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Bogus standard for Men and Women (IMO)

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posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 12:31 PM
This is bogus!!! I just read this and was inflamed at the rediculous standards that we have in the US. How is it that rape is only bad if it involves an adult male and underaged female but it is ok if it is an adult female and an underaged male?

Read this:

Tell me it is fair. When did it all of a sudden become ok to pick and choose which laws we enforce? I'd like to hear from you all. What's up? Is this ok or bogus?

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 12:51 PM
because its about POWER, a male teacher has more POWER over a female pupil than a female teacher has over a male pupil...

And i doubt the male pupil was begging for the "25 year-old atractive blonde" to stop having sex with him.

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by noisy_brit_kid
because its about POWER, a male teacher has more POWER over a female pupil than a female teacher has over a male pupil...

And i doubt the male pupil was begging for the "25 year-old atractive blonde" to stop having sex with him.

Ok, I can understand that it is about power. My concern is that ANY teacher has power. Women may manipulate it differently but they are none the less powerful and influential in a males life regarless of position, much less in a position where she does indeed hold onto something he considers important (no not that)...his graduation deploma.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 01:02 AM
I don't really think it's as bad for an adult female to have sex with an underage male as it is vice versa. It's much more traumatizing for a female to be sexually harrassed by a male than the other way around.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 08:37 AM
I can see that. I mean, the whole penetration thing is invasive, but what I am talking here is double standards in the law of the land. Last time I checked there was no clause that went "if the raper is male..."

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 03:19 PM
I'm actually very surprised about the views so far.

Whatever makes you think men have more power over females, or that a sexual assult is worse for a female than a male - very strange!!.

Looking though at this particular case though I think it may have a lot to do with the ladies appearance, the old " a pretty thing like that, well he must have been gagging for it ", had she of been a fat hag the sentance may have been slightly different.

Maybe less of a man/women thing, rather attractive / unattractive.


posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 03:26 PM
all my teachers were hella fugly.

posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by noisy_brit_kid
because its about POWER, a male teacher has more POWER over a female pupil than a female teacher has over a male pupil...

And i doubt the male pupil was begging for the "25 year-old atractive blonde" to stop having sex with him.

They wouldn't like it. I am 14.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by noisy_brit_kid
because its about POWER, a male teacher has more POWER over a female pupil than a female teacher has over a male pupil...

And i doubt the male pupil was begging for the "25 year-old atractive blonde" to stop having sex with him.

So you are telling me that hot teacher had less power over some impressionable 14 year old kid?

Give me a break!

If a 14 year old girl consents, it's rape. If a 14 Y/O boy consents, he was being helped out by some teen age fantasy provider?

The FACT is, it's a double standard.

If a 14 year old consents, they consent - it shouldn't matter the sex.

Unless of course you think males are smarter, and more logical, and thus able to actually make choices while females are not. In that case, women should not be allowed to vote, hold jobs, or serve in the military either.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by ProudCanadian
I don't really think it's as bad for an adult female to have sex with an underage male as it is vice versa. It's much more traumatizing for a female to be sexually harrassed by a male than the other way around.

Why are girls "hurrassed" but guys aren't?

Frankly, I have been "harrassed" before. But because I am a guy it doesn't count? Because some ugly old broad is screaming "nice pecks hot stuff" it doesn't matter, but when some old guy screams "nice boobs hot stuff" to a cute girl he is harrassing her?

That is the definition of a double standard.

If someone agrees to have sex, it should be the same punishment, regardless of your sex.

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 04:26 PM
I agree.

Since when have you ever seen....

A spousal abuse charge against a female
A female indicted for rape
A female arrested for sexual harrassment

You just don't see it. Women get away with way too much stuff, and they expect it to be that way. However women also expect the same rights as men. It's rediculous and a double standard.

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