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recent geological extremes

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posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 06:23 PM
Not sure whether to post this here or in space exploration. Anyway, recently there seems to be an increase in natural disasters. (earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, volcanos, etc.) There are numerous theories as to why. (global warming, planet x, end times, etc) Many years ago, I saw a program on the discovery channel about the moon. During the show, it was stated that the moon is pulling away from the earth at a rate of about one inch per year. Now my question. If that report is accurate, what would the effect be on Earth? We know the moon affects the tides. What else does it affect? If you thing of the moon as a counter balance with an influence (no matter how slight) on the ocean or even gravity itself, how long from the beginning of time would it take for the counter balance to lose its effectiveness? Could the earth changes be the result of our moon slipping out of its effective range?

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 07:17 AM
Definatly an interesting subject. I was wondering if you could post some links to data stating an increase in these geological events.

I, personally, noticed an increase in natural disasters but I've blamed the rise in media coverage over the past few years. (Thanks to the internet mainly)

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 11:32 PM
Floods and hurricanes are not geological events. And there are not an increase in natural disasters over the historical frequency.

Do not consider short term (decadal) fluctuations a long term trend line. That is a common logic trap so many in our media and public (and even the scientific community) fall into. A few years of statistical blips are not an increase over time.

[edit on 24-3-2006 by dave_54]

posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 10:03 PM
well they are geologial events or rather the causes from them b/c geology is the study of earth(all of it). And until the weatherman can give me an accurate forecast 24hrs in advance I refuse to say it is a viable science lol. the fact is that there are no records comprable to what we keep now what we call a hurracane back in the day was just a hardcore storm. so for all we know there could have been a 10 fold increce in sevaraty or it could have calmed down 10 fold no one knows nore will we for lack of data

posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 10:10 PM
There are records of Atlantic hurricanes for 500 years or so. There is no significant increase over time. Year-to-year fluctuations, and clustered years of several, but no long term trend up or down.

Pacific and Indian Ocean typhoon records go back thousands of years. Again, no long term trend.

If you look hard enough you can always find a 'scientist' who makes wild claims, and produces some cherry-picked data to validate his pronouncement. They do not constitute reliable evidence.

[edit on 25-3-2006 by dave_54]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 05:12 PM
Sorry about the delay getting back on this. I don't think links in this topic are necessary, just read the news. If you will notice in the original post, I said there "seemed" to be an increase. Also, I called the events "natural disasters". We very well could be in a cycle. I believe there are even cycles within cycles. However, none of that answers the original question in the slightest. Would the moon moving away from the earth at an inch per year have an affect on things such as ocean currents, earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, winds, etc..... I'm not proposing ANYTHING, I'm asking a question. Would like to hear from someone with a background or good knowledge of astronomy, oceanography, meterology, etc.....
Thanks for your input so far. I appreciate it.

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