posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 06:27 AM
Originally posted by thermopolis
Wow, one intelectual giant interviewing another.
See, look at the personal attacks. If you're such an intellectual, thermopolis, how about you try to actually debunk the content of their argument,
and debate the points they have brought forward, rather than having to resort to writing witless hit pieces of barely a paragraph in length?
Wonder how much booze was on the set?
Why even say something like this? It's not unheard of for Springer and SkepticOverlord to consume numerous alcoholic beverages when they are doing
their Radio/Podcasts, do you ever say anything about it to them? No.
Alex jones needs to pass out lollypops to all his fans..................
This is one of those corned up insinuations that all Alex Jones' fans are Youths, isn't it? Typical generalisation. Alex Jones' fans actually
include some pretty well respected people. Perhaps you could call the Alex Jones show and put your suggestion forward. I'm sure Cynthia Mckinney
would not be affronted by the offer of a free Lollypop.
Do yourself a favour, thermopolis, leave the hit pieces to the paid professionals; they're a lot better at it than you.