In general, if you want in-depth provocative news, it usually isn't going to be from the MSM, and a good reason to peruse ATS. So that leaves it up
to the bloggers, forums and people like us to push the envelope and seek solutions before seeking blame.
CSMonitor could be considered mainstream media:
Study alleges US sets aside own security interest for Israel's
This story is thoroughly hyperlinked with references.
A good read in regards to the anti-zionism view of things.
The Lobby
Why is American policy in the Middle East skewed in favor of Israel?
The Lobby's efforts to get us into war with Iraq are detailed, and the role played by the neocons within and outside the administration is examined
with unusual candor. The central role played by neoconservatives is described, and the timeline of their triumph is explained. While they had some
limited success in furthering their agenda of regime change in Iraq during the Clinton years, the authors describe 9/11 as the turning point. Key
individuals are named: Dick Cheney and his staff, especially the now-indicted [.pdf] Scooter Libby, and former Undersecretary of State for Policy
Douglas J. Feith, a co-author of the notorious "Clean Break" document. Without the Lobby, the authors conclude, the decision to go to war would have
been far less likely.
It isn't just regime change in Iraq that flowed directly from the Lobby's efforts, however: the entire project to effect a "democratic"
transformation of the Middle East via direct U.S. intervention owes its origins to the Lobby's relentless efforts. After Iraq, the efforts to target
Syria with sanctions and effect regime change in Iran were ratcheted up in Washington, in spite of the Bush administration's ambivalence. The
dominance of the Lobby in Washington means that we are fighting wars for Israel's sake, not our own. The Jewish state is protected, in spite of
whatever difficulties the U.S. military encounters in actually carrying out their project in the region, while Americans "do most of the fighting,
dying, rebuilding, and paying."
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
This article claims there won't be much of a rebuttal, considering it would give the story legs and then it might actually walk into the MSM.
Scholars' Attack on Pro-Israel Lobby Met With Silence -Forward
Officials at Jewish organizations are furious over "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," a new paper by John Mearsheimer, a top international
relations theorists based at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, the academic dean of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of
Government. In their report — versions of which appear on the Kennedy School Web site and in the March 26 issue of the London Review of Books —
the scholars depict "the Israel lobby" as a "loose coalition" of politicians, media outlets, research institutions, Jewish groups and Evangelical
Christians that steers America's Middle East policy in directions beneficial to Israel, even if it requires harming American interests.
Despite their anger, Jewish organizations are avoiding a frontal debate with the two scholars, while at the same time seeking indirect ways to rebut
and discredit the scholars' arguments. Officials with pro-Israel organizations say that given the limited public attention generated by the new study
— as of Tuesday most major print outlets had ignored it — they prefer not to draw attention to the paper by taking issue with it head on. As of
Wednesday morning, none of the largest Jewish organizations had issued a press release on the report.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Haaratz takes on a different angle as in Israel should learn to compromise.
A warning from
America -Haaretz Editorial
The conclusion that Israel can draw from the anti-Israel feeling expressed in the article is that it will not be immune for eternity. America's
unhesitating support for Israel and its willingness to restrain itself over all of Israel's mistakes can be interpreted as conflicting with
America's essential interests and are liable to prove burdensome. The fact that Israelis view the United States' support for and tremendous
assistance to Israel as natural causes excess complacence, and it fails to take into account currents in public opinion that run deep and are liable
to completely change American policy.
Instead of strengthening the Jewish and Israeli lobby and causing it to influence American policymakers to support Israel unreservedly, the Israeli
government must understand that the world will not wait forever for Israel to withdraw from the territories, and that the opinions expressed in the
article could take root in American politics if Israel does not change the political reality quickly. The unilateral withdrawal from Gaza did improve
Israel's standing in the world, especially in Europe, but that is not enough.
Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's plan to attempt to get widespread international support for the political program he will present, which is based
on a significant withdrawal in the West Bank and the evacuation of tens of thousands of settlers, is a wise and necessary step. It is impossible to
set a border with the Palestinians in a unilateral manner if it is not accepted at least by the United States and Europe. In Gaza, Israel withdrew to
an accepted international border, but in the West Bank, the intention is to maintain sovereignty over settlement blocs located in occupied
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
The Macro View: Profits above People, War, Blame, Hypocrisy and Growing Discontent
On the surface, these types of stories have increased dissent and abet global polarization while offering
no solutions. Increasing destructive animosity aids the designs and grand plans of the military industrial complex, and their recourse to most
problems is to ignore the intangibles, instigate war, sell arms and breed discontent. At the current rate of dissension and economic malaise, the
United States is headed for a collapse from within. The US populace still continues to blame outsiders or partisan opposition as it struggles with
multiple phases of denial. The elected US leaders continue to sell us out to foreign interests, trans-nationals and mega-conglomerates while the
masses practice unbridled consumerism and drive themselves deeper into debt. Lobbies are but a byproduct of the total rot in the "feed the greed"
America crowd of mass consumption, and self reflection has become imponderable reality to the masses.
So ask yourselves:
Who keeps seeking blame, while remaining void of introspection?
Who elected these incorrigible, corrupt, and debased leaders?
Who continues to support the ideological divide of the nation?
Who is in a state of financial ignorance and absent of frugality?
Who has condoned that safety is better than liberty?
Who keeps thinking the government will fix itself?
Who isn't marching on DC and demanding changes?
Who keeps falling for the same old dogmas and rhetoric?
Who keeps blaming the jew, while remaining irresponsible?
Change happens on the one person who you can actually effect change, yourself...
[edit on 23-3-2006 by Regenmacher]