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Limbaugh Confesses

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posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 02:56 PM

No more #ing excuses. So it's not just the left making up stuff after all. The right-wing talk show host queen has been exposed as a tremendous hypocrite.

So what's that you said about drug addicts Rush?

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Flinx

No more #ing excuses. So it's not just the left making up stuff after all. The right-wing talk show host queen has been exposed as a tremendous hypocrite.

So what's that you said about drug addicts Rush?


posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 03:06 PM
Oh, and enjoy your crow boys!

By "boys" I mean people here who defended Rush and said it was only tylenol. Heh....he made himself go deaf...

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 03:11 PM
Yes, I was just listening to 770 WABC AM here in NY and listened to him make the confession. Then i turned on MSNBC and they referenced that he was addicted to oxycontin, which is MUCH more addictive than heroin. More as it becomes available...

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 03:14 PM

Can we have that dance now?

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 03:14 PM
Last time I checked tylenol was a pain killer, so let's get that out of the way.

If he admits to having a problem then it must be true.

Before today all we had was the word of a mystery person against his, so I'm supposed to believe that?

I respect his honesty and surely expect that he will seek treatment for this.

But I cannot understand both your apparent glee for this.

If you are happy about being correct about something for a change then I can understand that because it doesn't happen much for either of you,

But to be happy about annother person's addiction I cannot see how that shows either of you in a favourable light.

For example if I knew that Bill Clinton was a coke addictict in the past I would feel some sympathy for him and the burden of his condition.

But I would be critical of his supporters for lying to protect him if they knew otherwise.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 03:15 PM
Oh give it up neo, this is our fun time, you had yours with clinton and now we shall play.

for the record....

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 03:20 PM
Never liked Limbaugh anyway. Well know he is the biggest hypocrit I ever saw in my life. But its good that he admitted it instead of spinning his way around it.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 03:23 PM
Rehab is for quitters!!!!

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 03:31 PM
As Travolta on Welcome Back, Kotter says"GIMME DRUUUUUGS. GIMME DRUUUUUGS!"

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 03:37 PM

as someone that is not in the least familiar with all or Rush's utterings, why do you say that he is a hypocrite on this 'issue?'

did he often rail against drug abuse?

not that that is unique for him though, know lots of elderly people that are pill poppers and drunks yet they love to rant and rave about pot smokers. Can't quite figure it out really. Seems endemic in that generation to me.

If you are for abstinance or moderate usage than you should mean it for yourself I would have to believe.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 03:41 PM
Now I told myself that the first neo-con to respond would mention Bill Clinton. But then I though, "Naw, they can't be THAT predictable". (sigh)

Anyway, if it was anyone else I'd feel sorry for them...but Limbaugh? No. After all of his moralizing, his higher-than-thou attitude, Rush is right, and his being down on so many groups of people (drug addicts included), I have no sympathy.

Got to admit that I'm surprised though. I seriously thought he was going to get away with it. I thought there was going to be that little blurb in the news and nothing more would come of it.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 03:45 PM
Slowly, ever so slowly, the veil is coming off the repugnants to show the ugly evil, hypocrisy, and lies that they represent.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 03:48 PM

don't know about you man but this new policy they have of 'coming clean' seems to be working good for them.

it steals the thunder from the left's picking through their garbage to find something rotten.

looks like they will have to stoop to a new 'all time low' inorder to find a new 'leg-up.'

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 04:03 PM
Now one of the principal perpetrators of the degradation of our society, and the trend of the obnoxious shouting to the masses full lies and half truths, has been outed for his hypocrisy...again.
Pity him? Why? His position has caused more damage by giving the Right Wing ( a.k.a. Check your Logic at the door crowd) 'beer balls' to spout nonsense and a daily forum for sewage.
And yes, I've read him & listened to the shows.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 04:07 PM
In the final analysis it is not what his enemies think of him that matters but those people that support him.

The court of public opinion will soon be in session.

But the left by resorting to lower and lower blows to prop itself up is facing one of two dilemmas here:

1. What they sow they could also reep.
2. Public opinion could turn on them.

for an example of 2. see recent election in California.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 04:26 PM
While a high brow eulogy for a muck raker has some salve value to the leaderless masses of the Right, linking a boomerang or blowback analogy to CA or future event is baseless.
CA is now looking at nearly a half million punch card votes gone missing had an Actor running in MOVIELAND, and is not a crucibal test for further coup d'etat.
Though, praise beejeebus, another group of Rich Right Wing radicals is trying to usurp the Wisconsin

And YOU wonder where blowback will be directed? Hope to see you in my fair city for the GOP convention!

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 04:44 PM

come now man, you expect that the Dem controlled CA would not punch cards to the benefit of Democrats in that last election?

sure I know a separte company did it but there was locals working there no?

I got a feeling that every election for the remaining history of the US will be faked according to somebody from the left.

what about elections from the past then? How many of them have been faked and by whom?

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 04:55 PM
You know, according to Bush, Rush aids the terrorists.....

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 04:58 PM
California was 'won' via a complicit media & an actor running in Movieland.
One debate, where the questions were given to the candidates before the debate. Now even in the days of the yellow press, you never would have had that allowed by true media...he would have been slammed for being an unknown who won't make himself known.
Same thing with Dim Son.

And as for Diebold, I guess it will take a one armed boxer out pointing his opponent for anyone from the RRW to call !FOUL!
They've scrubbed 100' s of thousands from the vote role or from voting in FLA., are being given the vote machines contract nationally and are smack dab in the middle of anothe tabulation fiasco.
When people start being Americans again and not Republicans first, maybe we'll get justice.

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