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Are Your Pets Behaving Strangely?

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posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 09:32 PM
Thank You Aimless

I thought of that too, but the confusion she is having? I think that's it, the more I'm studying her, I'd say it has to be some sort of critter! Maybe something is under our deck that found a new home! Hopefully I will get down to the bottom of this.
Thank You for your reply, by the way, how in the world did they get inside the wall???

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 02:00 AM
Just because you live in the city is no protection from critters. Three raccoons moved into a shed in my back yard and one took a swing at me when I went to get some jars. My dogs got two of them by tearing down the fence to the deck and got the other one when my brother was trying to block the catwalk into the shed.
He, my brother, built a lot of little catwalks around the backyard with perches that my cat just loves. Also keeps her from being wallowed by the pups.
About 6 weeks ago a siren went off not too far from here and a bunch of coyotes sounded off down in the creek. I heard at least 5 yammering so guess there may have been as many as 6 or 7. Three nights later they got a little dog that a neighbor had chained outside. It was over quickly but the little guy never had a chance. Horrible! I went online to find if there was such a thing as "coyote repellent" and ordered Mountain Lion urine from "Critter ridders". I put a little out every 3 weeks or so and haven't heard any coyotes since then. I was afraid to let my cat out, they eat cats from choice.
Wildlife is under a lot of pressure with all the building that is going on so they are almost forced to forage in the city.
Find someway to get rid of the raccoons, they can carry rabies.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by AngelWings9999

I thought of that too, but the confusion she is having? I think that's it, the more I'm studying her, I'd say it has to be some sort of critter! Maybe something is under our deck that found a new home! Hopefully I will get down to the bottom of this.
Thank You for your reply, by the way, how in the world did they get inside the wall???

The confusion is relatively simple, if you look at it from the dog's POV. There's a noise, her job is to guard/protect, she can't find the source of the noise, so she can't identify if she should guard/ sets up a duality in a dog that will show up as confusion, fear, or anxiety.

As for how I discovered the 'Coon in my walls, since I do a ton of critter rescue (mostly cats, but often dogs and other "pets"), and since I had heard something I *knew* was a mammalian animal and not a slithering animal (since when did snakes coo??
), I put on the clothes and gloves I use with feral cats who're injured, and went under the house. My place has a 3 foot crawl space, rather than a slab foundation, so it wasn't hard; in through the grate and down towards to potty. Apparently, there was a hole she could crawl through and made a nest in a very warm spot - right next to the pipes (which got heated when I bathed). So she found a great spot to have the baby: nice, warm, and secure...Now, if only I could find the possum's hiding place...

As for you thinking you've got a critter, I'd check it out. If you can't fit under the deck, take a flash light and look for spoor (poop) and hollowed out spots (for sleeping). If you see something, DON'T APPROACH it. A cornered animal is often a really violent one. If it bothers you that it lives there, then call a humane trapper, and get it moved back to where it belongs. And then find how it got in, and block entries and exits.

Good luck!


posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 06:45 PM
My dog goes out the back door, but will then go around to the front door and sit there and scratch at the door until I let her in, even though the back door is still open. Haven't been able to figure that one out.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 07:15 PM
Hi Stompk

Gee that sounds familiar to what my dog is doing. I live in MA, what state do you live in? Just asking so we can see if any earthquakes are going to happen, then we know our pets are sensitive to that! Some are some are not! Time will tell though, but I'm going to check under my deck to see if any critter is nesting under there! Few years back their was a skunk, but Heidi my dog didn't mind that at all. I sure did, and called to have it removed!
So I don't think if their is something there, that it's a skunk. I'll let you know if I find anything. Take Care Everyone!

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 07:23 PM
we adopted a cat last year - Misty - and my real baby - shes been very independent most of the time we have had here - hence the adoption from her real family (i guess she wanted to be with us - and that suited her real owners - they are neighbours and we were able to talk about this) but this last week she has taken to sleeping on the sofa rather than on the landing or our daughters bed - seems to want to be close - any idea about this ?

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 05:59 PM
Hi silk, all my animals that I ever had all wanted to sleep with us, and hog the entire bed lol - my male dog especially is a one on one 24/7 dog. Meaning he wants to be held as if he was a real baby, All The Time lol - unless of course he is eating, or playing, or the need to go outside!
But in Bed he lays on his back, and all sprawled out, Thank God my dogs are little, but they still hog quite a bit of room lol. Snores like a trooper too! lol To me that is them just thinking they are like us, Human All The Way! LOL They don't know they are a Dog!

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:55 PM

Our neighbor's dog has been barking almost all day long. I've been going out to see if there are any people in the front, thinking she's barking at another homeless person pushing a cart. But there has been no one around every time I go out and check. Just seems she has been a little more sensitive today, that's all.

We also live in the San Francisco bay area, and I have been a little concerned about some minor quakes in the area, particullary the ones that have hit near the Hayward Fault.

God Bless.

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