagrints the awnser is easy....barb wire! cement walls BULLETS!....its american land americans have right to defend and protect it.. if that means shooting thousands of people who come on it then so be it the problem gets solved is mexicans get made well there govermint can do more to stop people from going over border....tuff luck for them..

Kiddo the best thing you need to do right now is get an education and stop worrying about shooting illegal immigrants. You should be more towards advocating for a better educational system.

posted on May, 7 2006 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN

Kiddo the best thing you need to do right now is get an education and stop worrying about shooting illegal immigrants. You should be more towards advocating for a better educational system.

I totally agree with you Pie Man. Our education system is failing everyday in that kids are rushed through the school system, which can leave kids graduating without fully understanding essentials of learning. The key is teaching our kids to WANT to learn, rather than forcing them to learn and that's the challenge.


posted on May, 7 2006 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by StephenR
I long awate the day when someone will finley come up from no where and set the world strate no more crap! someone needs to set there foot down hard and tell it as it is make a stand and make it hard....this problem with all theese imagrints the awnser is easy....barb wire! cement walls BULLETS!....its american land americans have right to defend and protect it.. if that means shooting thousands of people who come on it then so be it the problem gets solved is mexicans get made well there govermint can do more to stop people from going over border....tuff luck for them..

Hmm... maybe you should have told that to your ancestors when they took the Native American's land?

posted on May, 10 2006 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by StephenR
Crackity_Jones no im not 10 im 17,im an idiot? lol sure i am..why is it because im right and can see that people take to long to deal with problems theay take to lightley and the most commen sence awnsers are missed by the u.s. govermint....people as i see it are nothing but cowards liers and "idiots" to use your word or choice.

I long awate the day when someone will finley come up from no where and set the world strate no more crap! someone needs to set there foot down hard and tell it as it is make a stand and make it hard....this problem with all theese imagrints the awnser is easy....barb wire! cement walls BULLETS!....its american land americans have right to defend and protect it.. if that means shooting thousands of people who come on it then so be it the problem gets solved is mexicans get made well there govermint can do more to stop people from going over border....tuff luck for them..

Them flood victumes should ALL be rolocated to them trailers you see on the news alot untill the city is fixed theay should allso stop complaning! so many more things but i wont bother trying to explaine it....we will see soon enough....i awate the New World Order maybe then you people will be but in place

I still faile to see wut yiou got agenst me...did i offend you?? did i bother you with wut i said? or do you just dissagree...

sry for bad spelling

Although i doubt you are take you on your word (and be worried)...

From what iv seem to be a fashist (this is not an insult, just an examinatioin), you show all the classic signs of oine, you are an authoritarian, an absalutionnist, very right wing, and all for violence.

I think alot more of what your saying maskes more sense viewing you as a fa#, not saying i agree with you, but its easier to make talk with you and not be suprised with every post.

For the record, im only 13, so i can see why you may be how you are, we all grow up some time, so i have hope for you yet.

How do you think the indianbs felt when the colonists invaded and slaughtered them. A whole lot worse that americans today, although from the constant rants you wouldnt think so.

And as for america being the best country in the world.pff..the strongest, richerst, but not the best, for the best i probably vote for Holland, maybe sweeden or maybe britain....

Well, thats me

Crackity out

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 08:09 AM
lol one has ever called me "fashist " not sure weather to think its good thing or bad...but you no wut dude...i agree with you
however..i wouldent say im "all for violence"...sometimes i get sick of seeing people being so stupied tho!. i mean i see it like this..hears a crappy example

This is how the govermint handels it (my view)
Man walks onto your lawn.sits in your lawn chair help himself to your nice cold pepsi.You then come out ask him wut hes doing there and ask him to leave your property.He till sits there realizes its nice and then some of his friends see how hes haveing good time sitting with his pepsi lol o theay come over. You then explaine to him its your property and you would like him to leave and his friends.He dosent then get mad and keep asking him to leave but he dosent.You then call the police and explaine it to them.Theay come and ask the man to leave.but he dosent.more of his friends then come..seeing that hes not being removed but onley talked to theay come.Afater a very long time of pointless talking to the man..the police then calmley take the man and remove him from the lawn...he has to mnany friends there so theay cant do it to all day the man comes back and sits down agen..then you..the owner of property do wut is being done now by the govermint...start calmley talking to him agen! even offering him deals just so he will leave or at least do somthing to befit you.

You all can see how absolutley stupied that is!!...hears wut i would do.

Man walks onto my lawn its in my lawn chair help himself to my nice cold pepsi.I ccome out calmley ask him wuts he doing there and then ask him to leave.He doent.I walk over and ask him to leave telling himhe i not welcome on my land.He dose not leave..afater a while i then grab the man and force him off my property and tell him i will not tollerate him being there.Next day man comes back.I with more force remove him.I then build a high fence with barb wire! to keep him out.Man comes back somehow gets over my fence and is inturn shot and killed my me.any and everyone else who comes over the fence is shot and killed.anyone who has problem with it is impressiond (remember this is countrys not relly lawns) problem solved if people dont like it theay dont come on my land we all get along fine.

Dumb example i no but my you see wut i mean.In some cases violence doe olve problems.onley as last resort tho.but we seem to be a little off topic.So lets put our "insulting eachother" behind and stop this stupied dissagreement about eachother and get back to somthing we can both agree on.

so "WTF is wrong with america?" the awnser EVERYTHING! and more then its worth talking about.

sorry for bad spelling

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