posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 07:13 PM
The Activist Group , whoose Members were freed recently by , joint American , British and Australian special forces make no effort to praise the
rescuers in a recent statement.
THE Christian group whose activists were freed in a British-led raid in Baghdad yesterday did not thank their rescuers but instead called on them to
withdraw from Iraq.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
The CPT whoose members were amongst those released , should hang there collective heads in shame.
This group , should IMO at least formally achknowledge the brave and protracted efforts of the rescuers.
Theese people take the risk to stay in Iraq when many other aid agencies or voluteer groups have left , and for that I doff my cap.
But they know the danger , and to fail to thank the rescue team is just poor form IMO.
I hope the actual families and former hostages will at least publicly thank thoose involved.
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